Sandy Ingram
More than a few people are saying we are unwise to expect that the IQD will revalue to $1 or $2. What people outside the IQD investment do not yet understand is this -
Even if the IQD only increases in value to $0.20 to 1 Iraqi dinar, in the beginning, many people would experience a profit of $200,000 [$0.20 X 1,000,000] or more. This is when visitors stop talking down to IQD investors and start asking where can I purchase the currency...
Iraq is on the verge of satisfying the IMF (International Monetary Fund) recommendation that they have a solid income stream outside the oil industry. The Development Road Project will not only provide 4 billion US dollars in revenue each year, it will also increase the GDP of Iraqi citizens.
What about the HCL? It's ready. Why isn't it out? It's waiting for the new exchange rate.
What do you think the rate will be when it comes out?
I don't care! What I care about is for them to announce in 72 hours their sanction free and their currency is restriction If it's international hello Forex...
What will it turn into, that's what you need to be paying attention to and at what speed...It ain't going to be no 6 months to a year before it reaches the potential of the Middle Eastern exchange rates of 3 to 1. No. Shoot, you're going to sleep, the next morning, boom!
Security and stability. Mission accomplished...That's what it boils down to. That's what we need for the monetary reform to come out...
CSC is the Central Security Custody system.
Somewhere between the 28th and the 1st and these next 72 hours this CSC will go into effect because it was a mandate from the BIS to make sure Iraq was ready on the 28th to do international transfers...The auctions we believe you will see a change in them on the 28th...This is an important step. There are many steps that are occurring right now at the end of this monetary reform that are important.