Saturday, June 1, 2024

How Will Iraq Finance The Revaluation: The Pay Off BY ARIEL , 1 JUNE

 How Will Iraq Finance The Revaluation: The Pay Off

An example.

First off, I’ll use the exchange of a 50,000 IQD (Iraqi Dinar) note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD (US Dollar) and IQD (Iraqi Dinar), considering the current global economic environment, Iraq’s gold reserves, numerous trade deals, and its financial independence from the fiat USD.

What You Will Receive:

If you were to cash in your 50,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $49,000 credited to your bank account.

Keep in mind you will more than likely be able to wave many bank fees. So do not worry about that.

What Your Bank Will Receive:

Your bank will receive a $50,000 credit to its account with the US Treasury. They will also be able to add the $1,000 profit to their “capital account.”

Ultimately, the bank wins because they are able to gain $10,000 in lending power under the 10% “Fractional Banking” model.

What the US Treasury Will Receive:

First off, the US Treasury will receive $17,500 in estimated taxes in the quarter after the exchange, because you are now in the “rich” category and get to enjoy the 35% tax bracket. This lowers the “net cost” of the IQD exchange to the US financial system to $32,500 USD (i.e., $50,000 out – $17,500 in).

Again this is only an example using what people assume about taxes based on the current system they are familiar with. We know bills have been passed that makes precious metals non-taxable. I want you all to read this with that in mind.

Furthermore, the US Treasury’s rate is higher than the banking rate (we will use in this example 1.25), thereby further reducing their “net cost” from $32,500 to $20,000.

Gold Reserves and Economic Stability:

Iraq’s substantial gold reserves, estimated at around 96 tons, provide significant economic stability and backing for their currency. This gold reserve bolsters confidence in the dinar and supports the revaluation process.

Trade Deals and Debt Status:

Iraq has established numerous trade agreements with countries such as China, India, and members of the European Union, boosting their economic resilience. Additionally, having paid off their international debts, Iraq’s financial position is more robust, making the revaluation more feasible.

In 2022, Iraq and China finalized multiple oil agreements, including a significant 25-year deal for the Mansuriya field. These deals enhance Iraq’s oil export capacity and strengthen economic ties between the two countries.

India also remains a major trade partner, with substantial imports of Iraqi crude oil. In 2022, Iraq exported $38.8 billion worth of crude oil to India, reinforcing the strategic energy partnership between the two countries.

Iraq has maintained strong trade relations with Turkey, with significant exports of hydrocarbons. The ongoing collaboration includes investments in infrastructure and trade facilitation.

Iraq has bolstered its trade relationship with the UAE, focusing on imports of refined petroleum, broadcasting equipment, and cars. In 2022, the UAE was one of Iraq’s largest import partners, contributing $21.2 billion to Iraq’s trade volume.

Iraq has sought to enhance trade relations with Jordan and Egypt. One notable initiative is the planned highway between Baghdad and Cairo via Amman, aimed at boosting regional trade and cooperation.

Moving Away from Fiat USD:

By reducing its reliance on the fiat USD and engaging in bilateral trade agreements using local currencies and gold-backed transactions, Iraq enhances its economic sovereignty. This shift supports the stability and strength of the IQD in the international market.

Oil Now Enters the Picture:

At some point, a Treasury-appointed agent orders $62,500 worth of oil from Iraq. Payment will consist of a $62,500 transfer from the Treasury’s foreign currency reserve IQD account to the Iraq oil payment account at the CBI (Central Bank of Iraq) in a form otherwise known as PetroDollars/PetroDinar. Even though the world spot price of oil is defined in terms of USD, the actual transaction may take place in any internationally recognized currency agreed to by the parties.

How The CBI Recaptures The Money:

The $62,500 order is filled with 1,250 barrels of oil based on the spot price on the date of the sale (for this example, we used a $50 USD spot price). What does it cost Iraq to produce the oil to fill this order? They have negotiated production agreements for approximately $2 USD/barrel. From that price, $.50 USD goes to the national Iraqi oil company who is the partner in the field the oil came from. Out of the remaining $1.50, the other oil field partners have to pay the Iraq government a profit tax of $.53 USD (35%). The net cost to Iraq to produce a barrel of oil used in this scenario is $.97 USD. (i.e., $2 – .50 – .53)

What does all that mean? It costs Iraq $1,212.50 to bring back a 50,000 IQD note! Can they afford that? I think so! So, instead of paying out $62,500 for a 50,000 IQD note, they only pay $1,212.50! That doesn’t add to the money supply much at all, does it? They receive their IQD back and place it in the CBI, or destroy it.

