Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 06/04/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to a terrific Tuesday

Member: Mark, Is your range of June2-9 still valid?

MZ: I have a number of bond people that are expecting fully spendable money from this evening through Thursday. I had one that expected to get it last night – but they were bumped to this evening. 

MZ: There are still different rates showing up on bank screens. A number of banking contacts have chimed in saying they are seeing the dong at $2.86. We don’t know if this is a place saver. But am hopeful this is the rate on it. They are seeing IQD over $4+

Member: Any rate on the Bolivar?

MZ: The most prevalent rate they are seeing is about $27 grand for a million bolivar.  We will see when we exchange. 

Member: So each bolivar could be worth .27 cents or so…..that’s great!

Member: I would take that in a heartbeat!!!

Member: When do we expect our currencies to be gold/asset backed?

MZ: It’s supposed to happen at the same time. If not, If we exchange into fiat…we are going to have to move our funds into assets quickly. 

​​Member: MARK Z is it true the Budget has nothing to do with the rate. It’s dependent on oil?

MZ: Yes and no….in the budget they left a mechanism for a revaluation based on rates and oil production. ….They can do the budget without the rate change- does it make sense to do that? NO….because they have been running over a 30% deficit each year. . 

Member: It looks like the Iraqi budget needs to be published in the Gazette before it becomes legal. If they are waiting on that it may be Wed or Sat …or it becomes legal 15 days from yesterday?

MZ: Exactly. You have it nailed down. At this point we are expecting it to be published in the Gazette tomorrow or Saturday. 

Member: Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said that international organizations have reached a positive performance evaluation about Iraq that supports stability.

MZ: Yes they keep talking about the abundance that will come and lift up all the people of Iraq. There is a mechanism to RV in the budget. And I have a ministry contact in Iraq who still thinks we will see a new rate with the budget. Whether that is Wed. or Sat……we will see This contact works in the government in Iraq. 

Member: Iraq Sec. Gen. Of the HOR (House of Representatives) Sends The approved budget schedules to the ministry of Justice.??? Gazette time?

Member: The contract expires between the US and Saudi for purchasing oil with USD this Sunday? This could be a momentous event!!!

Member: I hope the deal between Saudi Arabia and the U.S. could be the event that gets things going?

Member: Dr Scott even said it would be 2 or 3 days after the June 9th before the effects delivers the big blowout

MZ: A lot of folks are calling for the Black Swan to hit Sunday night the 9th. 

MZ: Got a short bank story for you. “Went to the bank today (Wells Fargo) and decided to ask about the RV. The banker admitted to knowing about it and said he even owned dinar himself and said he has been in this about 12 years waiting. He did not predict when it would happen just said to be prepared. 

MZ: I liked that they had an open conversation with the bank and was a currency holder. They know because they are training for it. 

Member: Got a book from bank out lining accounts, required to prevent terrorism, deal w/ foreign currency and certain accounts are for wealth management clinics..never received anything like it before.

Member: My Wells Fargo authenticated my currency last week and said it was happening soon

Member: I went to my credit union and asked if they exchange foreign currency. She said no and directed me to WF. She said she had sent other members to WF too.

Member: Talked to a board member of our credit union as it was closed for 3 days including Zelle for software update. I asked her if this is the quantum financial system and she said yes.

Member: Supreme Court Ruling: State sponsored Banks can Disband from The Federal Reserve System and Issue their Own Currency  https://thesilverindustry.substack.com/p/supreme-court-ruling-state-sponsored

MZ: This is big news. “ $517,000,000,000 Billion in unrealized losses hit US banking system: FDIC says 63 lenders are on the brink of insolvency”  Think about that. If 63 banks go down and the Fed has less than a $100 + billion dollars to bail out banks- What money is left in case of a crisis? This is sapping liquidity out of the banks.  Things are getting ugly. 

Member: Bring on the crash….lefts have the new QFS system start up…we are ready

Member: Mark, anything on zim holders having to go to a military base to exchange? . Was talked about years ago.thanks for everything you do.

Member: That would be a safe place to exchange. Hope the rumor is true. 

Member: Don't try to rush progress. Remember -- a step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. Keep believing.

