Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Mon. 17 June 2024 Wolverine: “It’s definitely happening, Guys. Bond Holders are getting paid. The Pentecostal Group is supposed to be paid. It’s a big process, millions of people. It started to roll out in June, will go through July and be finished by mid August.”

Sun. 16 June 2024 Wolverine: “Guys I’ve just been informed that a meeting just ended that confirmed Bond People are being paid their 1% and Whales are travelling to Reno and some are already there. Notifications are coming. Get ready everyone, it’s going to be a massive week.”


Looks like things are kicking off – I had three different intel saying Zurich has started. People are receiving notifications and having contracts signed, some are under NDA and will be waiting for their blessing by next week.  If you say that is not true, it is because it is not yet your turn. It is a process. 


“Dear Mr XXY, I hope you have a good day. I would like to inform you of the good news soon. In addition to exclusively positive news, we can now see an amazingly positive bustle in the market. All official buyers are working feverishly to prepare files for settlement, and this month we can see the first ones. HARP first settles all types of dragons and HK-$, but only a few days later with German bonds and then currencies. What is important now is peace of mind on the part of the environment and, above all, intermediaries, confidential cooperation with the protection of all security interests, as well as good direct cooperation and communication between the sellers and Mr XY and/and you. 

As previously stated,: If you are contacted by any unknown party, please note their name and contact details, do not provide any information or sign anything.

Now is the time when many criminal individuals and organizations will try to obtain data. 

Carpathia also heard from a source who has an associate in Zurich! 

Yesterday, the telegram channels blew up when one of the leaders of the Pentecostal group on a YouTube video

People were overjoyed, emotional and I had hundreds of private messages coming to me, What’s App was blowing up… people were full of Joy. What we received is they have gone liquid.  It is purely liquid now and now they are on the verge of releasing those funds right now. 

Soon we will get messages to come through to be ready. 

I was quite emotional, because I am in that platform, soon I will be signing that NDA, but when that happens, I am sorry, you will not hear from me because I will have to shut down, but it depends on what the NDA says, what you can and cannot say, but if I cannot talk about Intel I cannot do the live chat, but If I can talk about it, I will do more live chats.  

I received another message from Brazil. 

They received their contracts, signed their NDA and they are waiting for their blessing.  One person from Colombia called me and said:

 “Wolvie, Wolvie, I received the email!  Oh my God, I received my email! This person has had a very hard time and barely able to survive and he was praising God that this was to finally come through. He will receive those funds by next week.   

I am not hearing much from Reno. Hopefully, I will get some news coming from there. The admiral needs to go first, so we will get news for the 4 A group, that is a private for that group, so the Admiral needs to go first.  

Notifications should be coming out - HOLD ON


Just received a message that HE just received his blessing!)   There you go guys, just got a pop-up message! It is a special code that describes his blessing. 

If you are a bondholder that registered with a group, it is coming your way as soon as they arrange payout for all of their members.

For the 4B, for currency/bonds, we just need those notifications.  

I am sure we will receive those notifications for currency on the weekend. 

I am very positive we will receive that notification. 

Some are asking about "why cell phone notifications"? 

That is for bondholders in groups.  

The leaders will have phone numbers for their members and send texts to all members. There is a different set up with different groups. 

In my group we have emails, most have emails.

Wolverine via Carpathia


Coffee with MarkZ. 06/18/2024

Iraq Seeks to Boost Economic Ties with Lebanon, Syria, 18 JUNE

  Iraq Seeks to Boost Economic Ties with Lebanon, Syria

The head of Iraq's National Investment Commission (NIC), Dr. Haidar Mohammed Makkiya, has met with the Lebanese Minister of Economy and Trade, Mr. Amin Salam. During the meeting, Makiya affirmed Iraq's desire to expand cooperation in the investment sector.

The NIC chairman stated that the Iraqi government aims to achieve integration in economic and trade relations between Iraq and regional countries, including Lebanon.

The meeting included discussion of the project to rehabilitate the existing oil pipelines between Syria and Lebanon, with investment funding by the Iraqi side, while safeguarding the sovereignty of both countries and working on extending an Arab optical fiber communications network.

He added that the commission works to provide an attractive investment environment for businessmen and foreign investors through the implementation of the amended Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, which guarantees investors' rights. The law also offers necessary advantages and facilities to ensure the success of investment projects.

