Thursday, June 20, 2024

Iraqi dinar | | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | dinar news

Coffee with MarkZ. and Andy Schectman (ENGLISH AND SPANISH), 20 JUNE

 Coffee with MarkZ. and Andy Schectman. 19/06/2019

Member: Happy June 16th everybody!.
Member: Did you all know that today is International Ride Day?.
Member: Stock market closed today for June 16th
Member: Good Morning Mark Z.... counting my foreign currency... ready to hit the bank! What do you say?!
MZ: Not much news overnight... but I don't take it as a bad thing. Saving the Iraq news for when MilitiaMa joins us.. Not an urgent topic, but a fascinating deep dive into tariff possibilities. I hope you share it in greater detail.
MZ: Just talked to Militiaman, he's working on a video.. If you can make it, you can join us tonight.. if not, you are scheduled to join us tomorrow morning. Interesting things are happening in Iraq. Things are definitely pointing to something sooner than later.
MZ: Bond news continues to be confusing. I have yet to have a confirmed bond payment from any individual bond holder. There are many rumors from other countries that don't make sense to me. Makes sense that they go at the same time... not randomly like in Columbia or Zurich before its launch in Reno, etc.
Member: This can only last much longer. Bond people can only be held for a while, until it is no longer possible. What's just around the corner. How many more news can there be? That's the question
Member: Charlie Ward has said time and time again that the collapse has to happen first.
Member: Phil G. I had a very interesting podcast last night. Something BIG will happen soon. B O R I N G !
Member: Phil said a BOOM in July, I don't know what the BOOM is, but there it is.
MZ: "Brazil's massive tax changes will affect consumers who are already struggling" They are considering a VAT (value added tax) of 27.5% in Brazil. They say it will replace other taxes. They say it will be more efficient. But this will be difficult for the overwhelming masses of Brazil.
Member: Q: The 15 days have passed so is the budget legally in place? Thank you!
MZ: Unfortunately, there is nothing in the bulletin yet.
Member: Tomorrow is the summer solstice, from darkness to light.
Member: Let's keep this loop going. We get excited then get disappointed. It's frustrating at best.
Member: Don't you just love roller coaster? Don't move on. it's a choice
Member: We just need to take a breath and know it's going to happen. As Mark says, we don't know when it will happen.
Member: Today is the present, yesterday is the past and tomorrow is not promised, but we must keep moving forward to make it a better place!
Member: Thanks Mark & Andy.. everyone have a great day today. Maybe some good news on recreational vehicles tonight?

Café con MarkZ. y Andy Schectman. 19/06/2019 Miembro: ¡Feliz 16 de junio a todos!. Miembro: ¿Sabían todos que hoy es el Día Internacional del Viaje en Bicicleta? Miembro: Mercado de valores cerrado hoy por 16 de junio Miembro: Buenos días Mark Z... contando mi moneda extranjera... ¡listo para ir al banco! ¡¿Qué dices?! MZ: No hay muchas noticias de la noche a la mañana... pero no lo tomo como algo malo. Guardando las noticias de Irak para cuando MilitiaMa se una a nosotros. No es un tema urgente, sino una inmersión profunda y fascinante en las posibilidades arancelarias. Espero que lo compartas con mayor detalle. MZ: Acabo de hablar con Militiaman, está trabajando en un vídeo... Si puedes asistir, puedes unirte a nosotros esta noche... si no, estás programado para unirte a nosotros mañana por la mañana. En Irak están sucediendo cosas interesantes. Definitivamente las cosas apuntan a algo más temprano que tarde. MZ: Las noticias sobre bonos siguen siendo confusas. Todavía no he recibido un pago de bonos confirmado por parte de ningún titular de bonos individual. Hay muchos rumores de otros países que para mí no tienen sentido. Tiene sentido que vayan al mismo tiempo... no al azar como en Columbia o Zurich antes de su lanzamiento en Reno, etc. Miembro: Esto sólo puede durar mucho más. Las personas Bond sólo pueden ser retenidas por un tiempo, hasta que ya no sea posible. Lo que está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¿Cuántas novedades más puede haber? Esa es la pregunta Miembro: Charlie Ward ha dicho una y otra vez que el colapso tiene que ocurrir primero. Miembro: Phil G. Anoche tuve un podcast muy interesante. Algo GRANDE sucederá pronto. ABURRIDO ! Miembro: Phil dijo un BOOM en julio, no sé qué es el BOOM, pero ahí está. MZ: "Los enormes cambios fiscales en Brasil afectarán a los consumidores que ya están pasando apuros" Están considerando un IVA (impuesto al valor agregado) del 27,5% en Brasil. Dicen que reemplazará a otros impuestos. Dicen que será más eficiente. Pero esto será difícil para las abrumadoras masas de Brasil. Miembro: P: Han pasado 15 días, ¿está el presupuesto legalmente vigente? ¡Gracias! MZ: Lamentablemente todavía no hay nada en el boletín. Miembro: Mañana es el solsticio de verano, de la oscuridad a la luz. Miembro: Sigamos con este ciclo. Nos emocionamos y luego nos decepcionamos. Es, en el mejor de los casos, frustrante. Miembro: ¿No te encanta la montaña rusa? No sigas adelante. es una elección Miembro: Sólo necesitamos tomar un respiro y saber que va a suceder. Como dice Mark, no sabemos cuándo sucederá. Miembro: Hoy es el presente, el ayer es el pasado y el mañana no está prometido, ¡pero debemos seguir avanzando para convertirlo en un lugar mejor! Miembro: Gracias Mark y Andy... que todos tengan un gran día hoy. ¿Quizás esta noche haya buenas noticias sobre los vehículos recreativos?



