Monday, May 13, 2024

Oil: Iraq committed to OPEC voluntary production cut agreement, 13 may

Oil: Iraq committed to OPEC voluntary production cut agreement

Mawazine News – Baghdad

Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani announced on Sunday Iraq’s commitment to the OPEC voluntary production reduction agreement, while noting that what is being raised about its non-compliance is a unhealthy.
“The Ministry of Oil confirms its commitment to the agreement to reduce production in OPEC,” Abdul Ghani said, pointing out that “the ministry is keen on the cooperation of member states and work to achieve more stability in the global oil market by agreeing on voluntary reduction programs.”

He added that “Iraq confirms its role in the OPEC+ Group and therefore is keen to abide by the agreement,” noting that “Iraq has already confirmed its commitment to the agreement and announced its export and productive program for the period from June to the end of the year.”
He stated that “a program has been put in place to compensate for the increase in production volumes during the last period,” pointing out that “what has been raised about Iraq’s non-compliance with the voluntary reduction is inaccurate.”

Iraqi dinar🔥Exciting New Developments in the Iraqi Dinar Redenomination ...

Iraq is the largest producer.. OPEC+ is pumping higher than scheduled and in anticipation of the June meeting, 13 MAY

 Iraq is the largest producer.. OPEC+ is pumping higher than scheduled and in anticipation of the June meeting

 OPEC+ crude oil production decreased by 210 thousand barrels per day on a monthly basis, to 41.04 million barrels per day last April.

This came according to a survey conducted by S&P Global Commodity, as Russia began implementing a deeper production cut amid a series of Ukrainian drone attacks on its refineries.

However, this decline is unlikely to be enough to calm tensions over compliance, with Russia failing to meet its target, and Iraq and Kazakhstan continuing to produce quantities well above their quotas, according to the survey.

However, this decline is unlikely to be enough to calm tensions over compliance, with Russia failing to meet its target, and Iraq and Kazakhstan continuing to produce quantities well above their quotas.V

The two countries exceeded excess production by nearly 1 million barrels per day in early 2024, and committed to compensate for this between May and the end of December 2023, and these plans were adjusted depending on future production and OPEC+ policy decisions based on the data.

Iraq and Kazakhstan continued to produce beyond quotas, despite their pledge to compensate for their surplus production in early 2024.

As for the June meeting, the production data for last April will be the talk available to OPEC+ ministers when they meet to determine production levels, and analysts expect the group to extend the current quotas and voluntary cuts.

Iraq produced above its quota last April, when production reached 4.24 million barrels per day, a decrease of only 4%, compared to the previous month, which amounted to 4.28 million barrels per day. Thus, it produced above its quota by 240 thousand barrels per day.  link



Tues. 7 May Wolverine

 “I have been told to shut up and I can accept that. What I can tell you is that they said that this will be a Golden Week.

 I don’t want to be a part of anything that would disturb the process. At the moment it is all good. I’m very confident that this is the week that we have been waiting for. Have a beautiful, beautiful day.

Mon. 6 May 2024 Wolverine

“It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. What I can tell you is that we are liquid.

 The money is actually available. It’s just a matter of time in order for the Green Light to be given. Exchanges have started. 

I’ve been told not to say anything more. I can’t give you a date. 

Remember, it’s a military operation, but we are defiantly close. Take care. Have a beautiful day. Wolverine.”

Looks like all things are geared up for this coming week...the green light has been given. We will have a glorious upcoming week, and the notifications are coming out any day now

Sat. 4 May 2024 Wolverine

Hi guys Keep the faith as according to all sources this is about to kick off. I was told all platforms are liquid now and waiting to be disbursed. I want you all to say a prayer and thank God for what you are about to receive and thank him for being Chosen. Remember lift up your vibrations. God bless you all, Wolverine.

The official announcement came through last night Fri. 3 May. The president of the central bank of Brazil, Mr. Roberto Campos Neto signed the final document and this document establishes that releases begin on MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024, for the main majority and the first stage ends on FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024.

The launches will continue MONDAY, MAY 13 and will end on FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024, for the other recipients (G13, etc.).
Foreigners will board to their countries of origin on SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2024,after making payments. 

The signed document was delivered to the person responsible for payments to guarantee compliance with the dates, without delay.

I just received the following update from New York and Washington: “Bob Dunn was partly right about Reno. It has all started, but in full force will be on MONDAY MAY 6, 2024.
Washington DC says there is nothing left to do. Everything is already done and moving!” Bob Dunn – RENO, will give the green light sometime after noon today Sat. 4 May. 
Looks like all things are geared up for this coming week.  Keep the faith, this is coming it has started, and the green light has been given. We will have a glorious upcoming week, and the notifications are coming out any day now for Tier4B.


Al-Sudani confirms Iraq's readiness to hold the next conference of the Arab Network in Baghdad, 13 MAY

 Al-Sudani confirms Iraq's readiness to hold the next conference of the Arab Network in Baghdad

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received, this Sunday morning, the Secretary-General of the Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions, Sultan bin Hassan Al-Jamali, and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting witnessed, according to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “discussion of the human rights file, the work of local, regional and international organizations in this field, and a review of the development witnessed by the Iraqi legal and constitutional environment, in ensuring the rights of individuals and groups and general civil rights.” .

During the meeting, the Prime Minister affirmed, “Iraq’s readiness and welcome to hold the next conference of the Arab Network in the capital, Baghdad, as part of the government’s efforts to create the general climate for the work of human rights institutions and organizations, and to hold conferences and development workshops that support their activities.”

The statement added, "The meeting also witnessed a review of the current events in the Gaza Strip and the continued aggression against our Palestinian people, the human rights violations that violated all international moral standards, and the role of the international community, with its human rights and legal institutions and organizations, in stopping these organized crimes."  link


 Militia Man  

Iraq is going to be watching and waiting for their purchasing power...They have revenue streams from all different angles...You got natural resources galore - oil, liquid natural gas, tourism... agriculture...Are they going to be able to support a value of there currency?  Of course they are.  They were $3.22 back when oil was at $35.  What if you added on to that all those things I just mentioned? 

 Article:  "Floating the dinar returns to the forefront will the Central Bank of Iraq resort to it and what the risks?"  The bottom line is Iraq is going to make an exchange rate change.  They've told you about it...A managed float is a mix of a fixed and a float... Are they going to change it to a free float?  Probably not because there's a lot of risks at that stage...Ultimately what is their goal?  Raising the value of the dinar against the dollar.  That's what they're going to be trying to do..

We all know the project to delete the zeros has been on the table now for many years but it was taken off the table, back on the table...The delete the zeros is all about what Creating value.  

1310 to buy widgets is in the hundreds of trillions and their budget is in the hundreds of trillions.  They don't even have that much money printed.  They don't even have it on their M1 etc at this point in time.   They never have.  There's got to be an adjustment...


Article: "Iraqi Council of Ministers approves the 2024 budget schedules

 The next step would be to take those schedules and deliver them to the House of Representatives.  If we see that, that's going to be powerful because everybody's gonna be biting their nails because it could very well suggest something could happen prior to that happening.  It's a nail biter...

Article: "Specialist: Floating the dinar is economic suicide"  

Them bringing up exchange regimes obviously...they're going to do something because why talk about it if it's not going to change.  You don't.

 Non-oil revenues...Iraq has the largest sulfur deposit in the world.  They can tap into that.  It's going to be part of their non-oil revenues.  The amount of natural resources Iraq has is off the charts.  Anything that suggests they can't afford to do what they're going to do and go to a market economy I think is highly mistaken.


  ARIEL This may be the prime indicator as to when we may expect the reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar.  Because I have touched on SOFR many ...