Wednesday, February 28, 2024

International Monetary Fund confirms Iraq’s progress in non-oil GDP growth, 28 FEB

International Monetary Fund confirms Iraq’s progress in non-oil GDP growth

The Iraqi delegation headed by the six Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Mohammed, held discussions with IMF experts within the framework of the Article IV consultations, held in the Jordanian capital Amman during the period from February 27 to 29.

Discussions focus on the reform program of the Iraqi economy and the steps adopted by the Iraqi government towards strengthening fiscal and banking policy, digital infrastructures, financial inclusion and public debt issues, along with measures taken to mitigate the repercussions of international conflicts and their effects on the economy.

During the consultations, the delegation is also holding discussions related to a road map towards increasing non-oil revenues and strengthening coordination between fiscal and monetary policies in Iraq, in addition to identifying joint work programs that include the provision of the IMF with the necessary technical and advisory support for economic reform adopted by the Iraqi government in achieving financial and monetary stability, improving the level of financial planning for budgets and the continuity of implementation of important development projects.

The Fund’s expert mission praised the government’s measures to improve the business climate and stimulate the investment environment, noting that Iraq is making progress in the growth of non-oil GDP and strengthening the management of public finances, pointing out the importance of maintaining economic stability and supporting social protection, praising the remarkable progress in maintaining economic and financial stability. This is represented by low inflation rates, an improved balance of payments, as well as stimulating economic diversification and private sector-led job creation.النقد-الدولي-يؤكد-تقدم-العراق-في-نمو-الناتج-المحلي-غير-النف

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