Member: Mark thanking you and Zester and all Mods for all you do, yall do a fantastic job

Member: Thank you for your service Mark! It’s been an honour to be aligned with you on this journey! The tiredness is real however the joys and celebrations will be overflowing!


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Central Bank Of Iraq Strategy: A Strong Boost To The Private Sector And Labor Market, 4 JUNE

 Central Bank Of Iraq Strategy: A Strong Boost To The Private Sector And Labor Market

Last updated: June 2, 2024  ndependent/- The Central Bank of Iraq’s bank lending strategy 2024-2029 is an important step towards developing the private sector and stimulating the national labor market.

 This strategy aims to increase the credit granted to the private sector and small and medium enterprises, which will contribute to financing new projects in various sectors.

Strategy objectives:

 Increasing credit granted to the private sector: The strategy aims to increase credit granted to the private sector by 4% of non-oil GDP by 2029, equivalent to 7 trillion Iraqi dinars.

 Supporting small and medium enterprises: The strategy aims to increase the credit granted to small and medium enterprises by 3% of non-oil GDP by 2029, equivalent to 5 trillion Iraqi dinars, which will contribute to financing approximately 100,000 projects.

  Improving the business environment: The strategy aims to improve the business environment and attract more local and foreign investors.

 Unifying private sector development efforts: The strategy aims to unify private sector development efforts and coordinate them among concerned parties.

The importance of the strategy:

 Creating job opportunities: The strategy contributes to creating new job opportunities for Iraqi youth.

 Developing the productive and service sectors: The strategy contributes to the development of the productive and service sectors in Iraq.

 Stimulating economic growth: The strategy contributes to stimulating economic growth and enhancing financial stability.

Everyone's responsibility:

Financial experts and specialists stress the importance of the combined efforts of all stakeholders for the success of this strategy.

The government, banks, investors, and Iraqi youth must work together to achieve the goals of this strategy and create a better future for Iraq. https://mustaqila.com/ستراتيجية-البنك-المركزي-العراقي-دفعة/

Sharing highlights of GLL chat conversation following Mark Z and Mr C morning 6.3.24 FROM GINGER TELEGRAM ROOM, 4 JUNE

 💢 Sharing highlights of GLL chat conversation following Mark Z and Mr C morning 6.3.24 [Gin Gin interjects when needed ✅😁]

💢 Birdieorbust: 

·Mr. C saying Iraq CANNOT go before he enters the codes.  

·Per Mr. C, the market has no bearing on when we go, via Interpol. 

·Mr. C thinks 'the rat take-down' will go as far as Nuremberg when he enters the codes. That means doctors, nurses etc, will be affected. 

·For those who keep saying 'Biden has to be out of office before we go camping', Mr. C just clarified that it can happen two hours before or two hours after he enters the codes AND we cannot go Camping until he puts in the codes... 

[Per Alliance, Ginger confirms this is True ✅] 

·Also Mr. C saying he thinks the EBS and our event will be at the same time... [Absolutely. Ginger confirms this, per Alliance ✅]

·And hearing Mr. C say (all) this today confirms my info that Iraq is waiting on US and not the other way around. [FACTS ✅]

💢 Shirley 1130: Mr C. Just said that while he is putting in the codes, the EBS will be happening. Recommend watching him on Mark Z this morning.  He has some detail of how he is chosen.

[Gin Gin highly recommends you learn about Mike Cottrell and check out today's podcast. 🌟 Important. Foundational info regarding process and significance of his role/duties. ✅]

💢 Ginger: Mr C is tasked with entering the key codes which will not only release ALL of the gold-backed / asset-backed currency to all of the countries, this action will also cancel out all fraudulent, illegal banking derivatives. There can be no old Debts transferring into the New Financial System, as we encounter this Global Currency Reset. All illegal banking/loan Debts will be cancelled. Dissolved. Clean slate & Debt Jubilee for everyone. 

💢Jodi: I believe there are several avenues to get to the release point. Mr. C is the main avenue, but there are always workarounds prepared. These silos of intel are intended to keep people, especially dark energies, from knowing the whole map.