Summary of Economic Impact:

The transaction is completed with the US Treasury exchanging foreign reserve credits which are equal to $62,500 USD (which had a net acquisition cost of $20,000 USD for the US) for 1,250 barrels of oil (which has a TOTAL COST to produce of $1,212.50 USD for Iraq).

More completely explained, and simply put, it costs Iraq $1,212.50 USD from their foreign currency reserve accounts to redeem the value of 50,000 IQD, which goes into their operating accounts. At the same time, the US got $62,500 worth of oil for a net cost of $20,000. This is how the plan for Iraq to RV at 1 IQD = 1 USD is made possible, with the variable being the political element.

Other Factors that Strengthen Iraq’s Position and Ability to RV:

1. **Gold Reserves**: With approximately 96 tons of gold reserves, Iraq has a strong foundation to support its currency revaluation.

2. **Debt-Free Status**: Iraq has paid off its international debts, providing financial stability and credibility.

3. **Increased Oil Production**: Iraq plans to increase oil production from 2+ million barrels/day to 10 million barrels/day, significantly boosting revenues.

4. **Diversified Trade Deals**: Iraq’s numerous trade agreements with various countries enhance its economic resilience and reduce dependency on any single market.

5. **Reduced Reliance on Fiat USD**: By moving away from the fiat USD, Iraq enhances its economic sovereignty and stability.


This comprehensive plan showcases how Iraq can afford to revalue its currency, benefiting all parties involved. The robust economic strategies, supported by significant gold reserves, trade agreements, and a shift away from fiat USD, make the revaluation not only feasible but also beneficial for the global economy.

In this scenario, EVERYONE WINS, and the IQD is gradually taken back into the CBI, eventually destroyed, leaving a manageable money supply behind. This process creates substantial wealth, supporting global economic regeneration and stability.



I can tell people skimmed through this based on the comments. This is a general hypothetical scenario assuming based on the current understanding of societal norms that people will by default exert their own interpretation upon out of sheer skeptical based on what they already assume about the IRS and currency exchanges.

Regardless of what I have been posting about regarding taxes and precious metals. I have on a repeated basis shown you all the federal buildings that have been closed since 2020.

Which included the Federal Reserve and the IRS building. We know we based on precious metals alone that taxes will be something omitted out of the entire process for private individuals which would be us.

I have shown you 45 states 22 of which are challenging the Federal Reserve who have made gold & silver tax free for purchase and capital gains. I wrote this post for the 99%. We are somewhere in the 5%. Not everyone is privy to this info on this page. So I have to post certain things just in case they attempt to write this info off as too out there because I am talking about people making millions of dollars without having to pay Uncle Sam 1 cent.




 Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: In my opinion it appeared that regulations for the Global Currency Reset were finalized on Wed. 29 May 2024. Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded, while Bond Holders have not. Tier 3 was apparently under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may already have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified for exchange appointments any time from now to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June and if not, there was a back wall date of Thurs. 4 July when it was believed that the GCR would be announced to the General Public.

  • Fri. 31 May 2024 Wolverine: “It’s been a very emotional day. I will be having a very special live call. We are just inches away from getting that opera out for you guys. We are finally nearly there. My last call is Fri. 31 May 8:30 pm EST.”
  • Fri. 31 May 2024 MarkZ: Bond people have not yet been paid.
  • Everything on the new QFS either relates to gold, or it is backed by a precious metal. These new digital standard protocols will be the mechanism by which money is moved going forward. The future of money is in gold. Everything the world touches going forward will be because of a metal asset that enables it to do so.

Evening News with MarkZ. 05/31/2024

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Friday Night….Hope everyone finds a way to have a little fun this weekend

Member: Another weekend almost here still zip!

Member: can someone pull the frigging bandaid off already?

MZ: Steve Forbes sat down with Ron Paul and they talked about the new gold standard today on the Liberty report. Guest was Phillip Patrick from Birch Gold.  This was a fantastic one talking about How do we switch” What does it look like? Are we preparing ect……?They are talking about the need and the transition for a gold standard. 

MZ: It’s encouraging that many are talking about this. Denmark says they are preparing for a Gold Standard…..As are BRICS countries.  The world is going commodity backed now….It’s just a matter of time. 

MZ: The world is preparing: “India Cenbank moves 100 tons of gold from UK to domestic vaults”   This story has been shared all over the place. They do not trust the west. 

MZ: “Sergei Lantrov –BRICS group is ready to welcome representatives from different economic and political systems” This is important. He says” Countries who want to join BRICS should be familiar with the principals of sovereign equality of states”  In other words – you and I are sovereign….our money is sovereign and it’s based on assets. 

MZ: RV related news has been quiet today as expected. I don’t expect any big news until late Sunday into mid day on Tuesday . But, I am very much expecting a quiet weekend. 

