Monday, June 17, 2024

Iraq criticizes US Ambassador nominee's remarks on internal affairs, 17 JUNE

Iraq criticizes US Ambassador nominee's remarks on internal affairs

Shafaq News / An Iraqi security advisor has criticized comments made by Tracey Ann Jacobson, the nominee for US ambassador to Iraq, during her Senate hearing, saying they were inappropriate for her diplomatic role.

"We listened to the hearing of the nominee for the position of US Ambassador to Iraq, and it showed a clear lack of understanding of the new, recovering Iraq, with interference in its internal affairs and offense to its neighbors," Khaled Al-Yaqoubi, the security advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, stated on X.

Al-Yaqoubi added that Jacobson should be aware that her remarks do not align with the responsibilities of her prospective position and that her mission should adhere strictly to international agreements and treaties.

He hoped Jacobson's performance would enhance the positive relations between the two countries, especially as Iraq and the United States work towards strengthening their bilateral ties and honoring the sacrifices made to defeat terrorism.

Jacobson, who President Joe Biden nominated to replace Alina Romanowski, emphasized her gratitude to President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken for their confidence in her nomination during her opening statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. She pledged to work closely with the committee to advance US interests in Iraq.

With over 30 years of experience in the State Department, including previous ambassadorial roles in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kosovo, Jacobson highlighted her qualifications to enhance US interests in Iraq. She stressed the importance of protecting American citizens and strengthening the US-Iraq partnership to support shared strategies.

Jacobson highlighted the need to bolster Iraq's security and sovereignty, acknowledging that the threat of ISIS remains in the region. She also noted the critical support provided by the US military to Iraqi security forces and the Peshmerga in Kurdistan, stating that it is time for the US military to transition to a new role focused on defeating ISIS and ensuring Iraq's security.

Jacobson pointed out that fostering Iraq's relationships with its neighbors is crucial, praising steps taken by Prime Minister Al-Sudani in this regard. She highlighted the importance of economic development and efficient governance in reducing terrorism's appeal and diminishing the influence of Iran-aligned groups, which she identified as a significant threat to Iraq's future.

In her remarks, Jacobson also pledged to support Treasury Department efforts to modernize Iraq's banking system and prevent Iran from using gas supplies as leverage against Iraq.

Jacobson warned of Iran's destabilizing activities in the region, emphasizing that Iran-backed groups pose a substantial risk to Iraq's stability. She committed to using all available political means to counter this threat and limit Iran's influence.

Jacobson's commitment to enhancing key sectors such as energy and banking aims to achieve Iraq's independence from external interference and integrate it into the global system for sustainable development and economic stability.

Her testimony precedes the Senate vote on her appointment, marking a strategic shift in US foreign policy toward the Middle East. Jacobson concluded by affirming her dedication to protecting US interests and working towards the stability and security of Iraq if confirmed.

In January 2024, President Biden announced his intent to nominate Tracy Ann Jacobson as the US Ambassador to Iraq.



Looking forward to the bankers call this morning, with all the smoke over the last 24 hours it should be interesting.


After 4 days of dead silence there appears to be something underway tonight even though it is just after 4 AM in country, will report ASAP after I can learn what is happening.


Folks there are numerous rumors the new IQD rate in country is to be announced and published in the newspaper in the morning and it is 05 32 there presently, bug this may be our start, but again maybe not, so stay tunned.


Will open tomorrow for your comments as well as any upday.

Iraqi Dinar✅It's Amazing IMF Confirmed IQD RV Today 2024 / IQD RV / Iraq...

Iran launches project to boost oil production from shared Yadavaran field, 17 June

Iran launches project to boost oil production from shared Yadavaran field

Shafaq News / Iran has announced the commencement of a project to increase oil production from the Yadavaran oil field, which it shares with Iraq, aiming to produce an additional 42,000 barrels of oil per day with an investment of $350 million.

The field had been practically shut down since 2016, but the execution phase for drilling 24 wells in the Yadavaran field began on Friday. Contracts related to the drilling of these wells were signed at the International Oil Industry Exhibition. 

The project is divided into three contracts, with a total value of approximately $350 million.