 Article:   "Iraq is preparing to establish a project that will change the oil map.. Will it affect energy producers?" 

 If you change the oil map, you change the exchange rate/the value of the currency of Iraq. 

 Quote:  "Iraq's financial budget for the current year included the new pipeline project at an amount estimated at approximately 6.5 billion Iraqi dinars ($4.9 billion)"

  I don't need to go any further than that...1.32 is what the citizens of Iraq are potentially in a position to receive.  This article proves that there's a different rate in the budget...


The investment law is being passed.  You'll see it very soon.  They have no choice. Sudani is extremely happy about it because that's how you're going to be able to get these new contract with the new exchange rate.

What is the time of the float? ...I want to watch the float.  I want to calculate exactly just when I want to go ahead and exchange the rest of my dinar.  Here's the problem.  In the same manner they are giving [Firefly/Iraq citizens] a specific amount of time to turn them in, they will give us a specific amount of time to turn them in

Did you see...Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics?  This is extremely important part of the monetary reform...They know it's no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

Things are going perfect.  Everything is moving with such perfection that no one can do anything about this right now.

 How much time will they [Iraqi citizens] have to trade in 3 zero notes

 [Boot's on the ground Firefly's bank friend] told Firefly you're going to be given a short amount of time to exchange your Iraqi dinar.  This is the very first time ever that we have information from a very good source [saying] you're going to have a specific amount of time to trade in your 3 zero notes.

Iraqi Dinar | Breaking News: Iraq Installs Thousands of ATMs for Histori...



