Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Iraq italy and wta par 2 BY NADER FROM MID EAST

An Expert Comments On The Use Of The Iraqi Currency In Commercial Transactions With Iran, 8 MAY

 An Expert Comments On The Use Of The Iraqi Currency In Commercial Transactions With Iran

Baghdad today - Baghdad   Today, Tuesday (May 7, 2024), expert in financial and economic affairs, Alaa Glob Al-Fahd, commented on the possibility of Iraq losing money through its use of the national currency in commercial transactions with Iran .

Al-Fahd told Baghdad Al-Youm, “The idea of ​​commercial dealings being in the local currency between Iraq and Iran is not new today. Rather, it is a decision by the Central Bank of Iraq as well as the Iraqi government to negotiate this issue with more than one country, not just Iran, including Iran.” The UAE".

He explained that “exchange is in the UAE dirham, with China in the yuan, with Iran in the toman, and even with Turkey there is negotiation that trade exchange be in the lira .  ”

He continued, "This matter creates confidence in the local currency, when it has value at the global level and this follows the strength of the Iraqi dinar, and this issue does not constitute any loss for Iraq and Iran .  "

He added, "This currency will be transformed into goods or exchanged and bartered, if there is a joint trade exchange between the two countries. We believe that this issue has many more positives than negatives. This gives strength to the local currency and gives it confidence even at the level of the citizen and merchant as well as the foreign merchant and not Local only."

Yesterday, Monday, Iranian Vice President Mohammad Mokhber called on Iraq to use “national currencies” in trade and economic exchanges between the two countries .

The office of the Iranian Vice President said in a statement followed by "Baghdad Today", "The necessity of expanding economic relations and improving the level of trade cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq was emphasized .  "

 He added, "The relations between Tehran and Baghdad are close, strong and sincere, and the union of the two countries is a source of loss and fear for enemies and a point of hope and prosperity. They are two countries and their people will taste the sweet taste of this union in expanding economic relations between them."  LINK



 This is the current situation with the Iraqi Dinar.

"Zimbabwe is arresting black market currency dealers! 

In order for the new Zig currency to be valued at a fair market rate, other currencies must stop being used.

Zimbabwe’s illegal forex dealers use WhatsApp to find clients, evade police".

Mon. 6 May 2024 Major Update on Dinar, Ariel

Economic affairs expert Safwan Qusay confirmed that financial liquidity is available and there are no high risks regarding the existence of the Iraqi dinar. He pointed out, “Iraq has completed all its financial needs, and the rest of it needs the price of a barrel of oil to reach only $96 to cover the financial deficit.”

The Foreign Currency Exchange Regulations were completed on May 4th, 2024.

Foreign Currency Exchange Regulations play a crucial role in the Iraqi Dinar revaluation and conversion to USD in 2024 by ensuring the process is conducted smoothly and transparently. These regulations set the framework for international transactions involving the Iraqi Dinar, which is vital for the currency’s international acceptance and stability. They also help prevent illegal activities like money laundering and support Iraq’s efforts to combat the financing of terrorism.

Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the Central Bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.
The parallel market is reaching the official price of the REER-(Real Effective Exchange Rate).

Al-Rafidain Bank announced the application of the new platform that will allow electronic banking for Iraqis. Which is the main branch.
The Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Planning Committee, Muhammad Karim, confirmed  last Thursday, that the 2024 budget will proceed after completing the changes in its schedules for allocations for governorate and ministries projects.
Atheer Daoud Al Ghurairi, Minister of Commerce of Iraq, has confirmed that Iraq has completed the requirements to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) after completing economic reforms and improving the business environment.
There is an accession ceremony happening on May 9th for 9 countries, Iraq being one of them per article that came out a month ago.

Cbik italy and wta BY NADER FROM MID EAST

A parliamentary understanding to extend the legislative term to approve the 2024 budget schedules, 8 MAY

 A parliamentary understanding to extend the legislative term to approve the 2024 budget schedules

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, revealed today, Wednesday, that there is an understanding to extend the legislative term of Parliament to approve the 2024 budget schedules

Al-Dulaimi said, in an interview followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the current situation requires extending the current legislative term of the House of Representatives and postponing its recess for a month until the 2024 budget schedules are approved.” 

She added, "The Parliamentary Finance Committee is ready to receive the budget schedules and work on them as soon as they reach the House of Representatives."

She continued, "The current legislative term needs to be extended to complete many important legislations for the coming period, including the budget law schedules for the fiscal year 2024." link



Tues. 7 May Wolverine

 “I have been told to shut up and I can accept that. What I can tell you is that they said that this will be a Golden Week.

 I don’t want to be a part of anything that would disturb the process. At the moment it is all good. I’m very confident that this is the week that we have been waiting for. Have a beautiful, beautiful day.

