Wednesday, May 22, 2024



  • Tues. 21 May 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#:
  • There was a meeting last night with 64 individuals in Reno to decide when the emails were going out for Tier 3, 4a,b. They were told to make the decision whether this was going on Tues. 21 May, or on Wed. 22 May.
  • It appears that this could go any time between 3pm and 9 pm Wed. night 22 May and then we start our exchanges on Thurs. 23 May.
  • A Metals Broker said this could go tonight Tues. 21 May.
  • On Sat. 18 May the Currency Rates on Bank and Redemption Center screens were showing zeros, and then on Sun. 19 May they started moving upward. By Mon. 20 May the currency values were still going up very fast.
  • A report from one Redemption Center said the currency rates were going up extremely fast in value.
  • The contract rate on the Dinar was very, very high.
  • Several Countries were installing new leadership such as Switzerland, Brazil and Iran, while Singapore has pulled away from Great Britain and has a new leader. The countries were moving to be Sovereign.
  • A Metals Broker said that this could go overnight tonight Tues-Wed 21, 22.
  • Everyone left Reno either last night or at 6am this morning. That means they got things done and we should have this overnight tonight or tomorrow.
  • US Treasury Conference Call on Sun. 19 May 2024: “Everything is on schedule and the US is finishing up last minute paperwork. All tests for the RV have gone great. Stay positive. It’s coming.”… Mena, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire on Telegram Sun. 19 May 2024
  • Mon. 20 May 2024 MarkZ: “Many banking sources are expecting big things this week. Many bankers are upbeat about this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend.

Iraqi Dinar Good Output After IMF Announcement 🔥Iraqi Dinar Rv And Other...



Tues. 21 May 2024 Wolverine
 “Good to see you guys. You guys get ready. We’re about to start so we all can have a beautiful life. I’m about to get that call. Don’t forget they’re going to have two UTube videos. One is the “Trumpet to Freedom.” The other is “The Opera.”

 It’s near guys. I’m not going to say time or day, but I know we are going to have a beautiful, beautiful month. 


Fri. 17 May 2024 Wolverine

 “Very silent today, not one ounce of intel, but what I did receive last night from a friend who has contacts in Brazil, a person who is very polished and professional person (speaks four languages fluently. He said he was waiting for his group who were waiting at the bank for long hours.

 I got back to him later, nighttime my time, and morning for him, and he said he had no new updates. Then hours later, he came back with an audio, and he gave me 1000 percent confirmation that those people got their blessings. Most people in Brazil are not hearing anything, they are saying no liquidity from anywhere. In my own thoughts, I think it is happening behind the scenes. 

As I said before, they are paying sporadically and they sign NDAs, and will not say anything. I think that is what is happening, this person is a good friend of mine, who tells the truth. They put the audio on the dragon family group, but I did not translate it, and they actually picked someone who spoke Spanish, and they translate it. 

That was the best way to go as I did not want the translation to come from me, that it came from another person. Tomorrow, they tell me we should be getting news. Hopefully, we will get better news. The audio really hit me yesterday, as it was a 1000% confirmation, and it will continue on to two other cities in Brazil on Monday. I did send it to someone else in Brazil who were very emotional hearing it hoped it was true. Not much that I can tell you. 

I have been told that Iraq (sick of Iraq ) on Sunday, they should be able to put the rate on Forex. We will see if it true or not. Do not listen to TNT. I am tired of hearing their misinformation. Notifications were to come last night, that is what I was told, again, no notifications. Very stressful for all of us. Notifications is our announcement and then I can release the opera for you.

 This is my personal opinion – there might not be an announcement. Now a certain person said that statement was true. BUT, it was MY Opinion (saying there might not be an announcement). I think we may get paid sporadically, and lots going on behind the scenes. I have heard of people getting paid, and I do not know those people, but I do know the person in the audio. It might be that people get paid, they sign their NDA and they stay quiet. 

Good for our safety in IMO. I think that is the way it is going to be, and a lot of bond holders agree that it might be the way to go, quietly. A lot silence and not much noise coming out. We will see what happens. I am sure we will get some good news. Some people say it may happen till end of May, or the fifth of June, I will not debate this, as I do not know we will see what happens . 