Now that the budget schedules for 2024 are passed and published we begin to see the details of some of the largest projects coming out in the news.
The largest project that Iraq is undertaking is the new oil pipeline.
You can read of the $4.9 billion dollar pipeline under the title of “IRAQ IS PREPARING TO ESTABLISH A PROJECT THAT WILL CHANGE THE OIL MAP. WILL IT AFFECT ENERGY PRODUCERS?”
But just let me add that this article’s news is so amazing for many reasons.
Let me address these reasons today and how it will impact the timing of the RV we are all looking for.
Then, let me say that when this article came out in the same news period another article popped out about details of a memorandum of understanding signed with the American company Honeywell to develop 7 more refineries in Iraq, and while it indicated the Prime Minister’s directive to prepare a study to establish a pipeline network adjacent to the development road, it revealed projects that will enter service soon related to raising refining capacity.
So, knowing all this what oil do you think they will be refining with all this new refining capability?
Of cure it is so obvious, it will be the oil pouring from the pipelines already in Iraq as they can then divert the new oil from the new oil pipelines to be constructed for exporting.
Folks, they just told us they will be expanding their oil capacity that may very well exceed even the Saudi’s.
Iraq will also be selling these refined oil products to the rest of the middle east and probably Europe and the US.
How much more revenue will Iraq generate before they finally give us the new rate?
I can also add to this list the Dr Shabibi plan to get to the reinstatement.
Remember that the RV we are looking for is only a byproduct of the reforms needed as stated in the White Paper.
To get to the reinstatement (and back to FOREX) they must first reform these three sectors – banking, insurance and stock/securities markets.
There is no laundry list of items.
It is simply a matter of regaining their sovereignty and getting to a position that the CBI has already determined to where they can then execute the Project to Delete the Zeros and we know the rest of the story once they do this.
We will not be able to exchange until the OFAC sanctions are lifted on the US banks for the Iraqi dinar.
Yes, like you I can see that it should already be done, but that is my thinking not the CBIs.
Yes, there is a plan in place and there is nothing we can do but relax, sit back and watch the show.
Remember we were told to look for the beginning of the educational program for the project to delete the zeros sometime in the month of June, if nothing changed.
So, I want to see if we are still on track since it is June 18th already.
I would not hold your breath and wait for January 2025, since all the signs are pointing now to much, much sooner than later.
I almost forgot to mention the “icing on the cake” for today’s news.
It’s about the huge ATM installation and testing going on in Iraq.
Why is this so important?
We were told by the CBI not too long ago the significance of that the ATMs role will play in the Project to Delete the Zeros.
Folks its all interconnected.
Once to get everyone, or near everyone, on the electronic banking their pay checks will go to “direct deposit”.
You probably have your paycheck electronically deposited too from your employer.
To get petty cash they will need the ATM machines.
At this time the petty cash will be set to the newer lower denominations post delete the zeros.
Do they have to RV to make the budget work?
If you take what the prime minister told us about the dropping of the zeros in his news in an April 2023 article, we can see that taking the 1320 rate and dropping the 3 zeros makes it $1.32.
If we take the 6.5 billions dinars allocated for the new pipeline construction it is actually about $4.9 billion dollars.
If we divide 6.5 billion dinars / 4.9 billion dollars, we get USD 1 = IQD1.32 or IQD 1 = USD0.76.
Do they need the change in rate to build the pipeline?
What about the other projects too like the 7 new refineries?
Does this tie back to the budget as a whole also needing the change in effective exchange rate?
Just saying as it is too weird and coincidental.
But if it does they will have to get their act in gear real soon, as they also told us they plan to begin this new pipeline now NOT in 2025.
Also how do they plan to pay for the 7 new refineries?
They did not tell us how much these will cost but you can guess it is in the billions too.
Al-Rafidain Bank has begun deploying ATM machines in its main branches
The bank indicated in a statement, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, that the devices will be successively deployed in institutions, commercial areas and malls, in implementation of its strategic objectives in enhancing the spread of the bank’s services in accordance with Al-Rafidain’s strategy to enhance financial inclusion and provide the best services to its customers.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………… FIRST MYACCOUNT ATM TO BE INSTALLED IN SULAIMANI
(I told everyone this was coming soon.
The GOI wants to use debit cards to pay salaries and govt benefits to employees.
This means they will have to electronically send over the money to the bank accounts much like we do in the west now.
This is a debit card project like a checking account but a debit card instead of writing checks just as you have at your bank.
The ATM machines are also an integral part of this plan and we were told over a year ago now that the ATMs are part of the Project to Delete the Zeros.
If you think about it (not too long) you can see how it all fits together.
Just the FACT that they are installing these ATMs tells me they are not going to a totally cashless society but just catching up to the rest of the modern world.
When all the pieces are in place they are going to move ahead with the project and delete the zeros.)
In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG), more than 25,000 civil servants received their April salaries via their MyAccount master cards, and the number is expected to grow for the May salary.
Kurdistan24 Reporter Aram Bakhtiar on Friday stated that the first set of ATMs will be installed outside the Sulaimani Municipality as part of the MyAccount project.
In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG), more than 25,000 civil servants received their April salaries via their MyAccount master cards, and the number is expected to grow for the May salary.
Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on May 31, in a post on X called for Kurdistan Region civil servants to continue registering for the MyAccount initiative.
The government’s Department of Information Technology (DIT) designed, tested, piloted, and implemented a secure application for onboarding KRG civil servants into the program in line with the Central Bank of Iraq’s Know-Your-Customer (KYC) needs, according to a press release previously shared with Kurdistan24.
Eight banks have so far taken part in the project, including BBAC, Cihan, RT Bank, Bank of Baghdad, Iraqi Islamic Bank, National Bank of Iraq, Trade Bank of Iraq, and the International Development Bank.
MyAccount project is the KRG’s financial inclusion program which aims to “provide public sector beneficiaries with a safe and convenient way to access their salaries.”



[via PDK]

  I do not think we will see the Iraqi dinar float.    I believe they have been clear they want to retain value and peg it to assets. But, I could be wrong.



 Iraqi PM Sudani has announced on Iraqi RV that before the end of the holiday, which was this Wed. 19,  June, that the Iraqi citizens will have their new exchange rate, access to new ATM's and the lower denominations.

Question:  Are all currencies going to float? IQD, dong...etc…?    MarkZ:  I would not look for much of a float because we are supposed to peg to assets...

Comment:  An intel guru...says Iraq is following Dr Shabibis plan to a T.  MarkZ: They are. The plan was to increase the value, put lower denominations in circulation, and put the larger notes we hold in the banks for foreign reserves. Shabibi planned it all out and told us what would happen.

 I do feel comfortable saying it has started…we are seeing movement…My understanding may be a little off as to how they are executing it...It’s been pretty quiet from Iraq sources over the weekend. They seem to finish things first over there and then tell us.....FOR READ MORE:

Iraqi Dinar | Iraqi PM's Announcement Sparks Excitement | New Exchange R...