Sunday, June 2, 2024


  Militia Man 

 The House of Representatives will vote next Monday on the budge schedules...We've been waiting for it... Is it important?  Is it not important? 

 Obviously it's a focus.   Article Quote: "Mustafa ... announced the House of Representatives intends to vote on the financial budget tables for the year of 2024...It will be held at 3:00 in the afternoon on Monday." 

 I don't think anybody's going to be able to prove me wrong, you drop the three zeros, the exchange rate changes from 1 USD to 1.32 just like al-Sudani says.  Do the math it comes out to .76, apply the real effective exchange rate and that's where the show starts big time... .76 is $0.76 - it's slightly less than the dollar.  

That's value.  It's not .0007 something.  It's value.  That's what they're talking about - Bringing value to the currency.  That's what Al-Alaq is there for.

  Article quote: "If we assume the Central Bank issues a new currency this will not affect the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar." 

 This guy is not wrong...It won't in my view.  The exchange rate will affect the new small denominations though...If they change the value of the exchange rate by dropping the three zeros, therefor the new denominations will be affected by it, which will be value.  It's pretty simple.

 If you raise the value of the currency it's going to have a ripple effect...Instead of being a pebble...or a brick in the pond this might be a boulder.  There's going to be some waves.  The World Bank, IMF, US Fed, US Treasury...Bank of International Settlements, everybody's going to need to know what you're going to do and when you're going to do it and pretty close. 

 They're not going to be broadcasting it like everybody thinks, 'What's the date and what's the rate?'  That's not how it works.  But we study it close enough to where...we can see it can't be far off...

If they're going to have liquidity and they don't have it now it's going to require new small category denominations to be in circulation.  Just as al-Alaq's project to delete the zeros would require new denominations.   Did they do that in 2018 and have them in storage?  I believe they did...

They increased that gold supply by about 40 tons...Their currency reserves are around $110 billion.  They have a massive amount of wealth.  They have the ability to support their imports for about 16 months they say, which is about 5x what they need.  That's important.  They don't want to reduce those.  They'd like to keep them on hand...Iraq has a good foundation for Alaq to do what he's supposed to do and it'll only get better if he does.

If they change the value of their currency they're going to have more surpluses...The oil price is about $70 in the 2023 budget.  That hasn't changed for '24 or '25 because that's a tripartite budget.  They got a surplus.  Oil is somewhere around $80.  It's been as high as $91ish.  The expectations of oil is to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $80/$90 and they even talk about $100/barrel...Iraq is going to be sitting pretty good...They have phosphates...sulfur...natural gas...Those non-oil revenue streams...taxes and tariffs are going to come online...Iraq has a good foundation for Alaq to do what he's supposed to do.

 Iraq is moving forward.  They've got huge reserves...increased their gold, they're going to have the private sector, their stock exchange is going to be one to reckon with.  It's an emerging market and a lot of money is going to be start flowing...

If they go on the Forex system it's going to be international.  It's going to be fast and furious. 

 Could they do something within the county prior to that 

Sure, why not, educate the citizens, do what they got to do...

 Question:  People want to know if they can drag this out until next year

 Militia Man: We don’t know the timing. But, I don’t think we are even close to go that long. There is way too much going on in the world and this is not only about Iraq. Remember all boats rise with the tide...I believe Iraq is ready to go with the rest of the world. Along with other countries like the Vietnamese dong. 

Are they going to change the value of their currency...
 I'm pretty sure they are going to need to to pay for all these [reconstruction] objects...rebar, the cement - all that stuff is expensive at 1310.  It's not so expensive if it's back at a 'previous era'....If they have the true value, their real effective exchange rate, it's going to be far cheaper...

Iraqi Dinar Amazing Facts After 15 Years 🔥Iraqi Dinar latest today updat...

Inauguration of first airline route between Najaf and Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2 JUNE

 Inauguration of first airline route between Najaf and Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Shafaq News/ The first official airline route between Najaf and Dammam, Saudi Arabia, was inaugurated on Saturday.

According to Shafaq News Agency correspondent, the Saudi Ambassador, Abdul Aziz Al-Shammari, was on the flight that arrived this morning from Dammam to Najaf International Airport.

The Governor of Najaf, who welcomed the Saudi Ambassador, emphasized the importance of expanding air services between Iraq and Saudi Arabia to enhance economic and tourism ties.