Member: per TNT Tony, vote on the Iraq budget Monday, 3PM their time

Member: Iraq about done .. Gaza about done ... Ukraine about done ... US about done .... we gotta be close to done ..

Member: Got word from platform, saying that they are hearing that Monday will be liberation of funds. In Reno

Mark : I got a short bank story tonight. This is from central N. Carolina. Popped into a branch to do other banking ans while there I asked the person “Are you ready for currency exchanges? Are you trained for it?  They said we are not trained but we know about it. Then another officer came in and was asked Are you aware of the currency exchanges and when higher ups train you – will you be ready?  And the reply was “yes”   They know its coming. 

Member: Mark is it possible that Tier 4 redemption center banks are trained and ready ahead of those Tier 5 general public banks that perhaps aren't yet trained??

MZ: Makes sense to me

Member: what happens if all doesn't go at the same time, will we be notified again for the late ones???

MZ: Yes. 

Member: Remember- 6/9/24 Ends  the contract between Saudi Arabia and USA for purchasing oil with only USA money. This contract will NOT BE RENEWED

Member: We appreciate your info Markr. Hopefully Dinar hits this weekend

Member: Hoping June is our month…..sigh. 



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



Parliamentary Oil: The region’s violation prevented the approval of the oil and gas law, 1 June

Parliamentary Oil: The region’s violation prevented the approval of the oil and gas law

The Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Normal Assets Panel affirmed that there were legitimate infringement committed by the Kurdistan locale that forestalled the endorsement of the Oil and Gas Regulation.

Board part MP Kazem Al-Touki told , “The oil and gas regulation doesn’t experience the ill effects of specialized obstructions, however the principal snag to its endorsement in the Place of Agents is the Kurdistan area.”

He added, “The district has issues in regards to certain focuses connected with the pace of derivation of sums for each barrel of oil delivered in Kurdistan, notwithstanding the way that the territorial government has had contracts since the 1990s with organizations to separate oil disregarding the law.”

That’s what he expressed “the area disregarded the regulations by contracting with organizations to separate oil at significant expenses, not at all like what’s going on in other governorates, and these organizations ought to be rethought as far as agreements and monetary expenses for removing oil.”

Bruce’s Big Call , 1 JUNE

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-30-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:04:40

Welcome everyone, to tonight's call on Thursday, May 30th and you are listening to the big call. 

And tonight, we are going to be Sue and Bob. And of course we're going to be missing Bruce. And if you were listening just a minute ago you were listening to Bob and I share that Bruce is still on his healing recovery journey. And you know, we're missing him. Yes. But what's most important is that everybody that's listening to this call are holding him in the most remarkable healing and recovery and sending him love and understanding.

As I was talking to you Bob, I was thinking this is going to be all about community in the future, and to have a community that can step in and, you know, pinch hit, as I said, and provide what you need. 

It's going to be very important - and I’ve really learned that in the past couple of days . getting a chance to talk to Bob you know and just sharing that you've got people around you that care about you, and that can take over to go somewhere. Just remember that. And with that, we'll get started And say, Bruce we're thinking of you and open with a prayer,

 Um – so quess what time it is?  We have a woman – Bob  in our --  wait – we have  two women – excuse me Miss J – we have  two women in our leadership group that I hope people will take advantage of and it will be  talkling about it at the end of this call. We had like a little bell  - we’re hearing it in our head - phone numbers going into your head - and isn’t that what you want to hear and is it  not giving you a little dopamine  rush. Well, it's dope. It's dopamine rush and intel time. I think it's gonna be hearing from one of them. I think it's gonna be pretty strategic.

So tonight, we're going to talk about what a number of people pointed out to me with the possibility that  Bruce wasn’t going to show up  and that is that most likely  people are reeling from the political news  about President Trump. And I'm just going to be apolitical, but just put perspective on this. 

Just like I said on Tuesday, we are in a covert war, a covert war, which is about healing the toxic invasive pervasive negativity and unfortunately, weaponizing zation of harm to humanity, That's the best way to say it -  And the most truthfully I can say it without, you know, going into it anymore 

So we've heard from different people that  the perspective on the verdict with President Trump is being used so that we can see that system in full play, we can see what a really negative, really unfair, really, remarkably weaponized system can do And so it's out in plain sight. So do not be discouraged - the point I'm speaking to a person with a big capital T

What whenever he's listening or when or if I'm gonna get a text. You can't be discouraged by the optics, and it's hard not to be discouraged by the optics – how can  this be happening.

On my top guy, this is all part strategy to round up. It's like it's right there in front of your face and it’s going to use to secure a much more powerful outcome. So please, don't take my word for it. But just put your ----  let that be a possibility. for you. In other words, I want to I want people to use critical thinking.