Mon. 6 May 2024 Wolverine

“It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. What I can tell you is that we are liquid.

 The money is actually available. It’s just a matter of time in order for the Green Light to be given. Exchanges have started. 

I’ve been told not to say anything more. I can’t give you a date. 

Remember, it’s a military operation, but we are defiantly close. Take care. Have a beautiful day. Wolverine.”

Coffee with MarkZ. 05/08/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning to all:  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Member: There is sooo very much going on that I am shocked we haven’t gone yet

Member: it's my understanding we're next, it's just a slow crawl getting here. SECURITY is what the military watching and checking for. America is the largest group of currency holders.

Member: So what is new today- Hope something great!

MZ: The crackdown has been extreme on leaks …Which is probably the best news of the day. I personally think they are trying to keep things quiet right here at the finish line. 

MZ: We have had banks this week who said they would never touch it and never do it- actively training employees on the currencies that we hold to exchange. This is an exceptional thing. 

MZ: There are many rumors coming out of Iraq about the World Trade Organization and the ascension of Iraq. And the budget supposedly passed . We are waiting for the verifiable news sources to print articles on that. There are a lot of positive things hitting all at once. 

Member: Mark, Samson posted an article this morning with MM that Iraq joined the WTO yesterday!!

Member: If Iraq joined WTO then they would have to have tradable currency…yes?

Member: That is what we heard????

MZ: That would be big and exciting progress. …I will work on getting MM back into the house. 

Member: If . Iraq joined WTO yesterday . We are hour to hour. IMO RV release is imminent

 Member: Any CMKM news?????? The bond payout you would think is passed 30 percent by now????

MZ: On CMKX- nothing Fresh . All we know is it will go at the same time as the currencies. It is tied to asset backed dollars so it could not be stolen again from us. 

​​Member: Bruce big call “said all Three green lights are a go

​​Member:  Asset backed is the clue….Will it be fiat backed when we exchange or gold/asset backed?

MZ: Will we get the reset with CBDC’s or our reset with the QFS…..We very much expect it to be gold/asset backed. And also Nesara Gesara…but we don’t know for certain until we reach the finish line who won the war of competing  resets. .

Member: How will we know if we get fiat or asset backed with our exchange?

MZ: It will be all over the news. I’m sure you all will be asking your bankers if it’s a USN or fiat. If its still fiat we should be ready to move money quickly into assets. 

Member: Something you can physically hold like silver, gold, and of course real estate.  

Member: Didn’t Dr.Scott say that the QFS was already in place?

Member: Gesara/Nesara? Anything in writing that verifies it’s a real thing?

Member: Lots of rumors….We all hope it’s real….everything in there is common sense and benefits the people….so the elite hate it. 

MZ: We used to be able to read about it on government websites – then they scrubbed those. Most of what we see are screen shots taken from Gov. sites before they were scrubbed and removed. You used to be able to go to the Library of Congress to read how they passed it. Then they removed or scrubbed that. But there are a lot of screenshots . I read it on many of thiose sites before they scrubbed them. 

MZ: Many world economists are saying the only way to reset the currencies is to wipe all debt. This is part of Nesara.Gesara. 

Member: Once a rate is announced- do we just go to a bank that is Basel 3 that does foreign currency?

MZ: We are going to get distributed numbers for us. Then you can call and find out exactly which branch can handle your transaction. This is so you get credited for your exchange instantly because they did not have to send your currency off to be verified .

Member: Buying Dinars is now becoming very difficult and the price has increased significantly.... :)

Member: will we have cards with biometric readings or fingerprint , hand print or eye scan?

MZ: My banking contacts say if there is- they do not know about it or been trained on it. My guess is with blockcchain there are other ways to verify who you are with the QFS.. 

Member: 100% we need a "What If?" show. What if it's asset backed, what if it's still Fiat, what if only the Dinar goes, what if there's a basket with many? VERY helpful for after to talk about the What Ifs

Member: I am getting text messages from Chase Bank almost daily, ....sales pitches but it's kind of curious to me

MZ: Other news: “BRICS: Brace for potential International Monetary system collapse”  We may see a announcement today that Vietnam has officially joined BRICS. It is my understanding we will see it officially this week. 

Member: If Iraq was smart they would dump the Us and also join BRICS…..Wish we could join. 

Member: When is the best time for the reset to release?

Member: I have always thought it would go on Friday morning because it is Holy Day in Iraq!!!

Member: Charlie Ward says it will happen on a Thursday and I think when markets close on Fridays is also a good time to watch. 

MZ: Tomorrow morning we will have Mr. Cottrell and Andy Schectman as guests….Will be a busy day. 

Member: Thanks to all…..everyone have a great day. 

Member: Happiest of birthdays to all celebrating




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )