Wednesday, May 29, 2024


  Latest from Mark Z  ⬇️ 

Member: Frank26 said the parallel market is now even with the official market and we are ready to go to 1 to 1. 

MZ: That makes sense to me. We have been looking for parity in the parallel market and official market …. a number of Iraqi sources would agree with that. That is their goal before they move to their next step, which should be a substantial value change. That is according to them in the white papers and monetary reform papers. You can read it there. 

Member: Even if it’s 1 to 1……that would help many right now in dire circumstances. 

Member: I think the Dinar will eventually be between $3.80 to $3.95 value

MZ: Articles in Iraq say clearly that the dinar is going to be worth more than the US dollar. 

Member: Well, with the USD only being worth about 20 cents… it wouldn’t take much for the Iraqi dinar to be worth more

Member: I read that some are saying we should go very soon possibly the 1st week of June 

MZ: Nader dropped a video that is really interesting. Iraq is adding a number of other Arab banks in the country…….This is kind of a way for them to work around the US sanctions on some Iraqi banks. It's a great piece that tells us why it is so important for Iraq to get out from underneath those and have its value change. It is important ((IMO) for Iraq to move quickly on value. 

MZ: I had a great conversation with a person involved with historic bonds yesterday afternoon. We have a few that are expecting spendable dollars Tuesday morning….Tomorrow morning. They were told they would have gotten it today if the banking system was open. 

MZ: These are individual bond holders that are expecting access tomorrow. We should know in the morning if they disappeared (NDA) I am very hopeful about this one. 

MZ: I spoke with a couple people involved with the process and cannot share the specific information – but it was very encouraging. But if what they say is accurate it could put us within days or a week or two at most of us processing and exchanging on the currency side of it. 

MZ: I will try to get clearance to share a few more details in the morning but do not want to get anyone in trouble. . 

Member: It would sure help knowing if this is real and happening right now. 

MZ: I have some interesting news from the group side. Some are hearing nothing yet- and some are being told to prepare for some kind of announcement. I think some groups who have had “leaks” are being held to the end to make sure rumors of the timing is secure. 

Member: I think we will see this happen early June for us. 

MZ: I am kinda of your mindest. I think we will see solid movement before that like historic bonds…..but, it makes sense right now due to where we are in the month. 

Member: Mark Z , what would  Warren buffet value of his $100 million investment be worth after he rvs? And what do you think he invested in for the rv?

MZ: he stands to make about 1.7 billion based on my math.

MZ: “The gap between the rich and poor is larger than ever and frustration is growing to dangerous levels”  This shows us why its so important to reset our monetary system.

IMPORTANT Iraq Loosing Millions Each Month

The Sudanese direct the speedy formation of a high committee to follow up the water agreement with Turkey, 29 MAY

The Sudanese direct the speedy formation of a high committee to follow up the water agreement with Turkey

Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired today, Wednesday, the second meeting on the follow-up of agreements and memos with Turkey, which was concluded during the last visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq last month.

A statement by the Prime Minister’s Office received a copy of it, “the meeting witnessed the review of the procedures for the implementation of agreements and memorandums of understanding concluded between the two sides, amounting to 24 memorandums, as the Sudanese stressed the need to continue communication with the Turkish side in proceeding with the implementation steps in parallel, and directed that each ministry concerned with the memorandums of understanding develop a clear action plan and directly under the supervision of his sovereignty; in order to accelerate the implementation.”

He also directed the Prime Minister “to accelerate the formation of the committee for the implementation of the framework agreement for water cooperation between Iraq and Turkey, and to emphasize the preparation of water projects, which will be implemented jointly, and to focus on strategic projects that are in the interest of Iraq in the long term, in order to achieve the required impact on the agricultural and water reality in Iraq.”

The statement continued, “The meeting witnessed the review of the procedures related to the signed memorandums of understanding, and the importance of forming joint committees between the concerned ministries; to follow up the implementation of cooperation measures in other vital fields and sectors, which contributes to strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and achieving the interests of their peoples.”السوداني-يوجه-بالإسراع-في-تشكيل-لجنة-عليا-لمتابعة-اتفاق-المياه-مع-تركيا



 I received this from a friend:

Explaining the different Tier Groups involved in the RV.

There are 5 Tiers that will be exchanging.

Tiers 1, 2, 3, & 4.

The payout of the bonds and currency is done in order of the different tiers. 

Tier One: 

Is the Chinese Royals, 

Then comes: 

Bond Holders, 


Church Groups, 



Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims, 

and other groups. 

While Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest and composed of the general public: people who have bought currency and/or bonds and keep up with the reset by way of information on the Internet.