  I've seen quite a few different investors out there that are super excited that Iraq was going to be approving their budget within parliament Monday...That's a huge misunderstanding on your part if you're excited...The budgets are calculated off the value of the currency.  When a budget is implemented or while the budget is implemented the rate cannot

change...If this budget got approved Monday, the next time they could change the currency...rate, they would have to wait until mid-year (September or October) or a new budget period of 2025 (March to April)...Once this budget gets approved, that's the currency value that's locked in it...It can't be magically changed...It doesn't work that way.  

The rate change is here...   Article: "Sudanese directs to hold an extraordinary session next Sunday to discuss the 2024 budget schedules"  The reason council of Ministers which normally meet on Tuesday are meeting on Sunday is they can only meet after the rate changes...They are reducing the deficit.  To reduce the deficit you have to reduce your expenses, cost and figures.  The only way they can do that is revaluing the currency...This step is contingent upon the rate change.  

 Article:   "Parliament expects the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules"  Quote "...There are efforts to guarantee the right of many segments in the items and schedules of the 2024 budget but they cannot be judged without waiting for the numbers they contain."

 The rate has to change before parliament can approve the amendments to this budget.  This is why I showed you the final countdown a few days ago because I knew this was coming forward and here it is for you...

Mid last week I posted  "The Final Countdown

  ...Here's the reason why right here...The approval of Iraq's budget is waiting on the rate change.  That's why it's been outstanding/ pending for 6 weeks.  This week we're entering into will be its seventh week.  In order for them to complete and approve, the budget is waiting for the rate to change ...You're seeing countless articles on this.  This is a critical piece to the timing of the rate change.

The next big step in this is we want to see when Iraq will be amending their budget...They can amend it before or after the rate changes...

 This weekend coming up would be the historical anniversary date of when Kuwait reinstated their currency - March 24, 1991

 Iraq technically does not need to amend the budget if they're not changing their rate.  

The budget already covers their operating expenses.  But they would need surplus funds to cover the reforms.  The reforms are contingent upon the rate changing.  They can't bring these reform package forward if the rate does not change.  The only reason they're amending the budget is because the rate is changing...The step of amending the budget can happen either before or after the rate changes  ... They will probably announce Thursday or Friday as to when they plan to amend the budget, which they'll probably do around this weekend...

Iraqi Dinar ✅WOW World Bank Announced IQD Exchange Rate Today 2024 / IQD...



Everyone, last night, they said, “Hold on Wolvie, we are waiting for a notification to come in (not The notifications). And, I received it yesterday and will read it to you: It is an official notification from Brazil – “Good afternoon to you and your family.

 Confirmed the release order has been given – Colombia, USA,  Brazil. The representative of the Columbian project manager begins with his delivery protocols to his Tier4B. Leading representative internet group starts in June. 

The banks are ready and adapted to 100% QFS. The drought has already ceased. Wait for your notifications from Columbia today after 12 pm.  The Victory of the Light took off.  Prepare your Passports.   The Journey to the New World has arrived. Congratulations and Best regards.”     This came through last night. 

I received another message from a very strong contact, a whale, from Zurich, saying he got the same message.   

I don’t follow TNT much, but it came through on their call saying that every contact and agency says, “It is a go today.” This may be in line with what we have received from Brazil. 

Reno – I have been told, is about to kick off.  I am waiting to get a call from my source in Reno and hopefully we will get that done.  My friend Mauricio cannot say much, but all is good, and he is ready to go.   I was a bit emotional when I heard. So, by next week, everything will be looking beautiful. 

The foundations are all funded. They are ready to go. So, get ready to meet the new world. This is not a rumor, this is fact that is coming through   I am hoping and praying this is my last call and my next call will hopefully be the opera.   Have a beautiful day. I am hoping I get that call from Reno today. If I do, then I will have an EMERGENCY LIVE CALL for you all. Obviously, if I am allowed to send that opera I will.   Take care, Wolverine (Transcribed by Carpathia).

