Thursday, May 23, 2024



  • Wed. 22 May 2024 MarkZ: “I am confident that some Bond Holders such as those in Humanitarian Projects are being paid and bonds are moving today Wed. 22 May.”
  • Tues. 21 May 2024 Texas Snake: “Well folks was advised we would have positive indications today but now am being told it should come on the 24th which is this coming Friday which would give the banks time to deal with their Fridays and Mondays and begin to schedule appointments later into next week.  We can only hope that at some point these projections will be accurate.”
  • Tues. 21 May 2024 Unknown Source: “Banks in the USA will close on the 24th and until May 27th (Monday)  they will be offline, without credit cards and without access to 24-hour banking. It will be the beginning of AES – EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM and on Tues. 28 May 2024, some banks and companies will no longer open.
  • Tues. 21 May 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#:
  • There was a meeting last night with 64 individuals in Reno to decide when the emails were going out for Tier 3, 4a,b. They were told to make the decision whether this was going on Tues. 21 May, or on Wed. 22 May.
  • A Metals Broker said that this could go overnight tonight Tues-Wed 21, 22.
  • Everyone left Reno either last night or at 6am this morning. That means they got things done and we should have this overnight tonight or tomorrow.

IMPORTANT IMF Report on Iraq's Economy GDP Prediction Good News

Coffee with MarkZ, joined by MilitiaMan. 05/23/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ, joined by MilitiaMan. 05/23/2024

Member: A very good morning to everyone today. 

Member: RV there yet…lol

Member: have any of you heard anything about 800 numbers possibly being sent out by the end of this week????

Member: There are lots of rumors out there that this is our weekend. 

Member: I watched the MM & crew this morning ….UNBELIEVABLY GOOD

MZ: Welcome MilitiaMan ….what is the latest?

MM: I had an interesting phone call/conversation this morning. I was piped into a 3 way/4 way call. One of the people worked with Credit cards globally and is in one of rooms. The topic on this call had her somewhat excited that the US is gearing to do their T-1 clearing on the 28th of this month. That is a fast timeframe for clearing and settlement of bonds or stocks or currency transactions-things of that nature. 

MM: Here transaction are about 3 days. If you do a transaction, or but a stock or whatever- it takes 3 days to clear. This is a lot of time. T-1 will effectively be about 6 hours to do transacctions around the world…and that’s for everybody.. Its my understanding that the US is the last one to be at that T-1 mark. We are the largest market. 

MM: Canada does not have a holiday like we do (memorial day) ….so they are going on the 27th. 

MM: I believe Iraq is ready to go with the rest of the world. Along with other countries like the Vietnamse dong. 

MM:  I think this is a big thing. 

MM: Iraq and the US have been in bed together –so to speak with DFI accounts that were changed to the Iraq 2 accounts for all the oil money that was in the DFI funds. 

MM: We know that the executive order 13303 was just resigned by the President of the US. This gives them protections from debtors ect…I believe this will help with Americans and their investments and large companies like Honeywell ect…who want to know they will not have problems with their assets. I believe when Sudani visited the US he was assured that this would be signed. And it is good for another year. 

MM: Yesterday Jamal Cougar said they could get the Iraq budget schedules done in less than 10 days. That runs just a little bit past the T-1 on the 28th and 29th. We will just have to see what happens. 

MM: I believe their parliament legislative process recess starts on the 9th of June. The importance of this particular budget schedule is for projects and contracts to be paid. 

MM: The expectation is they will not be able to afford these at a rate of 1310. Or they would already have done it. 

MM: Talking about electronic trading and how everyone is going to be on the same page with cross border payment –it lets me think we are going to see something potentially on or before or very close to this time frame because of interconnectivity and being able to move money on a level platform or playing field. This is pretty big. 

MZ: A number of people are asking what is T-1 clearing?

MM . It’s a transaction date . T=Transaction …and normally it takes 3 days which is a long time. In this modern world they will be able to do this transaction in 6 hours in one day…..instead of 3 days. And this will be a global situation. Starting on May 28th for the US and May 27th for Canada. Again the US is supposedly the last country. 

MM: To me it’s no coincidence that Iraq has done all their different advancements  and that Sudani is going to launch his development road projects on May 30th. so Sudani was telling the world he was going to do something in the month of April – and he did it. 

MM he said in the past that the dinar was going to be stronger than the dollar. And , we are expecting that. 

MZ: and yesterday Sudani said they were starting the second phase of their economic reforms. 

MM: And at the bottom of an article yesterday he said they were about to strengthen the dinar. 