Let us see what happen later. I heard from contact in Reno that things should develop on the weekend BUT no confirmation on that, but that is what he said. So we wait and see, I am tired of this, it has been very difficult, never thought I would do this for so long. God bless you, let’s hope and pray that later we will get the news we are all waiting on. Take Care, Wolverine.”

Sudani arrives in Tehran to offer condolences on the death of the Iranian president and his companions, 22 MAY

  Sudani arrives in Tehran to offer condolences on the death of the Iranian president and his companions

Shafaq News-Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani arrived on Wednesday morning in Tehran to offer condolences on the death of President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir Hossein Abdollahian and their companions in the crash of the helicopter they were carrying them.

The Sudanese media office said in a statement today that the Sudanese is heading a high-level official delegation that includes the President of the Federal Court and a number of ministers and governors.

An informed source said on Tuesday that the Sudanese will participate in the funeral of the Iranian president in the capital, Tehran.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that "the Sudanese will head to the Iranian capital Tehran in order to participate in the official funeral of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi on Wednesday."

On Monday, Iran officially announced the death of President Ebrahim Raisi along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in the crash of a helicopter they were traveling with other officials in a rugged area near the border with Azerbaijan, in the northwestern province of East Azerbaijan.

Mourners began gathering in Tehran on Tuesday in preparation for days of funerals and processions for the late Iranian president, his foreign minister and other officials who died in the helicopter crash.

On Tuesday morning, a motorcade driven by a truck carrying coffins slowly moved through the narrow streets of central Tabriz, the closest major city to the crash site.

The bodies are due to be transported to Qom before being transported to Tehran, a funeral ceremony presided over by Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday, and a procession will be held in Birjand, Raisi's hometown, on Thursday, followed by a funeral and burial in the city of Mashhad.



Baghdad ( – The financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mazhar Salih, confirmed recently that Iraq has repaid all the loans it has taken from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 2003, a total of just under $8 billion.

Salih explained that the IMF provided several loans to Iraq, aiming to support macroeconomic stability and financial reforms, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

Between 2003 and 2021, Iraq obtained several financing programs from the IMF, including emergency loans and long-term financial assistance.

In 2016, the IMF approved a financial program worth $5.34 billion to support economic reforms in Iraq. Within five years, Iraq paid out the loan in full after obtaining two-thirds of the total.

Iraq sought a $6 billion emergency loan from the IMF in 2021; however, the loan was not granted because, at the time, it hadn’t been linked to any of the IMF’s initiatives.

Iraq’s engagement with the IMF was intended to assist in addressing the economic issues brought on by the drop in oil prices, which were connected to fluctuations in the balance of payments, as well as to promote government reforms.

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Biden's decision to extend the emergency in Iraq protects Baghdad's money - Iraqi expert, 22 MAY

   Biden's decision to extend the emergency in Iraq protects Baghdad's money - Iraqi expert

The expert in American affairs, Professor Aqeel Abbas, confirmed that the White House’s decision, which was issued yesterday, to extend the state of emergency in Iraq, stems from economic and financial reasons, and has no military or security aspect.

He said that the United States protects Iraqi funds from seizure in accordance with this decision, as There is an unknown number of companies and entities around the world that have sued Iraq over the invasion of Kuwait, and if this protection decision is cancelled, Iraqi funds outside the country will be subject to seizure

Aqeel Abbas, in a statement:

Extending this decision is economic and financial, not military or security. It protects Iraq from judicial rulings issued by courts in several countries against Iraq, some of which we do not know yet, because the Iraqi state did not inventory the cases filed against the backdrop of the invasion of Kuwait. Many companies were harmed at that time and lawsuits were filed in different countries.

If the US decision is not extended, many Iraqi funds will be seized, and it will be difficult for Iraq to transfer oil money to the Central Bank.

Today, the United States is the protector of Iraqi funds. The funds go to an American bank in New York and then are transferred to Iraq.

Biden stated in a letter addressed to the US Congress:

Obstacles to the orderly reconstruction of Iraq, the restoration and maintenance of peace and security, and the development of Iraq's political, administrative, and economic institutions continue to pose an extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of Iraq and to the United States.

The national emergency declared in Executive Order 13303 relating to Iraq will remain in effect after May 22, 2024 for another additional year.   link


    MarkZ     [via PDK]     I would rate my warm and fuzzy feeling at about a 9.9 right now . It’s very warm and very was a fanta...