Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sudanese: Development path will restore Iraq’s historic role in global trade,, 2 JUNE

Sudanese: Development path will restore Iraq’s historic role in global trade

aghdad – Mawazine News
The Prime Minister, Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, stressed that the development road project means, according to the current market equations and the international trade movement, a link between the East and Europe through Iraqi and Turkish territories together.

Al-Sudani, during an interview conducted by the Anadolu Agency, he said: At the beginning, we must historically look at Iraq’s role in trade between the East and West for centuries, and I do not exaggerate if I say since prehistoric times, the land of Mesopotamia has been an easy trade corridor that commercial convoys prefer to follow its paths, stand and trade with its cities, cities and urban centers.

He stressed that the development path is the restoration of this mainly historical role, and the link between the port of Faw and the Turkish border, means, according to the current market equations and the international trade movement, a link between the East and Europe through the Iraqi and Turkish territory together.

The Prime Minister of Iraq explained that the region is witnessing conflicts and tensions that decline at one time and flamel at another time, and this pushes us to the need to focus efforts on projects of intertwining interests and overlap in benefit.
He added: “The development route will provide an opportunity for the emergence of industrial cities on both sides, which will be complementary to the trade passing through it, and later this year we will launch the first docks of the port of Faw, and the flow of goods through the development route will begin initially.”
He continued, saying: All indicators, economic readings and feasibility studies, say that this corridor is the least expensive and fastest among the rest of the corridors, we do not say that it is an alternative, but regional and international trade really needs the path of development, it is a link project and develops overlap in interests and the reasons for economic permanence.

Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkader Uraloglu said, following President Erdogan’s visit to Iraq, that with the development route running, the volume of trade with Iraq will rise from $20 billion to $30-40 billion.
On the future of the volume of intra-trade between Turkey and Iraq, which is currently estimated at about 20 billion dollars, the Prime Minister of Iraq said: The increase in the volume of intra-trade with Turkey, can be expanded vertically, but we are seeking to expand Affi as well, in short, this is the role of the development road project and the projects attached to it.”

He added: “Expesces and history have proven that the progress of a country alone and in isolation from the neighborhood, is something that carries an unknown future on all possibilities and conflicts, so we focus on that increasing the capacity of exchange and actual partnership (with Turkey), is the guarantor of stability and deep long-term relations.”

He continued: In our relationship with the Turkish brothers, we also focused on one of the most promising sectors in investment and cooperation, which is the agricultural sector, and soon we will witness practical steps in this aspect, and the participation of Turkish companies.

On investments in Iraqi gas fields, the Prime Minister of Iraq, in his interview with Anatolia, said: “Gas investment is a strategic test for Iraq, and our national wealth must be optimally utilized in the service of 
our people and development plans.”

He added: The burning of gas cannot be continued, first from the waste of this wealth that can be used, and secondly from the environmental effects, we announced a special licensing round to invest gas fields.

He continued, “We plan to be satisfied within 3 years of domestic gas production, and Iraq is confidently stepping to be an important element in the gas market within 5 years and we will achieve self-sufficiency in this material to calculate electricity production.”

The prime minister of Iraq said: The specialists know that having a technological base for gas investment is at the same time the base for the widest petrochemical industries and this is what we seek.”
Regarding the potential partnerships in these investments, the Prime Minister of Iraq pointed out that the doors are open to every sober and competent company that wishes to participate in this sector, just as we welcome regional companies because they will expand the base of cooperation in other areas.”

He added: It is important to understand that gas investment means providing additional resources for development in Iraq, which are resources that can be invested in various promising economic rights, and these areas will be open to the participation of Turkish companies and the companies of other friendly countries.

Iraq’s current production of natural gas is about 2.7 billion cubic feet, and according to previous estimates, Iraq has a stock of 132 trillion cubic feet of gas, 700 billion cubic feet of which have been burned, as a result of the weak capacity to exploit it.

