This is clearly what the article said... They are weighing changing the rate from 1,320 dinars per dollar to 1.32 dinars per dollar. This is clearly 76 cents to 1 IQD...Currently the rate is 1,320 IQD to 1 USD. Looking it at the other way, this is 0.0007575 USD to 1 IQD. If they drop 1 zero from the exchange rate: 132.0 IQD to 1 USD or 0.007575 USD to 1 IQD. If they drop 2 zeros: 13.2 IQD to 1 USD or 0.07575 USD to 1 IQD. If they drop 3 zeros: 1.32 IQD to 1 USD or .7575 USD to 1 IQD. Therefore, 1.32 IQD to 1 USD is 76 cents to each IQD
...What we want to see posted on the CBI website as to how many IQD are required to purchase 1 USD is 1.00 or less. If they post 3.22 IQD to 1 USD, this would mean 31 cents per 1 IQD.
We want them to post .31 IQD to 1 USD which is then 3.22 USD to 1 IQD. Realize, they post how many IQD it takes to purchase 1 of another currency.
Community Comment: "...The rate doesn't matter but "freedom of movement of capital" is important. That is Article 8 compliance." They cannot be Article 8 compliant if the country is functioning under a MCP. A MCP [Multiple Currency Practices] includes a parallel rate of greater than 2% of the official rate by IMF definition. Saleh said last year that the parallel rate is "REQUIRED" to be 2% or less of the official rate...This 2% or less needs to be maintained for a period of 90 days. The parallel rate is still around 14% difference.
Question: "I thought they met all the requirements [to join the WTO]?" All the articles say they have legislation that needs to be passed and the next meeting is in the "middle of the year.
Question: "When is Iraq supposed to be in the WTO?" Not before they pass needed legislation, eliminate the MCP [Multiple Currency Practices] and are recognized as having accepted IMF Article 8 obligations. Accession Committee next meeting with Iraq is planned for the "middle of the year".