Saturday, May 25, 2024


First Carbon Exchange Franchise in Iraq, 25 MAY

First Carbon Exchange Franchise in Iraq

Capturiant, which depicts itself as “the world’s most memorable energy-determined carbon credit and natural resource authenticator, library, and directed trade”, has reported its most memorable Center Eastern establishment in Iraq, in organization with Sharp Brain Worldwide Endeavors Inc., a Canada-based organization with a branch in Iraq.

As per an official statement from Capturiant:

This organization denotes a critical stage in extending admittance to open-access conditions for the buy, deal, exchanging, and retirement of excellent carbon credits and other ecological resources.

Capturiant [a auxiliary of Entoro LLC] works on a managed private-area model to give normalized philosophies, quick handling, and cheaper administrations to a wasteful, nontransparent, and obsolete industry. Capturiant’s monetarily directed staff is conversant in protections, banking, care, valuation, products, and digitalization. With this range of abilities, Capturiant is upgrading the organization and hazard the board of carbon credits and other ESG instruments.

Sharp Mind Global Ventures Inc. works with a variety of private and public sector clients to develop carbon neutrality strategies, assist them in successfully overcoming regulatory obstacles, and locate globally influential carbon credit projects. Sharp Psyche is additionally in association with different US and European firms to lead decarbonization endeavors in the Kurdistan district and Iraq.

Maziar Rajabi, Director and Organizer behind Sharp Brain Worldwide Endeavors, expressed that:

“Capturiant stands separated from different vaults and trades in its devotion to administrative consistence and private-area the board.”

He likewise noticed that Capturiant is remarkable in its accentuation on designed arrangements past conventional nature-based carbon credit projects.

James C. Column, Pioneer and Chief of Capturiant, said:

“We are excited to expand investment opportunities in Iraqi carbon credit projects by collaborating with the knowledgeable and experienced team at Sharp Mind Global Ventures.”

The following is the press release:

“Capturiant and Sharp Psyche Worldwide Endeavors Inc. are ready to make a change in perspective in the carbon credit industry in Iraq, a country progressively underscoring manageable and harmless to the ecosystem rehearses. This cooperation will give Iraqi substances unmatched admittance to a different scope of ecological resources through Capturiant’s high level stage, encouraging a more manageable future in one of the Center East’s most unique economies. The foundation of this establishment is only the start, with the proceeded with development of Capturiant’s worldwide impression to happen before very long.”

Bruce’s Big Call, 25 MAY

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-16-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:09:09

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, and it is May 23rd and you're listening to the big call. and I'm excited to be here to pray the call in. That's what we do every Tuesday and Thursday nights And so let's go ahead and do that, We'll go from there and have our evening prayer. Now we'll see where this goes from here – the intel it's kind of short and sweet tonight. I'll just fill you guys in. What we had heard from our contacts in Canada in Vancouver, British Columbia was they were expecting to receive these email our emails today. Well, we know that didn't happen. So ---- Because that didn't happen our other contacts at the redemption were telling us that we should get this -- If we did not get a pm today -- we would get over the weekend -- I don’t believe that's going to happen for this reason -- We have Memorial Day on Monday -- It looks like we probably will not get the numbers, the 800 numbers to call in until Tuesday -- when everybody's back at the redemption centers back to the call centers. I believe we're gonna get those on on Tuesday and exchange if we get them early enough, either on Tuesday afternoon or on Wednesday.

This happens every time we had a 3 day weekend. I just wanted everybody to have a good Memorial Day. Keep our veterans and our soldiers in mind there's a lot happening for that for that going on right now. And you know guys, I keep talking about clean – up on aisle 3 / 4 / 5  - There's more cleanup today. There's more cleanup going on over the weekend. But I don't think we're gonna get  the numbers until Tuesday, Tuesday morning.

That's where I've been led from these sources that we have. So I'm going to say we're probably gonna be going not this week of course us or this weekend for that matter. It's probably next week. And so  let’s plan on that -  We’ll plan on getting started next week and then if I remember right helped me with the calendar Bob -  by the 28th is what? Monday?  the 28th Tuesday Tuesday  Ok  -- I am looking for us to get notified  on Tuesday – morning should be -- could be maybe after lunch, whatever  but we should get them then. and then exchange probably on Wednesday 29th.

So we still should get it this month - And that would be a great thing for us to get.  I know everybody wants it yesterday and months ago. I know that -  I did too.  -- But realistically, I don't think we're going to put people in  the redemption centers on the weekend on Sunday or Monday, think they're going to let the holiday speak for themselves.

And I just have a feeling that's when you happen because we would need to outfit and put the people in the redemption centers, and in the call centers don't see that happening  until Tuesday -  then, so I want everybody to have a good Memorial Day weekend. And then we'll go forward from that point on.

That's where it is right now. That's the latest information that I got. I got some other things that looked like it was gonna go this weekend but that has been superseded for what we have, so I'm not gonna buy I don't know anything's possible with this. We know that. But it doesn't make sense if they would start us over the holiday weekend.  That's what I'm going to say as far as that goes.

Thank you for your segment  Bob it was really good, highly educational Thank you Sue for everything that you brought tonight.  And thank you Bob again -  let's  let's go ahead and pray the call out. And then we'll go from there – All right  that sounds good.

So everybody keep in mind our veterans this weekend that Monday, Memorial Day, and everything that we can do to pray for our active service members.

And if it makes sense, get out and play some golf do something enjoyable. Maybe you're going to the beach. That's what I wanted to say tonight. So let's pray the call out

All right. so everybody, have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (5/24/24)

Parliamentary Finance pledges to quickly pass the budget schedules, 25 MAY

Parliamentary Finance pledges to quickly pass the budget schedules

On Thursday, the Parliamentary Money Advisory group affirmed the decision on the 2024 spending plan tables before the finish of the ongoing regulative term.

Council part Khalil Dosky said in a meeting with the , “The Parliamentary Money Advisory group plans to concentrate on the things of the financial plan plans so they incorporate numerous viewpoints, including deciding government spending.”

He added, “His council started examining the passages of the spending plan tables to set up a definite report and remember proposition and conversations for request to finish and develop all feelings,” bringing up that “the financial plan tables will be introduced to the political powers.”

He brought up that “there is an incredible longing among individuals from the Place of Delegates to support the timetables as fast as could really be expected,” focusing on that “the decision on the 2024 spending plan timetables will occur before the finish of the ongoing regulative term.”



 Much of the float articles that we have seen have concerns about speculators that is because they are referencing dealers speculating within the country.   That will not happen.

 All of these changes that they're talking about pertain to monetary policy. They have nothing to do with the exchange rate. Whether or not the exchange rate goes up or not is directly related to the economic success thereafter.

By the end of the year when the Central Bank of Iraq ends the currency auction,  only transfers  amongst established Iraqi banks and regional or International banks will occur.  In other words, the float of the dinar and  transfer of funds will be institutional.

 What this means for us is the future of the dinar exchange rate is directly tied to the  capital flowing through the CBI, economic growth, and success of Iraq. As Iraq prospers, so will the dinar!  Though we may not see  the dinar exchange rate improve initially. This is a significant change in monetary policy for the Central Bank of Iraq. Some 20  years in the waiting.  

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