Saturday, June 1, 2024



[Information from Iraq bank owner #1 friend] 

  Ever since Sudani came back from Washington DC the government of Iraq...has been in the process of making...videos, commercials, advertising.  Sudani has been doing this on behalf of the executive level of all the private banks...These videos will soon be released and shown on Iraqi television

and the big screens.  Suandi and the GOI are making these videos with the executive branch of each bank to teach the Iraqi citizens about the new national currency...and the process of the new exchange rate..

 There will be a primary video, a spearhead video.  The videos will be with the head of the private banks, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, the whole of the board members, the government of Iraq, Sudani himself, the Minister of Planning, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Oil.  It will encompass all of the GOI of Sudani because the GOI encompasses the entire executive branch...These videos will explain to the Iraqi citizens the process of the monetary reform and where it is at that moment...

Former Iraqi Bank associate and Iraqi bank owner #1 update] 

 He just left Bagdad...he went to Hong Kong. What for? 

 He's got banks he's representing the CBI with, out there.  These satellite banks are everywhere. They want their 3-zeros back. 

 They don't want them to go into anybody's federal reserves.


Question: "What's the next major step that has to happen?"

  We're looking for Sudani to make an announcement...They're going to come out and talk to them.  It'll happen pretty much at the same time.  It is leading up to that event.

 [Iraqi Bank owner colleague #1]   

 The results from the meeting #1 was having with the CBI these last few weeks all of that information is now coming to the citizens 'to be revealed'.  That's happening right now...a massive campaign of education to the citizens.  This phase is talking to the citizens. 

[Iraqi Bank owner colleague #1]

   The results from the meeting #1 was having with the CBI these last few weeks all of that information is now coming to the citizens 'to be revealed'.  That's happening right now...a massive campaign of education to the citizens.  This phase is talking to the citizens. 

The new exchange rate is determined by the CBI on behalf of the GOI...  


Question: "Will Aki  

[Walkingstick's Iraqi Bank owner here in the US] 

exchange dinars for US citizens at his bank?"

  Yes!  That's the whole purpose.


  Walking Stick was on the phone with Frank during the subway. The head of Walking Sticks, who owns banks and ATMs in Iraq and Jordan, and his friend who runs his bank in Dearborn, Michigan, are at this big meeting at the CBI, with the 964-person delegation that was in D.C. Everyone is in this meeting. 

It is the Arab Monetary Fund, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, all the companies and investors who have contracts are saying these words, about lower banknotes and a new exchange rate. Everyone knows that the exchange rate is about to change. Eddie said on television saying The budget will come to Parliament next week. Walking Stick and Frank believe that the exchange rate will rise and force parliament to hold an emergency session. Then Parliament would have to vote. There is too great a possibility of insider trading (parliament are criminals). Walking Stick says Sudani wants this now. Promises must be kept. Do you remember that they audited the banks? Maliki's State of Law Party tried to raise $600

Millions of dollars. The entire party is being shut down by the IMF, the FMA and the CBI. They were funneling funds to Iran across the border into Iran for their own enrichment. They and the private banks were closed. That's why they think that with all the corruption, they will have to announce the new exchange rate and the parliament will hold an emergency vote (after the exchange rate change). The CBI determines the exchange rate.

  Sudani and CBI are working together. Those sanctions were lifted in time for a

  Change of fee. Everyone at those meetings will be on stage with Sudani, including the two friends from Walking Sticks. Walking Stick says Sudani will make the presentation, and this will happen after that. Sudani wants it now, everyone is there waiting. It shouldn't take long.

  -All credit to Frank and his team!


Miércoles 24 Abril 2024

Walking Stick estaba hablando por teléfono con Frank durante el metro. El jefe de Walking Sticks, propietario de bancos y cajeros automáticos en Irak y Jordania, y su amigo que dirige su banco en Dearborn, Michigan, están en esta gran reunión en el CBI, con la delegación de 964 personas que estaba en D.C. Todos están en esta reunión.  

Es el Fondo Monetario Árabe, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el Banco Mundial, todas las empresas e inversores que tienen contratos están diciendo estas palabras, sobre billetes más bajos y un nuevo tipo de cambio. Todos saben que el tipo de cambio está a punto de cambiar. Eddie dijo en la televisión diciendo El presupuesto llegará al Parlamento la próxima semana. Walking Stick y Frank creen que el tipo de cambio aumentará y obligará al parlamento a celebrar una sesión de emergencia. Luego El Parlamento tendría que votar. Existe una posibilidad demasiado grande de uso de información privilegiada (el parlamento son delincuentes). Walking Stick dice que Sudani quiere esto ahora. Las promesas deben cumplirse. ¿Recuerdan que auditaron los bancos? El Partido Estado de Derecho de Maliki intentó recaudar 600 dólares

Millones de dólares. Todo el partido está siendo cerrado por el FMI, el FMA y el CBI. Estaban canalizando fondos a Irán a través de la frontera hacia Irán para su propio enriquecimiento. Ellos y los bancos privados fueron cerrados. Por eso piensan que con toda la corrupción, tendrán que anunciar el nuevo tipo de cambio y el parlamento realizará una votación de emergencia (después del cambio de tipo de cambio). El CBI determina el tipo de cambio. 

Sudani y CBI están trabajando juntos. Esas sanciones se levantaron a tiempo para una
Cambio de tarifa. Todas las personas en esas reuniones estarán en el escenario con Sudani, incluidos los dos amigos de Walking Sticks. Walking Stick dice que Sudani hará la presentación, y esto sucederá después de eso. Sudani lo quiere ahora, todos están ahí esperando. No debería pasar mucho tiempo.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Big Time 1 USD to 1.32 🔥 Today News Guru Intel Update Va...




In the document.. The House of Representatives will vote next Monday on the budget schedules



 Representative Mustafa Sanad announced that the House of Representatives intends to vote on the financial budget tables for the year 2024.
Sanad published a copy of the session’s agenda and limited it to voting on the budget schedules, indicating that it will be held at three o’clock in the afternoon.

Sanad said, "The Finance Committee has not voted on the schedules and has not prepared its report" yet.


Republic of Iraq House of Representatives
The fifth electoral session, the third legislative year, the first legislative term
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
Agenda for session No. (27), Monday, June 3, 2024
Republic of Iraq House of Representatives
Reading verses from the Holy Quran
- Voting on the amended schedules of the Federal General Budget Law No. (13) 2024
Attached are tables (A/B/C/D/E/F). (Finance Committee).
The session begins at three in the afternoon




Bank for International Settlements Announcement:

Last month the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub unveiled Project Agorá, its ambitious project with seven central banks to transform cross border payments with tokenization.

 It proposes using a Unified Ledger involving wholesale central bank digital currencies (wCBDC) and tokenized deposits on a shared infrastructure to execute payments. Today the BIS released a short paper on “Next generation correspondent banking“, which outlines the vision for Agorá. A large part of that relates to how compliance is dealt with.


SEC Announcement:

Washington D.C., May 31, 2024 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on June 6, 2024, at 10 a.m. ET. The meeting will be webcast on the SEC website.

The committee will host two panels:

* Examining the New Frontier for Investment Advice

* AI Regulation: Embracing the Future

The committee will also discuss potential recommendations regarding the Protection of Self-Directed Investors when Trading Complex Products and Utilizing Complex Strategies and Financial Literacy and Investor Education.

The Investor Advisory Committee, which focuses on investor-related interests, advises the Commission on regulatory priorities and various initiatives to help protect investors and promote the integrity of the U.S. securities markets. Established by the Dodd-Frank Act, the Committee is authorized by Congress to submit findings and recommendations to the Commission.

Pass Budget Before June 9🚩Releasing New Rate = $0.76🤔 Dinar RV Updates |...




Parliamentary Finance confirms the readiness of the budget tables for voting in Monday’s session



The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced its readiness to present the federal financial budget schedules for the year 2024 in the Parliament session next Monday.


The head of the committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received,  “For days, the committee has continued to study and review the 2024 budget schedules, in detail, in order to complete them in the optimal manner, and to ensure the necessary financial allocations for all sectors,” adding, “After a series of meetings Intensive, during which we hosted the relevant ministers, today we are about to complete the task of discussing and reviewing the details of these schedules, in accordance with the Federal General Budget Law for the years (2023-2024).”

Al-Atwani continued, “The Finance Committee confirms its readiness to present its final report to the House of Representatives in next Monday’s session dedicated to approving the budget schedules and its annexes,” reiterating “the great keenness to enable the federal government to implement its service and development plans and programs in a manner consistent with its government program that the House of Representatives voted on.” We also affirm our full support for local governments, by increasing their financial allocations and ensuring the continuity of funding for projects with the aim of improving the reality of services in all governorates.”




When we were done opening the account, he asked me if there was anything else he could do for me.

 I asked, do you exchange foreign currency here at this location?

 He said yes, but they would have to order it.

 I said well, I don’t want to purchase foreign currency, I would like to exchange what I currently have for dollars. I explained to him that I have a hobby, like, people that have coin collections, I collect foreign paper currencies. 

I buy them and pick out the most novel by condition and by serial number... 12345 or 121212 or 333333 and the ones I don’t want I would like to exchange back to dollars. 

Can you do that here without sending it out? 

He thought it was interesting and that was it. He has only been with Chase for 4 months but had been with BOA for 12 years, so I understand he does not know all of the procedures.

 He asked what currency I had? 

I said Vietnamese Dong.

 He went to see someone else for info (the keypad access backroom). 

He came back and said yes, they could exchange that on-site, then went back to see if there was a waiting period after opening an account to exchange.

 No one “out back” could find any restrictions! Just give him a call to make an appointment and he will take care of me when the time comes (I’ve already put the bug in his ear).

 We said goodbye and I said look forward to doing business with you soon. I never said anything about the GCR or the RV or non forex traded currencies. And I didn’t lie or fib, just the truth. 

Then I stopped and bought a bunch of takeout Chinese food to celebrate!!

 So, now I have an account at a tier 1 bank, a relationship with a private banker who is willing to exchange my foreign currencies on-site, and has wealth advisor services….all for transferring $1600 dollars from one bank account to another!

My takeaway from this: Make an appointment to open an account if you want to get to know your banker. I did not ask this directly but I assume you need to be a customer to exchange currency.

 I think you can open a checking account with less than $1500, but they will charge a monthly fee. Chat it up with the person who is opening your account, GET TO KNOW YOUR BANKER!

Now I’m going to send my new banker a nice thank you note.

Oops, gotta go. Chinese food…..


EXCERPTS FROM MNT GOAT So, the CBI has told us just recently that  Electronic Banking is an important step in the currency reform and bankin...