The plan involves drilling the wells in the Fahliyan and Sarvak layers, with 12 wells designated for each layer, over a span of 24 months. This initiative aims to sustain and increase the field's daily production by 42,000 barrels.

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji emphasized that the ministry will not wait for foreign companies, which had executed the first phase of Yadavaran field development, and will commence the second phase using local resources starting next week.

Yadavaran is one of Iran's largest shared oil fields with neighboring countries, located 70 kilometers southwest of Ahvaz and north of Khorramshahr, in the geographical area of Kushk and Hoseiniyeh.



Here is the list of countries that will join BRICS:

* Africa:
* Algeria;
* Morocco;
* Nigeria;
* Chad;
* Equatorial Guinea;
* Eritrea;
* Senegal;
* Zimbabwe;
* South Sudan.
* Asia:
* Azerbaijan;
* Bangladesh;
* Bahrain;
* Indonesia;
* Kazakhstan;
* Kuwait;
* Palestine;
* Pakistan;
* Syria;
* Thailand;
* Vietnam;
* Sri Lanka;
* Türkiye.
* Latin America:
*  Bolivia;
* Venezuela;
*  Honduras.

BRICS Summit October 2024


Hello, World!

Figure Technology Solutions has launched Figure Connect, its blockchain-based marketplace for private credit. Outside of the qualified mortgage sector, most loan purchase agreements (LPAs) are bespoke, making them illiquid. Figure’s is promoting the use of standardized sales terms and documentation to make the market more liquid.   Ledger Insights   Figure Technology Solutions


Bitcoin Suisse, one of the largest digital asset players in the country, has issued a digital bond via the Obligate platform. When asked for more details about the bond, Bitcoin Suisse told Ledger Insights that it is a technical prototype with a 12 month maturity, available only to qualified investors.
Ledger Insights    Bitcoin Suisse


Marui, the large Japanese department store, issued a digital green bond in May. Not only did it use blockchain, but it was also directly issued to its customers as investors, with Securitize Japan providing the blockchain platform. Besides the digital bond, the green investment also has a blockchain angle.

It was a small digital bond issuance of just Yen 170 million ($1.1 million) with the investment available to Marui’s EPOS credit card holders. The 1% interest on the bond is partially paid in EPOS points and partly in real money.

The bond proceeds are intended to purchase a renewable energy power plant, although the small print also allows for energy-efficient building upgrades. Marui is partnering with Updater (formerly Minna Denryoku or Minden) for the renewable energy plant.

Updater has a blockchain-based platform, Enection 2.0, which tracks the source of renewable energy, allowing business buyers to pair electricity sales with energy attribute certificates (EACs) for green energy.  Ledger Insights   Marui   Enection 2.0   Digital Bond


BIS launches Toronto Innovation Hub - Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise


Testimony of Chairman Rostin Behnam Before the Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate | CFTC


✅Revaluation process Happening And Budget Done/ iqd / iraqi dinar news t...

Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, 17 JUNE

Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has issued a new 18-page report titled, ‘Climate Vulnerability Assessment in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq‘.

The report featured various focuses:

Climate change and environmental degradation are presenting Iraq, including the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), with a number of challenges, including rising temperatures, shifting patterns of rainfall, severe droughts, a lack of water, and frequent sand and dust storms.
Water management policies, faulty or inefficient water infrastructure, population growth, rising water demand, and resource-intensive irrigation practices all exacerbate these issues.
There is an absence of committed information and examination explicitly for the KRI, notwithstanding its particular environment, geology, and practices contrasted with focal and southern Iraq.
The KRI’s reliance on rain-fed agriculture makes it susceptible to climate change-related shifts in rainfall patterns, putting the livelihoods of farmers, livestock farmers, and fishermen in jeopardy.
Rainfall reduction may reduce agricultural yields and herd sizes, leading to financial losses and the abandonment of some families’ livelihoods.
To address this data hole and backing information driven programming, the Global Association for Movement’s (IOM) Uprooting Following Framework (DTM) in Iraq directed a quick, multi-sectoral evaluation across 804 areas in 3 governorates, 20 locale, and 71 sub-regions in KRI.
The challenges of displacement, environmental hazards, irrigation water supply, livelihoods, coping mechanisms, and tensions and conflicts over natural resources were all covered in the assessment.

Click here to download the full report.