Monday, January 29, 2024



Let’s take a closer look today on what’s happening in March and on March the 11th, 2024 in particular.

We already know that the Feds are doing away with the Bank Term Funding Program in March. This will deplete liquidity availability for the banking system going forward.

There is the option of lowering interest rates that will give our money more purchasing power at that time. Lowering interest rates would provide more cash flow, but will it be enough? With the amount of debt that the US owes, economists across the board say the answer to that question is no.

So, we are left with two more options. One is to use up the rest of our Repo Market liquidity program that is expected to run out by the end of this year.

This leaves us with one other option. To increase the price of gold and other commodities that are being used to back our new tokenized asset based system.

March is a turning point, a reversal point, and a pivotal point in our Global Economy. Gold has always been the bridge into new economies, and it is our pathway into the road ahead.

The use of gold in liquidating the new economy will create the acceleration and adoption of a new digital economy backed by the commodity market across all sectors of the market.

Look for new ETFs on several digital asset classes to be accelerated during this time.  Movement into the new digital asset-based trading system will synchronize our banking system with our markets.

This will give us new Digital Network Protocols that are standardized and regulated under the support of gold inside our new digital economy.

All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks

Blue Prism
Brookings Edu
Federal Reserve 1
Federal Reserve 2

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