Can't overthink this too much - Because there's so much going on in the background in the background, to clear the field  and give us a fresh, clean, detoxified start - 

We're going through detoxification, and if anybody's ever done a fast - , anything where you're cleansing something negative from your system, we're all doing what cleaning out in the outside world.

Ask yourself, am I going through anything where I'm having to look at, does it need to be with me any longer and you might be surprised at how powerfully the inside and the outside are matching. So that's that's the first start on our intel for tonight. We're hearing not to be discouraged - hold the vision of the 800 numbers to hold the vision that this is all already handled -. And  I know how hard that is – when people do these broad strokes and you're not getting the granular like  - what does that mean - 

after 9 ½ years  decoding intel -  You don't think I know what you guys are going through of course - But in this case, to support your well being -  trust that what is happening that you can't see God has one operationalize that and walk in that confidence.

If you do that, you help her get on the planet. So that's one strategy – Two – now let’s get into more intel -  

The Intel is that we have our number one guy has a gentleman --  I have to be careful how I say this. – who sent to him that – he was moving from one position of authority into another position of authority and had access to Intel that said the numbers should be coming out to us today or tomorrow. 

Nathan's very high position, not a bondholder, nothing. He's not going to say what his position is because I don't want to jeopardize his mission. But he was in a very high level of authority and said that the numbers will be coming out either today or tomorrow.

Bruce, how often say, because this is a more things more But to know that that was said, is very important.

And I got another piece of intel  that pointed it out and really significant  that as of the 31st , which is tomorrow at midnight Mara largo   will drop it's no fly zone. – that’s really remarkable. 

You'll be able to fly over Mar a Lago.

Think about what that means. strategically. Why would that be happening? why would why wouldn't something with Trump be happening? Why Mar a Lago be dropping the no fly zone?

Do we have three or four confirmations of that? No. Is it coming from a trusted source? Yes.  Do we just use these things as possibilities  that are lining up. - While you focus on what you have to do in your daily life. You can't I think we've all learned I certainly have learned can't lean your ladder up against this wall. And you're moving war zone  Don't lean you're ladder up against  Sue.

 This period is about to teach you would sharpen you and finally the most significant piece we have that we have about what could potentially be happening Is that what's going on Trump? What's going on with Mar a largo and if this intel holds up about the numbers coming out, and that's why we're running a class on Monday and Wednesday.

June 1 is right around the corner would they be positioning so we can be kicking off June 1 And I know there are other Intel strands that are out there  - But  another source was saying  - and this thanks to Jane and K  that he is very excited about where this is  - he couldn’t say what was going on, but he was very excited about it -  It's incredibly quiet -  incredibly quiet.

Let's - let your let your heart kind of understand when they things are done and compete  what’s it like? What’s it like when a shopping center when built and the lights are there but it's like built and it's quiet and everything has to move into it.  It’s Quiet still. 

Not a lot of information is I think we're in a place where everything is poised. And I particularly in keying off the MAR a Lago thing as  extraordinary  information -  so what I would do if I were you – keep your eye on your email  -  just be witnessing, you know looking at it. 

Make sure that  as you do that - well and intel psychology.     Let's get a text on that. Intel in el psychology  - as a lot of this is really like being I feel like a sports psychologist.

It's like learning how to play the game. This is an unbelievable marathon and everybody's a victor in it. No matter how you feel like you've done  because you played  this game for God.

I mean, you should. You should be with yourself in the morning and going you are one bad you know what? For God but keep your focus on your day to day while also  seeing that You can be focusing on what you're going to be creating, how you want to be living, how you want to be inspired, your projects. That's the part that's going to be giving you meaning creativity and hope – and Creativity. 

That's what's gonna do it for you.

So that's our intel  for tonight. And I just want to thank Bob, for your incredible remarks and teaching for offering the 30% off sale, please take advantage of the sale. Because to have access to what is going to support you in staying healthy and not declining. is probably the most one of the most significant things you could do to care for yourself.

So join us and think all we have to do to be successful. Thank you for quitters And for his incredible right and let's really thank Bruce for having started as called tunity to express our our passions to help you express yourself and passion question, and you're passionate about being prayer, to honor the Lord Jesus. We're here because of the incredible being by the name of Bruce.  To see him surrounded by all of our love all of o ur appreciation or gratitude for Yeah. Of his service for his wacky funny heart for the joy he's given if he was going for a personal challenge.

Dinar News Digital Banks ONLINE, Exchange Rate, Counterfeit Currency, CHELLA


  MarkZ     [via PDK]    I feel that as far as Iraq is concerned it is done and prepared. They are just waiting on the “go” so they can anno...