A. D1 released for liquidity which then triggers D2&3

B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1 liquid, this is their hold up)

C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)

D. Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid) It appears all is set to go on or about the same time!   

The official GO for our level (4b) has not been released yet. It can happen any moment.

Tier 1-governments and royalty 

Tier 2 - whales, elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc.


Tier 3 - Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc.  

Tier 4 - all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel - internet groups(all of us). 


Tier 5 - those who never paid attn - the general public.

D1 and D2 funds the RV. 

As all T1-4b are funded, we await the final release to reach to our level.

It's a process. It's tedious and time consuming. Making adjustments as needed along the way for accuracy and safety of all involved. It's a very quiet & discrete operation, where the general public is left uninformed for obvious reasons. 

Pay attention to the levels that are ahead of us. That will help give a better understanding of where we are, in relation to it reaching the 4b level. 

BUT, it is unfolding. And when it reaches our levels, there will be no doubts. It's coming! Keep the faith.

This is the correct definition 



D3 funds adjudicated accounts  and Gesara

Tier 1 Sovereign  nation debt 

Tier 2 Royals Elders 

Whales military generals  and some political types

Tier 3 originally generals public

Now Tier 3 groups with projects including the Admiral  who was sent to the back of the line and renamed Tier 4A  really just a pie slice of tier 3.

Admiral  composed of 3 parts.  Most notable  4A Core groups and 130 VIP groups.

Tier 3 all D2 TRUST MONEY.  THE ELDERS and German bonds and select yellow dragon bonds  must be paid first and have been.

The Pentecostal group are now 100% under NDA.

Iraqi Dinar✅Iraqi Dinar Latest Update Today 2024 / IQD RV / Iraqi Dinar ...

Good news regarding the federal budget, 29 MAY

 Good news regarding the federal budget

Shafaq News / The coordination framework held a meeting on Tuesday  in the presence of Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani.

A statement after the meeting said that the meeting deliberated on the financial budget tables and stressed the need to approve them to achieve the interests of citizens and support the economic situation.

The meeting also stressed the importance of proceeding with the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives as soon as possible.

A political source revealed to Shafaq News Agency on Monday that the reason for the meeting is due to objections to the budget tables sent by the Iraqi government, by the framework forces and refused to pass them in their current form.

The government had sent the budget tables to parliament for a vote after a delay of more than five months as a result of technical problems centered on the size of the deficit, and the government's attempts to reduce it.

There was controversy over the budget tables after allocating an investment budget to the provinces amounting to 41 trillion Iraqi dinars, which some saw as unfair to the provinces by reducing their quotas in exchange for increasing the Kurdistan Region's share of 4 trillion, which the government denied.

The 2024 budget, according to Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, is 211 trillion dinars, and the salaries of employees for the year 2024 amount to 62 trillion dinars, while the budget for 2023 was 199 trillion dinars and the salaries of employees 59 trillion dinars.

The revenues of the 2024 budget are estimated at 144 trillion and 336 billion dinars, while expenditures amount to 210 trillion and 936 billion dinars, while the deficit is 63 trillion and 599 billion dinars .


MAY 28, 2024




Sue to sort and clarify and make it possible what this information is pointing to and Sue thinks it would be wise to take everything and filter it, and one problem that Sue has seen is that people are confused, distracted and have conflicting doubts, but you have to get different perspectives . .   So keep in mind that you hear something from us and then you hear that it won't happen until the 4th of July - there are two things happening and we have boots on the ground and on the front lines, RC heads and people giving us very high level information . but understand that we're in a covert war, so an X and O team and stuff happens in the background, so,

 Wouldn't we love to be in the War Room for this and help them? So if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem, so please put your energy behind this information and hold the intention to see the 800 NOW; reality is our focus and our consciousness is incredibly powerful, so hold onto this INTEL, see it NOW and declare. do it NOW – it will help you maintain positive energy.  So PLEASE DO THIS.   You have to be Clear – WITHOUT A DOUBT – THE BEST YOU CAN DO .

We are in this covert war and not everyone can see it so we have to support the conclusion and our number one man says: 1. call from one of the oldest and biggest guards of this event and said that the cleanliness is not to be believed what's happening.   So get all excited about taking out the trash onto a clean, fresh field to play on and may you do better than you thought.   So this is very, very COOL.

And then he told our guy: we could wait for midday and early afternoon to receive notifications and go from tomorrow to the weekend.   And maybe swap from Thursday to weekend.