Regarding the flow of Iraqi oil, the Iraqi Prime Minister explained that stopping the pumping of Iraqi oil extracted from the fields of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is undoubtedly a loss for Iraq, and at least it is an expected utility miss that can support development plans in the provinces of the region and strengthen the Iraqi economy in general.
He added: We have taken the initiative to find acceptable settlements, legal solutions and exits after a thorough legal study, but the matter is surrounded by a legal obligation, because the federal budget law requires calculating the cost of producing one barrel of oil in all fields to be within the national average of the cost of production, which is up to $8 a barrel, according to the Federal Ministry of Oil announced.
He continued: But the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government and within the contracts signed with the oil company operating there, the cost of production is calculated by up to $26 per barrel, and we have proposed that the budget law be amended, or agreements and contracts with these companies be amended.

The Prime Minister of Iraq continued, saying: From this point of view, companies stopped producing, the ban did not come from the federal government, and waiting to find a solution, and the companies refused to amend the contracts, while the regional government agreed.

He explained that for these reasons, more work is required to find a legal way out within the rights of Iraq and its people in its wealth first.
He added: “As for the transport of Basra oil through Turkish ports, it is subject to study and economic feasibility determination above all.”
Currently, Iraq’s oil production is about 4 million barrels per day, according to data from the Ministry of Oil and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), while about 25 million liters of gas oil, gasoline and white oil are imported daily, in addition to natural gas.
Iraq, according to previous statements to the Sudanese, intends to self-sufficiency in oil derivatives and stop imports, and save $3.2 billion.


  Fnu Lnu  

Much has been made of the number 90 Trillion. This is the alleged number of Dinar at large...I do not believe this number is valid and here's why.  1) There are always casualties such as fire & natural disasters. 2) We know there has been an effort, for years, to coax three zero notes out from under mattresses, with some success. 3) We know stolen Dinar have been recovered in very large amounts recently. 4) Here's the biggie: I saw a video some years back, where a jet was seized attempting to leave the country, and it was stacked from floor to ceiling with coffin sized cases full of Dinar.

It had to be trillions. Much to my surprise, the jet was eventually cleared to take off.  However, it was no surprise to hear the jet was registered to Nuri Al Maliki. The jet landed in Zurich Switzerland where it was then seized and the Dinar confiscated. Some may remember an article stating that Switzerland repatriated a large number of Dinar to Iraq but the article was scant on details. When one considers all these scenarios, it would seem that there is far less Dinar in circulation that 90 trillion. It may well be half that amount. IMHO.

There is NO NEED for an NDA, whatsoever, unless you were a participant in the Private Placements, which were concluded in 2011.  The only people who otherwise hold NDAs are bank presidents, branch managers, and of course any of the three letter agencies necessarily involved, such as the UST...

There are several regiments to float a currency: FREE FLOAT - The currency's value is determined solely by supply and demand in the market...MANAGED FLOAT - Similar to a free floating...but a government intervenes by buying or selling its own currency to minimize fluctuations.  

CURRENCY PEG - The currency's value is pegged to a basket of currencies or to another country's currency. EUROPEAN SNAKE [In The Tunnel] - Beginning in mid-1972...Each country agreed not to allow its currency to fluctuate more than 1 1/8% up or down from an agreed central exchange rate.

  I doubt they still call it "The Snake" but that is the method used to if one wishes to participate in the IMF baskets...

The Dinar will use the European Snake method of floating the currency because it only allows for a 1 1/8% fluctuation up or down thus providing the maximum stability. The currency will open with it's permanent value, more or less, and then over time, it may be allowed to adjust one and one-eighth percent either way...

Iraqi Dinar || Central Bank Of Iraq Fixed IQD New Exchange Rate 2024 / I...

Iraq parliament to approve 2024 budget with adjustments after talks, 2 JUNE

Iraq parliament to approve 2024 budget with adjustments after talks

Shafaq News/ Iraq’s parliament is poised to approve the 2024 budget on Monday after incorporating adjustments following discussions with the government, parliamentary sources said.

The initial proposal by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani set total spending at 211 trillion dinars ($142 billion), with 62 trillion dinars allocated for employee salaries. This is up from the 2023 budget of 199 trillion dinars ($134 billion).

Estimated revenues stand at 144.336 trillion dinars ($97 billion), while expenditures are projected to reach 210.936 trillion dinars ($142 billion), resulting in a deficit of 63.599 trillion dinars ($43 billion).

Parliament’s finance committee is finalizing a report on the budget after lawmakers raised concerns about spending allocations.

“There are numerous parliamentary observations on the budget tables,” said lawmaker Thaer al-Jubbouri from the State of Law bloc. “The committee is working on adjustments with the finance ministry.”

He said the Kurdistan Regional Government’s share would remain unchanged, but adjustments would be made to ensure fair treatment for central and southern governorates.

A political consensus is needed before a vote, said Mustafa al-Karawi, a member of the finance committee.

“We’re waiting for agreement on the final report before proceeding,” he said. Proposals include financial transfers and expenditure adjustments to reduce the deficit.

The committee previously confirmed it has no intention of returning the budget to the government.




💥As i mentioned on last nights SNL

💥It’s the budget SCHEDULES Iraq is voting on tomorrow 

💥The three year budget “Tripartite budget 2023-2035” was approved June 2023 with a rate of 1310 IQD in the budget 

💥💥PLEASE stay grounded and don’t believe the hype of goorooz saying there will be a rate change tomorrow…. Fake news 

💥💥💥Please stay grounded in the facts we provide , watch as the global process unfolds.


@JesterTN the call you and I had yesterday with @authorsamoliver and you mentioned what’s happening with the banks 🏦 Goldilocks just dropped an article which confirms the information you got from the US Treasury Department BOOM 💥

Will cover on SNL



When you see ( Credit Valuation Adjustment) that’s another term for adjusting the price of an asset….. or “revaluation of an asset to its real value”

What’s an asset ? Currencies, precious metals, crypto currencies etc


🟢Think of a home appraisal.  The Appraiser comes to appraise the home at its true market value.  Same thing with other assets

Iraqi dinar | Iraqi Dinar Value Update | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | d...

Al-Aboudi: The decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq is a big step towards full sovereignty, 2 JUNE

 Al-Aboudi: The decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq is a big step towards full sovereignty

Member of the General Authority of the National Wisdom Movement, Rahim Al-Aboudi, considered the decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq a big step to prove complete sovereignty.

Al-Aboudi said {to Al-Furat News} that: “The United Nations is looking with another eye at Iraq and is following up on all political, security, social and economic activities. Therefore, this transition is a merit of the Iraqi people and political forces.”
 He added, "The government had a major role in this transition, and it is a major step to prove that Iraq has a different title and status and the need for complete sovereignty and dealing with the country on the basis of this entitlement."

Al-Aboudi continued, "Iraq adopted many decisions, as well as many foreign relations, whether at the level of Middle Eastern countries or countries of the world, in order to have a different role in the next stage."

He stated, "This decision has become an important responsibility for the government to affirm the right of the Iraqi people to be a growing and prosperous country. Today, Iraq is adopting a policy of calm in the region and proving itself."

Yesterday, Friday, the UN Security Council decided to withdraw the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which has been in the country for more than 20 years, by the end of 2025, at the request of Baghdad. 

The unanimously adopted resolution stipulates extending the mandate of the mission, which was established in 2003, “for a final period of 19 months until January 31, 2025.”

The Iraqi government welcomed the UN Security Council's decision to end the mandate and tasks of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq. link


Militia Man    Everybody should be going, ' come on Iraq!  Come on World Bank!  Come on Bank of International Settlements, IMF, US Treas...