  • Sovereign Bond Holders are getting ready to get notifications and lots happening with Paymasters getting ready.
  • I have been told Brazil should get liquidity tomorrow Wed. 29 May.
  • All is in line from Sat. 1 June onward for T3 and T4.
  • T1 and T2 are completed. This was confirmed with various sources.
  • I have been told the National Bank of Brazil (from my source on the inside), is that they are about to hopefully release the funds and their liquidity tomorrow Wed. 29 May for the bond holders.
  • Most of you are currency holders, and what I have been told (I know you guys are frustrated) is that anytime during the week we should get our notifications for currency.
  • There is a lot of intel I cannot tell you. I have been told not to say anything, but all good news coming in. Hope all I have been told will come to reality. I do not have anymore.
  • This is all that came through early this morning.
  • What I have been told is that Brazil will be released first, that is what came out, but cannot confirm, but that is what people say that Brazil will go first. I do not care who goes first, just want it to start.
  • Take care guys have a beautiful day. Wolverine.
  • On Sun. 26 May 2024 Wolverine received this text from Trump: Greeeeeeeeen Stop2End LET’S GOOOOOO!!!!!!  As I said before T1 and T2 are already finished. It is a process which should be finished by June 15th. We should get good news this week. I have had confirmation that Brazil will start this week from the Central Bank of Brazil. Thurs. 6 June is D Day.” 
  • Wed. 29 May 2024 MarkZ: “I absolutely believe this has started and cannot be stopped. …It’s very quiet still on the Historic Bond side. My European contact who had a meeting yesterday is still MIA. I still go straight to his voicemail. The phone is simply not turned on. I hope that is a very positive thing. I know of three Historic Bond Contacts with appointments today.”
  • On Wed. 29 May 2024 the MICA (Global Regulations) are done. Then, we begin the process of implementing the QFS. It will not be done in one day, but the process begins. …Goldilocks
  • Tues. 28 May 2024 Bruce via Sue: Our number one Intel Guy said we could expect midday and early evening for notifications anytime from now to the weekend Sat. 1 June and maybe exchange Thurs. 30 May through the weekend. Another call from a person very high and strategic said to look for the 800s anytime from tomorrow Wed. 29 to Tues. 4 June.
  • Tues. 28 May 2024 TNT: This morning’s notification still says 99.9%. Be Alert!


 Question: "Should we watch Forex or the CBI?"

 CBI.  Forex is waiting for the CBI.

There's an article that says, 'We're not going to come out with the the lower denominations because it won't affect the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

 What are you stupid?  
I'm talking to the media.  The media is owned by the far nasty side and they don't want this to happen.  They don't want anyone to know about the monetary reform success so they put out information that a little misleading...Of course they're going to come out with lower denoms...remove the three zeros...add value to the currency.  That's what they've been telling you...

 Everything is being done in an expedited manner.  But unfortunately it's expedited Middle East manner...You sign a contract in the Middle East, that doesn't mean that it's going to be activated on the day that you sign it, nor tomorrow, nor the next week, nor the next month.  It is activated when they say so.  Why Because you need what they've got...You got to go by their rules.  They have to move by their quicksand pace.   I'm sorry, that's all there is to it.  You have witnessed it.  You have experienced it.  You have tasted it by being involved in the monetary reform investment...

Question: "What do you think the dinar will be floated at the start?

 IMO at the start of the float 1 to 1 you'll never see it.  So just looking at 1320 causes me to think maybe they'll start at about $1.30 or $1.50.  They could start even higher.

  When you see things that you don't want to see it's not like it's a delay.  It's the Middle's a different world...It's rather brutal...It's doggy eat dog...

The new currency that's coming out has more safety features on it than any other currency on this planet.  More than the American dollar, because it's a state-or-the-art technology of how they produced it with the monetary reform.

Question: "What is the price of a bottle of Cokein Iraq?"  Way too much and that's why the prices are being adjusted and a new exchange rate will come out to match the new or lower denominations.

The problem is you don't see any of these contracts open do you?  

 ...No, all of these contracts are sitting there waiting and waiting for what?  For Sudani to pull the trigger.  What is the trigger?  

The lynchpin that will activate the contract and readjust the value according to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, where the contract was signed in the Iraqi dinar value but to match their [contract holder's] currency.  Brilliant... These signed guaranteed contracts will adjust to the calculation of the IQD value...These foreign currencies will not be calculated into the new exchange rate until the new Iraqi dinar exchange rate hits Forex...

A second set of books is a normal business action.  Many companies, many firms for financial projections, for balances, for audit purposes, for changes whatever it may be, run a second set of books.  The second set of books is simple business practice.  It's not illegal unless you're doing it illegally under the table...This second set of books is not hidden...they [Iraq] expose it [their second second set of books] to the right people, IMF, World Bank, US Treasury...