Friday, June 7, 2024

The Iraqi National Bank: We Do Not Deal With Companies Suspended By The Central Bank, 7 JUNE

 The Iraqi National Bank: We Do Not Deal With Companies Suspended By The Central Bank

June 6, 2024 Last updated: June 6, 2024   Independent/- The National Bank of Iraq confirmed that it does not deal with companies that the Central Bank of Iraq has stopped from entering the window for buying and selling foreign currency, pointing out that

 this comes in compliance with international standards for combating money laundering.

 The bank said in a statement,

“This confirmation is based on the National Bank of Iraq’s firm commitment to good governance and full transparency in implementing the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq, and the bank’s keenness to apply the highest international standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.”

 Commenting on this decision, the bank’s authorized director, Ayman Abu Dhaim, stressed the importance of adhering to the principles of good governance as a basic pillar in all of the bank’s activities, saying:

 “We believe that good governance enhances trust with our customers and partners, and contributes to enhancing financial and economic stability.

Transparency in implementing the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq represents an integral part of our strategy to maintain the integrity of banking operations.”  Abu Dhaim explained,

 “The National Bank of Iraq adheres to the highest international standards in combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and follows strict procedures in auditing all financial transactions and verifying the sources of funds to ensure that they are not used in illegal activities.

 It also works to regularly update its systems to comply with best practices.” International and the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq.

 Abu Dhaim pointed out  “the importance of the due diligence procedures followed by the bank to ensure the safety of customer funds and companies’ assets,” and said:

 “We are keen to implement due diligence procedures accurately, as we periodically examine transactions and ensure their compliance with national and international standards.”

 These measures contribute to enhancing confidence in our financial system and ensuring the safety of our customers’ funds.”  Abu Dhaim stressed,

 “The National Bank of Iraq places the interest of the national economy and the safety of the banking sector at the top of its priorities, and that

 its commitment to the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq comes within the framework of this keenness to enhance financial stability and combat illegal practices.”الأهلي-العراقي-لا-نتعامل-مع-الشركات-ال/    


 💢 Latest from TNT Tony 6.7.24 

💢The Iraqi budget is supposed to be recorded in the Gazette tomorrow, and the rate should appear by Sunday. The banks received instructions yesterday.


💢 Special THANKS to beautiful Carpathia, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, for transcription of TNT latest update. Sharing for informational purposes for those who are interested. 6.3.24 

💢 Carpathia:  I listened to the TNT Tony call to try to get more context about the budget and timing. This is a short transcript of the call: ➡️📨 PER TONY: "It was supposed to happen Saturday night, but then it was to happen on Sunday due to a hiccup, and it is supposed to happen tonight.  So the real deal is that it did not go on Sunday, because the finance committee did not do their part in Iraq, did not do their vote.

 There was a small hiccup.  But as I have sent out on Twitter, the Vote has gone through the finance committee and vote has gone through the House of Representatives. Those are the things we wanted to see. We are hoping to see a rate, we know there is a new rate, and we know it is going through. All banks are HIGH HIGH alert. They were told yesterday, but it took some time, as some bank contacts called me last evening and some in the morning, that they were all put on high alert starting last night through Thursday morning. 

They said by Thursday morning, definitely,, you are going to have people walking in your door, a bunch of brand new customers (that was yesterday). Talking to them today, they do have pending rates and some of them are saying we are waiting right now to be notified of the release of the 800 numbers. Let's hope it happens. 

 The Federal Reserve said they were just called in within the last hour. Everyone is to report to their station. Right now as we speak.  With all this excitement, everything is pending, and I will give praise where praise is due, Ray has been telling you guys about the Venezuelan Bolivar, rate predictions, right now, rate prediction for Bolivar on screen right now is 0.36 and is climbing.   Ray predicts between 22 and 55. It is at 0.36 and climbing right now. It is on the bank screen at this time. 

  Today is a good day.  We have nothing to do but wait for the announcement. They are passing out money in Iraq. Activating projects.  We are at a good time. We just have to wait.  Not sure if it is 72 minutes or 72 hours. The rate has not been announced there yet, but maybe they wait till Wednesday for the Gazette.  But everyone I talk to says they are trying to go anytime now.  But we are there. The rates are good. Everyone is excited. So I hope you guys are ready."