MZ: To strengthen the dinar is to add more purchasing power and be stronger than the dollar. For it to be stronger than the dollar it has to be worth more than a dollar. 

MM: yes. 

MZ: People want to know if they can drag this out until next year?

MM: We don’t know the timing. But, I don’t think we are even close to go that long. There is way too much going on in the world and this is not only about Iraq. Remember all boats rise with the tide. 

MZ: Things are finally getting tangible enough that I can be excited. 

MM: This is an amazing event that we are watching unfold. 

Member: Thank you so much MM and Mark

Be sure to listen to the full replay for all of MilitiaMan’s information and opinions. 

MZ: This one is important. “Increased capacity in Iraq’s refineries “ They are coming up to speed to produce all of their domestic petroleum needs. $25-$30 millions of dollars worth of gas per day . This is gas for pumps and cars. They are ready to be an exporter of gas. This is new for Iraq and key for their economy. 

MZ:” Zimbabwe applies for ISO code for ZIG currency” To be international. I think this is a big one. 

Member: Okay all, Let’s Be Of The Highest Vibrations! The Universe is listening and will give you more of what you say! If you say you’re tired, you get more tired. The Universe Always Says Yes!!!

Member: Julie Green A turn around coming, per God's prophetic word. Says get ready!

Member: Thank you MarkZ for all you do for us to keep us informed and an early Happy Birthday to you

(MarkZ’s Birthday is tomorrow) 

Member: Mark so they tell me it’s your birthday so happy birthday darling May you live may you love May all your dreams come true Happy Birthday to you……God Bless

MZ: Thank you for the pre birthday wishes.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )





Wed. 22 May 2024 Wolverine Chat

 “This will not be a long chat. There was a meeting last night in Reno. The topic was when to release the notifications. The notifications are coming out. The main bondholders are hopefully expecting notifications today. So hold on everyone!!  We are on the very edge of this! Expecting notifications to come in today for the major bondholders. Tier4B, in my opinion, will hopefully come in on the weekend.   

Things are happening in the Pentecostal group. The leader will be having a get together in Bogota the first week of June, so then they will be ready to go. It was a very good audio that they put out yesterday. Hopefully they will be able to release it has been long time for that platform as the owner has been through so much. 

Not much other Intel coming through right now. Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully we will have good news very soon. Take care,” Wolverine

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Zimbabwe Applies For ISO Code For ZiG Currency | Pindula (5/22/24), 23 MAY

 Zimbabwe Applies For ISO Code For ZiG Currency | Pindula (5/22/24)

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) deputy governor Innocent Matshe said that the central bank is in the process of applying for an International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) code for the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency as it moves to make the unit a stand-alone currency, reported.

ISO currency codes are three-letter alphabetic codes that represent various currencies used worldwide. These codes are essential for currency trading and international settlements.

When combined, they form the symbols and cross rates used in financial transactions. For instance, USD stands for the United States Dollar, EUR represents the Euro, and JPY denotes the Japanese Yen.

The ISO currency code for the defunct Zimbabwean dollar was ZWL.

Speaking at a breakfast meeting hosted by the Zimbabwe Economics Society in Harare on Tuesday, Matshe said:

According to our economic strategy, we believed that the success of our currency, ZiG, would depend on a limited management system, maintaining a tight monetary policy stance, controlling money supply and creating demand for the domestic currency.

This would demonstrate policy consistency, build trust in ZiG and facilitate effective communication. Let me confirm that ZiG is indeed a standalone currency.

We are currently in the process of applying for an ISO code and we expect no deviation from our initial protection policies.

Matshe claimed that Zimbabwe’s economy has been growing despite exchange rate fluctuations and inflation. He said:

It is essential to have an affordable base currency. We cannot sustain a dual currency situation indefinitely. Zimbabwe’s economy has been growing despite past instabilities, including currency fluctuations, exchange rates and inflation. However, we need to address these issues.

Matshe also pointed out that it was critical to include all sectors in currency reform, including those outside the traditional financial and banking sectors. He said:

The introduction of ZiG aimed to end the instability and create a standardised currency. Without robust reforms, our economy would not have grown significantly.

We need a framework that harnesses the potential of all sectors, including those outside the traditional financial and banking sectors.

Inclusivity is crucial and we must understand that digital finance is essential for a 21st-century economy. 
We have made progress in electronic financial activities, but we need to think seriously about digitalisation.

Certainty and stability in times of crisis allow for long-term planning and investment, which is key to industrialisation.


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