The starting point of the US interactions with Iraq was on March 17, 2003...Is it possible the US might end its actions with Iraq on the anniversary date of when it started...March 17, 2024?
In March the UN will be submitting their official, 'We're done', 'we're ending our mission in Iraq' report to Iraq...After Iraq has revalued is when it gets submitted and turned over to the Iraq government...
What was the number on thing in the month of January Iraq kept stating in all the news articles?
How they achieved critical stability. In order for Iraq, the number one thing they have to do is achieve overall stability, to be eligible to revalue. Article quote "For Iraq to further continue on the path of stability and progress, an enabling environment will prove essential"
She's stating Iraq is on a path of stability and progress and continuing in that direction will prove essential. Meaning allowing them to revalue the currency and get back on the world stage.