💢Wearevenom: Don't agree. Iraq will plunge into chaos soon if they don't go (RI/RV). Plus they don't need the US anymore. BRICS is always an option for them. Mr. C is not needed for Iraq.

💢 Birdieorbust responds: Well they are already using their new rate for certain things in Iraq so not to worry there will be no chaos for them. [Gin Gin confirms this is true ✅. They have been using an in-country rate for months, plus they are even paying contracted workers over there with the New rate, they just don't have full liquidity as of yet, but they certainly can see it accumulating in their accounts. They see the earnings as the new rate. But it's very true that Iraq must absolutely change their rate for International Trading and Investment purposes. They've already made excellent strides and earned the respect and confidence of Nations. They must pull the trigger or they would lose all respect. This is REALLY happening. Plus, Iraq has been working off of 2 "set of books" GG] 

💢Randy Brennan: Mr C plays a role in the GCR via the codes to release resources to the 209 countries in the gold treaty. This will happen after the revaluation of the 23-25 currencies in “basket number one”. The revaluation of this handful of currencies which we are all looking forward to is a precursor to the Global Currency Reset. There is a sharp distinction between the two events. Blessings 😇

💢Earnest Gold: Keep in mind, Kuwait RV’d 7-10 days after (budget approval). We are close!!! With today’s technology (social media), I can’t see them (IRAQ )being able to keep it quiet that long. [✅ Yup! Totally agree. GG]

💢 Many Thanks to all you Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire for your intelligent add to the conversation. 

For those who want to catch up on Mark's conversation with Mr C this morning, here's the link: ✅⬇️😁



Union Of Arab Banks: Iraq Is A Pioneer In Electronic Banking Services, 4 JUNE

 Union Of Arab Banks: Iraq Is A Pioneer In Electronic Banking Services

June 3, 2024 Baghdad/Iraq Observer   The Union of Arab Banks confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq is a pioneer in electronic banking services, while  noting that the Iraqi banking sector is ancient and its role is vital in economic development.

 The Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks, Wissam Fattouh, said,

“There is deprivation from dealing in the dollar, not sanctions, because sanctions mean inclusion on the sanctions list,” pointing out that

 “the effect of deprivation is almost equivalent to sanctions because it is difficult for banks to operate without the dollar currency, which represents... Currency of international trade. Fattouh added,

  “The Iraqi banking sector is an ancient sector and has a history, as its total assets amounted to 157.9 billion dollars, and even its deposits amounted to more than 100 billion dollars.”

  Therefore, this sector is important and its role is vital in economic development in the heart of the country.”

He stressed “the necessity of applying international standards, especially with regard to the standards and laws in force to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.” He pointed to  “involving the strategy between the Union of Arab Banks and the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, to reach this truly desired goal, and to train and qualify Iraqi cadres in particular.” He pointed out that

  “there has been a great partnership between Iraq and the United States of America for decades and trade exchange, especially after Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani made the important historical visit to the United States of America.” He noted that

 “the biggest role today is how to protect the Iraqi banking sector, and that trade exchange actually takes place through Iraqi banks and not through other banks.” He continued,

"Iraq is very advanced in electronic banking services, and the challenge today facing the Iraqi banking sector remains the challenge of compliance."    https://observeriraq.net/اتحاد-المصارف-العربية-العراق-رائد-في-ا/  



Fri. 31 May Wolverine

 “I received an official notification from Brazil that confirmed the release order for Colombia, USA, Brazil. The representative of the Columbian project manager begins with his delivery protocols to his Tier4B. Leading representative internet group starts in  June.

 I received another message from a very strong contact, a Whale, from Zurich, saying he got the same message. Reno – I have been told, is about to kick off.  So by next week, everything will be looking beautiful. The foundations are all funded. They are ready to go. This is not a rumor. This is fact that is coming through.

IQD Update-Iraq Dinar-2024 Budget Passed-Gazzette-Timing-197 Companies C...BY MILITIAMAN

Mecca: Climate investment map may be launched in two months, 8 OCT

  Economy News – Baghdad The National Investment Authority revealed on Monday an upcoming meeting with the International Finance Organizatio...