Saturday, June 1, 2024

Iraqi Dinar ✅WOW World Bank Announced IQD Exchange Rate Today 2024 / IQD...

Iraqi Dinar New Revaluation 1 To 1 🔥Iraqi Dinar huge Update

UN Security Council to conclude UNAMI by end of 2025, 1 JUNE

UN Security Council to conclude UNAMI by end of 2025

UN Security Council to conclude UNAMI by end of 2025

Shafaq News / On Friday, the UN Security Council decided to conclude the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) by the end of 2025, following a request made by the Iraqi government about two weeks ago.

The Security Council voted on this decision during a session held today, commending the Iraqi government for resolving internal issues and acknowledging the progress made in achieving the goals set by the government’s program and priorities.

The unanimously adopted resolution extends the mandate of the mission, established in 2003, for a final period of 19 months until December 31, 2025.

Several members of the Security Council, including Russia and China, had previously supported Baghdad's request to end the UNAMI mission by next year. However, the United States did not immediately back this move.

Abbas Kadhim Al-Fatlawi, Iraq's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, reiterated Iraq’s request for the UN to terminate its political mission by the end of 2025, stating that "the mission has achieved its objectives."

On May 21, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani formally requested in a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that the UN conclude its assistance mission to Iraq, UNAMI, by December 31, 2025. 

He indicated that the mission's remaining efforts this year should focus solely on finalizing work related to economic reform, service provision, sustainable development, climate change, and other developmental aspects.

Established in 2003 under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1500, at the request of the Iraqi government, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) role expanded significantly in 2007 under Resolution 1770.

At the outset of its operations in Iraq, the Mission faced a tragic incident in August 2003 when a terrorist bombing targeted its headquarters at Al-Qanat Hotel in Baghdad. 

The attack destroyed the hotel, claiming the lives of 23 staff members, including the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations, Sergio Vieira de Mello. 

The Mission, headquartered in Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, is also tasked with collaborating with government partners and civil society to coordinate the humanitarian and development initiatives of UN Agencies, Funds, and Programmes. 

The UN Iraq explained that while UNAMI doesn't directly implement humanitarian and development programs, it amplifies the importance of these issues in Iraq. It facilitates connections between Iraqi partners, including the Government and civil society organizations, and the technical expertise offered by the UN entities in Iraq.



  [via PDK]   There was a real good article...on Vietnam joining BRICS… ”High Level Talks indicate Vietnam poised to join BRICS... Great News for VND”  This is great news as it shows their growing strength and manufacturing dominance of Vietnam. And they are pushing for their currency to be worth more as they join this asset backed group of BRICS….

Question:  You mentioned your gut thinks the RV could happen between June 2 and 9th… Is that still valid

 MarkZ:  Based on what I am hearing from the bond side, government side and group side…To me it’s what makes the most sense.  But, I am not ruling out any moment, because it’s a strong possibility...But its highly possible it happens this weekend...I was once told the optimum time would be on a Saturday night to Sunday morning.

Futures slide as bond yields spike to a 3 week high”  We are watching an inverted bond market. We are watching the short term bonds out bid and out earn the long term bonds. I was always told this is key to the reset and we are watching it live.  This bond market is in shambles. I was always told to watch for this just before the reset…and to watch for the HCL law to be passed in Iraq. We are now watching them as we approach the finish line. 

This is pure gold this morning…  Article:  “US Ambassador praises Iraq’s official adoption of E-Payment system”  This particular US ambassador is well known as the “Ambassador of re-valuations”  She usually gets sent to whatever country whose value is about to change. She is there in Iraq right now.

 It certainly is a “push” ...They are talking about it openly in the Iraqi news. …They are blatant on this one  The impending rate change”.  They are telling us what they are doing... Articles in Iraq say clearly that the dinar is going to be worth more than the US dollar. 

[via PDK] 

 did hear some interesting things from military contacts. One in particular kinda surprised me overnight...don’t panic because they do their best to cloud  the timing...He said “Do not worry- it will be before July 4th.” We will have it all before July 4th. Actually a couple military contacts gave me that same time frame. I still have great hopes for is interesting they have plans to have it completed by July 4th…For all we know it could happen tomorrow…nobody knows the timing.

 Out of Iraq – hearing we are supposed to be getting news on Sunday that has to do with the budget but since they have already passed it- does this mean we are getting a rate? Or which projects were executed or started?  I do not know.

   I am seeing rates of somewhere between $3.81 to $3.91 from a number of contractors working in Iraq. They are working on infrastructure - everything from hospitals to power grid to roads etc... And I am still thinking it will be $2 something on the dong. I hope I’m wrong and my contacts are right and it’s closer to the $3 mark.

Vietnam Dong It’s Massive High Update 🔥VND Rate Update latest

the document.. The House of Representatives votes next Monday on the budget schedules, 1 JUNE

the document.. The House of Representatives votes next Monday on the budget schedules

 MP Mustafa Sanad announced that the House of Representatives intends to vote on the fiscal budget schedules for 2024.

Sanad published a copy of the session’s agenda and limited voting to the budget tables and indicated that it would be held at 3 p.m.
“The Finance Committee has not voted on the schedules and has not prepared its report” so far, Sanad said.بالوثيقة-مجلس-النواب-يصوت-الإثنين-المقبل-على-جداول-الموازنة



 Article: "Association of Banks: The joint committee with the American side will begin its work next month" Quote:  "The head of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Wadih Al-Handal, confirmed today, Wednesday, the effort to open more prospects for work with correspondent banks, while indicating that the joint committee with the American side regarding the banking sector will begin its work next month"

Article: "Economist: The budget is not affected by the dollar exchange rates... and explains why"  Quote: "...because Iraq will receive the dollar from oil exports, and on the contrary, revenues increase with the increase in dollar prices obligations are dealt with in the Iraqi dinar, and there is no dealing in the dollar, and the budget is built primarily on the Iraqi dinar and not on the dollar, so the budget is never affected by the dollar exchange rates.

  Article "The Central Bank of Iraq "denies" issuing a currency in the category of (100) thousand  dinars"  Quote "The Central Bank of Iraq denies issuing a new currency in the denomination of (100) thousand dinars, indicating  that the image of the new currency circulated on social networking sites is a “fake” image bearing the image of the late Iraqi  architect Zaha Hadid"  

Article:  "In light of the Middle East conflict, the World Bank expects oil prices to exceed $100"  Quote:  "The bank said in a report published today that a severe price disruption could lead to oil prices exceeding $100 per barrel, which would increase inflation in 2024 by about one percentage point."

Article: "Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to the Stabilization of Iraq"  

Quote:  "The obstacles to the orderly reconstruction of Iraq, the restoration and maintenance of peace and security in the country, and the development of political, administrative, and economic institutions in Iraq continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States...I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq declared in Executive Order 13303."

Article:  "The Central Bank begins the second phase of its banking reform strategy

 Quote: "what will be achieved from the second phase of the banking reform strategy will be reflected in the stability of the exchange rate and the recovery of the Iraqi dinar inevitably"
