Sunday, September 15, 2024


  The following insights were shared by Batman, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire - pertaining to Bond movement. Very positive and encouraging info💥 9.14.24 

💢 Batman: Thanks for your thoughts here, but no, it’s not crazy, as the payouts to the large bondholders will only take one week and not the 6-12 months you are stating. I know this as fact. 

The redemption of the bonds will actually fund the GCR. This is how the gold will be transferred to back the new asset-backed currencies worldwide. Again, this is something I know as fact. 

The facts I receive are not from another guru, or a Telegram channel or some other pundit. They come directly from the source. People can either accept that or dismiss it. If it helps some people, then great. If people don’t want to believe that or if they want to dismiss it then so be it.

Batman continued: Yes, payments being made this week will include instant liquidity. The percentage of the monetary value of the legitimate bonds outstanding I believe will be well over 90%

💢 Ginger adds: Yeah, it's a true fact that there are different codes at different stages of the GCR / RV Happy Camper Event. Certain codes can be input during T3 payout stages - but the most significant code activation step, in my humble opinion, is when Mike Cottrell inputs the key codes as the behest of the IMF which results in all the currencies of the world having asset backed value; and at which point all illegal banking derivatives are zeroed out instantaneously. What a day that will be!!! 🎉🕊️⭐🥰 9.14.24

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