Then another call from a very important and strategic person, so look for anytime from tomorrow until June 4th, which is next Tuesday.    Sue has been in this alongside Bruce for 9 and a half years and Sue is very grateful to know these people and there is a lot going on behind the scenes and these people are shoulder to shoulder with us so in this war it is always on a state of flow.   There is a lot going on so the best thing you can do IS HOLD THE LINE AND THE 800 NUMBERS ARE COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK - DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE WHO PUSH THIS - THOSE PEOPLE ARE MAKING ASSUMPTIONS -

SO EXPECT THIS BEFORE WE THINK AND WALK WITH THE EXPECTATION THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE SOON - SO MAGNITIZE IT FOR US - So Sue says let's see 800 from TOMORROW TO SATURDAY call the Light of God and bring it to US NOW.   Sue I am sure she will pray for the calling so please pray for the calling with her and keep praying like we always do every day because all our prayers are very important and also very powerful so we will help everyone PRAY THIS NOW. - KNOW THIS IS THE TRUTH.   So my love to ALL of you Gem.   Sue is still chatting, but you can see him listening to the recording.    Maybe even Friday will just be a CELEBRATION CALL – how happy Bruce would be to hear that.   I know how happy we would ALL be.


28 MAYO 2024


Sue para ordenar y aclarar y hacer posible a qué apunta esta información y Sue piensa que sería prudente tomar todo y filtrarlo, y un problema que Sue ha visto es que la gente está confusa, distraída y con dudas contradictorias, pero hay que obtener perspectivas diferentes. . 

Así que tenga en cuenta que escucha algo de nosotros y luego escucha que no sucederá hasta el 4 de julio: están sucediendo dos cosas y tenemos botas en el terreno y en la vanguardia, jefes de RC y personas que nos brindan información de muy alto nivel. pero entiende que estamos en una guerra encubierta, por lo que un equipo X y O y esas cosas suceden en segundo plano, entonces,

¿no nos encantaría estar en la Sala de Guerra para esto y ayudarlos? Entonces, si no eres parte de la solución, usted es parte del problema, así que por favor ponga su energía detrás de esta información y mantenga la intención de ver los 800 AHORA; la realidad es nuestro enfoque y nuestra conciencia es increíblemente poderosa, así que aférrese a esta INTEL, véala AHORA y declare. hágalo AHORA: le ayudará a mantener la energía positiva. Así que POR FAVOR HAGA ESTO. Tienes que ser Claro – SIN DUDA – LO MEJOR QUE PUEDES HACER

Estamos en esta guerra encubierta y no todos pueden verla, así que tenemos que apoyar la conclusión y nuestro hombre número uno dice: 1. llamada de uno de los viejos y más grandes guardias de este evento y dijo que la limpieza es No es de creer lo que está sucediendo. Así que emocione todo lo que es sacar la basura a un campo limpio y fresco para jugar y que les vaya mejor de lo que pensaban. Así que esto es muy, muy GENIAL.
Y luego le dijo a nuestro chico: podríamos esperar el mediodía y las primeras horas de la tarde para recibir notificaciones y pasar de mañana al fin de semana. Y tal vez intercambie de jueves a fin de semana.

Luego, otra llamada de una persona muy importante y estratégica, así que busque en cualquier momento desde mañana hasta el 4 de junio, que es el próximo martes. Sue ha estado en esto junto a Bruce durante 9 años y medio y Sue está muy agradecida de conocer a estas personas y están sucediendo muchas cosas detrás de escena y estas personas están hombro con hombro con nosotros, por lo que en esta guerra siempre está en un estado de flujo. Están sucediendo muchas cosas, así que lo mejor que puedes hacer ES MANTENER LA LINEA Y LOS NÚMEROS 800 ESTÁN LLEGANDO ANTES DE LO QUE PIENSAS - NO ESCUCHES A LOS QUE IMPULSAN ESTO - ESOS GENTE ESTÁN HACIENDO SUPUESTAS - 

ASÍ QUE ESPERE ESTO ANTES DE PENSAMOS Y CAMINAMOS CON LA EXPECTATIVA DE QUE ESTO VA A SER PRONTO - ASÍ QUE MAGNITÍCELO PARA NOSOTROS - Entonces Sue dice que veamos 800 de MAÑANA A SÁBADO llama a la Luz de Dios y tráela a NOSOTROS AHORA. Sue, estoy seguro de que orará por el llamado, así que por favor ore por el llamado con ella y siga orando como siempre lo hacemos todos los días porque todas nuestras oraciones son muy importantes y también muy poderosas, por lo que ayudaremos a todos a ORAR ESTO AHORA. - SEPA QUE ESTA ES LA VERDAD. Así que mi amor para TODOS ustedes Gem. Sue todavía está charlando, pero puedes verlo escuchando la grabación. Tal vez incluso el viernes será simplemente una LLAMADA DE CELEBRACIÓN: qué feliz estaría Bruce al escuchar eso. Sé lo felices que seríamos TODOS.