For his part, the Lebanese minister expressed his government's readiness for joint work to develop the sector in vital areas.  link


  Sandy Ingram  

 Traveling to realize your IQD profits - People in high places reprimanded [me] for saying this...Iraq...could print new money.  That would mean that you, I, anyone would need to travel if allowed to exchange your Iraqi dinar bank notes for the new currency like Zimbabwe did.

  They gave the world two weeks to make the exchange.  In Zimbabwe's case  it did not matter if you were a citizen or not.  If you showed up with the old currency...then you received the new ZIG currency.   Could we be so lucky with Iraq...We must be smart about how we look at our Could options.  We may not have a choice.  We may have to travel.


 The Central Bank of Iraq denied issuing a new  currency denomination.  The decision highlights the bank's confidence in the strength and stability of the Iraqi dinar, Even as other economies toy with the idea of introducing new denominations..

 No one in the Middle East wants big daddy America to make Iraq wealthy. Oh, wait, Iraq is already wealthy.  It's just a matter of maximizing, investing and building the infrastructure for long-term wealth...It's only a matter of time before Iraq opens the gates to massive success .

Last week marked a sensational milestone for the central bank of Iraq.  In a stunning financial twist, foreign remittance sales skyrocketed by a whopping 90%, surpassing cash sales by over $252 million...The majority of these sales...were strategically utilized to bolster balances abroad through remitt..FOR READ MORE: https://dinarevaluation.blogspot.com/2024/06/rv-update-by-sandy-ingram-11-june.html 


 No one in the Middle East wants big daddy America to make Iraq wealthy. Oh, wait, Iraq is already wealthy.  It's just a matter of maximizing, investing and building the infrastructure for long-term wealth...It's only a matter of time before Iraq opens the gates to massive success.
Last week marked a sensational milestone for the central bank of Iraq.  In a stunning financial twist, foreign remittance sales skyrocketed by a whopping 90%, surpassing cash sales by over $252 million...The majority of these sales...were strategically utilized to bolster balances abroad through remittances and credits.  By regulating the flow of foreign currency the central bank instills robust confidence managing Iraq's balance of payments.  
A [Community member] wrote and then deleted the following comment in response to...the results of the emergency budget meeting, 'The rate is still 1310 for the next budget....for read more:


CHELLA: Iraqi Dinar News Relax & Reset

Al-Badri: America is using pressure cards to maintain the presence of its forces in Iraq, 18 JUNE

  Al-Badri: America is using pressure cards to maintain the presence of its forces in Iraq

 Political analyst Saeed Al-Badri said on Monday that Washington continues to use pressure cards against Baghdad in order to perpetuate the presence of its forces inside Iraq and the region.

Al-Badri told Al-Maalouma, “The American administration has no seriousness in removing its forces from Iraq, as it is using pressure cards in order to perpetuate the presence of its forces in Iraqi camps and lands.”

He added, "The government's position must be clear by dropping the pressure cards used by the American administration."

He stated that "the presence of American forces inside Iraq raises concern, and is considered a destabilizing factor for the entire region."  link



 [via PDK]  

 I do feel comfortable saying it has started…we are seeing movement…My understanding may be a little off as to how they are executing it...It’s been pretty quiet from Iraq sources over the weekend. They seem to finish things first over there and then tell us.


Question:  Is it necessary for Iraq to publish the rate in the budget before we make appointments?  MarkZ:  I do not think it’s necessary. I believe they will try to keep the rate private as long as possible like what they did with Kuwait.

 Question:  I saw that Iraq has holidays coming up. Would this slow them down releasing the rates? MarkZ:   Everytime we have looked in the past we saw Kuwait revalued during Ramadan…. Iraq revalued in the early 70’s during a holiday. I wouldn’t be too worried about those things.

 It certainly appears to be the “Perfect Storm” right now...

 [Referencing Mike Bara post below, 6-14-2024]   Revaluating? I thought this was important...I had sat down with some bankers who wanted to run through scenarios with me and my currency and train some people. And that was the exact term they used in banking then. It is going to revaluate…Its revaluating. That is the terms the banks use. They do not say RV or that it’s going to revalue. Its revaluating.