Congratulations To Iraqi Dinar Investors This Is Huge Announcement Today...

Evening News with MarkZ. 06/06/2024

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening to all….hope your day was wonderful

Member: What is new and exciting today Mark?

MZ: I have been getting amazing news from a number of historic bond contacts as they appear to be prepping for a very early money release next week. There is a lot of stuff being signed and a lot of scrambling  to fill more orders. 

MZ: If I told the numbers of historic bonds you would be blown away. The sheer number of bonds and boxes of bonds they are collecting around the world is stunning

MZ: I am very confident in saying things are in full swing. Very much so. 

MZ: I hear that you folks and your friends who are involved with bonds and groups  are beginning to get notifications …and are getting updates over the last day or so. 

MZ: I wish I could share some things without getting folks in trouble –that sucks  …. because I would  if I could so that you all could have the same warm,fuzzy feeling I have right now. 

MZ: Instead you get to see me give the news and being content and confident that we are in the final days of this journey. 

MZ: “The UN sees progress in Iraq’s anti corruption  efforts and lists recommendations..”  The UN seems pretty happy with all the efforts you have made Iraq …here’s you “atta boy”

MZ: This is actually important to see all the sanctions going away and Iraq being free and clear to change values on the world stage.

MZ: There really is a lot of news coming out of Iraq. 

MZ: “The United Nations development program has issued a 49 page report on investment opportunities in line with Iraq’s sustainable goals”  These are things to develop a very robust Iraq economy.  

MZ: “Saudi Arabia has joined a China dominated central bank digital currency cross border trial” It’s all coming together. Their terminology may not be the best one to use….what they are referring to is a BIS system that uses CBDC,, digital currency and blockchain. It will use all of them. This system is what does away with SWIFT. It’s a fully functioning system outside the SWIFT system. And Saudi Arabia just joined. 

Member: And Saudi Arabia’s 50 year contract expires on Sunday to only use the petrodollar for oil sales……I don’t think it’s a coincidence. 

MZ: They will probably still take dollars…and use them on the world stage…but they do not have to take only dollars. This is a huge piece of news. The whole world is positioning to not need the US dollar. 

Member: I think BRICS is going to save the world financially…..hope we all can be a part of it. 

Member: I missed what the estimates of the currencies rates were….Could you give a refresher?. 

MZ: Noone knows for sure….but, the rumors I have heard….the ones I have the most faith in are around $4 for the dinar…around  $2.25  for the dong. …Around $1.40 something for Indonesian rupiah, We have seen rates for the dinar close to $5 recently and close to $3 for the dong on bank screens. And $1.36 for rupiah on some screens. And I continue to hear $30M to $50 M per each 100T Zim bond .

MZ: But, we are not going to know the exact rate until we are exchanging…..but we are hopeful those rates are close to accurate. 

Member: What’s the story of the rumored $28.50 contract rate on the dinar?

MZ: WE have seen that rumor since the early days… sounds great but don’t know how accurate it is. Maybe it means what our purchasing power will be when we go back to the gold standard? That would actually make some sense. 

Member: I would love to see a picture of those bank screens. 

Member: I’m hoping your rumored rate on the bolivar is right. I beleive you said .27 cents per 1 bolivar yesterday?

Member: Thank you Mark...have a great evening!

Member: Thank you PDK for the transcriptions. 

MZ: Yes PDK does a great job. We don’t say that enough

PDK: You are welcome….hope we are really close so I can retire like all of you! 



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




High Level Banking Meeting🚩Contracts Paid in Dinar ONLY🤔Dinar RV Updates...

Coffee with MarkZ. 06/07/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member; Another Friday already….the weeks sure fly by

Member: Looking forward to not being here with everyone post RV- no offense…lol

Membeer: What is the good word today Mark??

Member: Is this our month?

MZ: I really do think IIt’s our month….The information I am getting from anybody on the bond side is overwhelmingly positive. The only thing that would make me happier is for the key friends Ithat have boxes of bonds to  say “I’m paid” lets go!!!…..That’s when I will get giddy. 

MZ: I have 3 “giddies “left in me. 1-They get paid…2. CMKX gets paid and 3. We get paid……So giddy, then giddier, then giddiest….

MZ: A lot of bond folks are positioned to go the first of next week. They think this is really it. I’m praying this is really it for them. We are about to find out soon. .

Member: Will the budget be posted in the Gazette tomorrow?

MZ: I think it will be. 

Member: if the rate is posted in the Gazette this weekend -there's a possibility that we could start making appts Mon or Tues???   Sure hope so 

Member: Praying that Iraq's announcement is the starting gun!!!

Member: Hoping it’s true that Sudani is saying the dinar IS stronger than the dollar. I interesting verbiage now

Member: What is the significance of “June 9th”? 

MZ: We are looking at it because Saudi Arabia did not renew its petro dollar deal with the US that was signed in 1974 It expires on June 9th. This means they can take any currency they want…not just deal in USD. They can take US or gold or yuan or ruble or yen…you name it. 

Member: Mark I think this is the end of the petro dollar…and will possibly   cause instant disaster…. or a crash of the financial system

Member: I wonder what it's going to happen on June the 9th when the petrol dollar dies?

Member: I’m hoping this will frorce the RV to go to a gold backed/asset backed currency

Member: IMO RV could go at anytime. Don't get your heart set on a date. We just don't know for sure. It's looking good, though

MZ: I still very much think it will all go at once. 

Member: Debt Clock showing 0 under national debt. Just absolutely wild.

MZ: Don’t read too much into that….they post from other sites and are a privately owned site.  But they really do a good job. 

Member:  my local bank is closed on Juneteenth whatever that is?

Member: Skye Prince posted a new YT last night. Med Beds will be released when the notifications come out!!!!

MZ: I hope she is right. 

Member: There are many more countries trying to join BRICS right now.

Member” I wonder if Iraq will be joining them as well….makes sense to me. 

MZ:  There are some new articles that (I think) have everything to do with the revaluation in the world and a asset backed currency.  “Gold Rush: Long lines to purchase bullion in Vietnam”  

MZ: The world is preparing…the people of the world are preparing  for tumultuous times. Its like in the fall when the squirrels and chipmonks are preparing for a long winter. Really loading up on nuts…People are similar to the animals in the woods. They are preparing….people know things are not sustainable the way they are .

MZ: I know so many people are freaking out about the changes at Dinar Recaps. People who want to pay a little extra will get the news an hour or two before the free side…with no ads…..but everyone will still get the news on the free side ..just a little later than you are used too.  It is still free to use –if you don’t mind a extra wait. They still send the newsletters. 

MZ: Because of demonetization of ads…Recaps had to do this to keep the lights on until the RV. They want to keep their site up. I support them needing to keep the lights on. Without them there would be so much worse information floating around dinarland. 

MZ: They have stated there will be no delays getting notifications….It will immediately be posted on Recaps – both the paid and the free side at the same time. … don’t worry about that. 

Member: It will also be posted all over the other dinar sites and the intel providers sites like Frank, Bruce, Mark, TNT ect……we wont miss it …imo

Member: Hoefully we will get that notice to exchange very soon and the changes at recaps will not matter to any of us…lol…I am sure they are wanting the RV as badly as the rest of us do. 

Mod:  BREAKING NEWS: ESPECIALLY THIS ONE, MarkZ's WEEKEND email address: Don't Write Me@NeverOnWEEKENDS.Com


MZ: Will be in Florida at Cape Canaveral this weekend at the “Quantum Summit”

Member: Enjoy the weekend Mark! if want a recorded version is ok…….have a great weekend! safe travels

Member: MarkZ thanks for all you do for the community!!

The CBD guru’s join the stream today as there is no podcast on Saturday this week. Please listen to the replay for all of their information. 



"It was decided to stop the companies whose details are listed in the table below from entering the foreign currency buying and selling window" 

Iraq is narrowing down the list of companies they will be working with going forward in the buying and selling of their foreign currency. 

Many companies buy and sell foreign currencies from around the world. Some companies even go so far as to have some of their people travel to buy currencies from around the world such as Banknote World. 

The need for these entities are going away with the new digital banking system. The move to an electronic banking system will soon make these services obsolete after our exchange. 

© Goldilocks


PM Masrour Barzani, Central Bank of Iraq Governor discuss 'MyAccount', banking reforms, 7 OCT

  ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – On Monday, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with Ali Mohsen al-Alaq, the Governor of the Central...