Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Article #2 – Dates for the RV – “Rates” ?? by CHOW, 23 JAN

 Entry Submitted by Chow at 11:34 PM ET on January 22, 2024

Article #2 – Dates for the RV – “Rates” ??

Take a step back – “Erase your current thoughts” and “Picture this”

There is so much chatter about Rates with out talking about how they apply to the world or US .

Sadly , the story is right in front of us. We just have to separate all the repeated chatter / nonsense about massive or not enough revenue , China has decided to , increase Iraq GOP, rates floating , war ships are being deployed , Notes Iraq has to use or – so much more

We all have to evaluate what we take in. I spend very little time on general info from Intel sites. Yes, I scan, put info on m shelf , but that is it.

You will see why in my story – “It is Right in Front of Us”

The RV rates and machine have already started and are established. Remember it has been said many times , miss information , confusing information accelerates when we are close to confuse us — so sad but true

**** Take a step back ****  “Erase your current thoughts” and “Picture this”
  • There was a group formed 25-30+ years ago for the sole purpose to go back on the gold – asset standard along with implementing NESARA/ GESARA – If you don’t understand NESARA / G– , we will chat later – it is part of the Picture.
  • This whole picture , movie we are seeing started many years ago . They had to take out the 13 Cabal families which they have (did)  a short few years back – what is coming can’t be stopped 
  • Rates mean something but nothing using Iraq as the point of conversation – You must understand , out of the 210 countries , Iraq is the lead chosen country – critically important to remember.
  • In the past before Sadam , The US rate was (we will use very close estimates)  $3.24 per Dinar . Sadam destroyed the country and the Dinar rate plummeted to .0007ish .
  • Kuwait is their sister country with a currency called the same – Dinar–. Their Dinar was priced the same (remember very close) $3.24.
  • Iraq is now postured to be the Financial Hub of the Middle East / Europe – why ?
  • They are #2 or #3 largest oil reserve in the world  
  • They have one of the largest fertile land masses in the world
  • They have one of the largest mineral reserves in the world
  • Kuwait is approx. the 12th largest oil reserves in the world
  • With little to no fertile land
  • Small mineral reserves
  • Conclusion:
  • Iraq has 5-6 + times the assets of  Kuwait. –  Kuwait Dinar is $3.24 *** Iraq’s Dinar is .0007ish .  
  • You can’t have the Financial Hub of the Middle East / Europe with that spread of Kuwait’s Dinar.  
  • Iraq’s economy is building “but” rocketing back with contracts signed in the $10’s to $100’s of billions , JP Morgan is opening  branches everywhere .
  • Hmmm, despite their current rebuilding of their economy , the players of the Global Alliance or Global good Guy Group,  chose Iraq to be the Financial Hub of the Middle East / Europe . No other country is even close to Iraq’s position.
  • One other very , very important thing to remember. As much as Fortune 100 companies must have a balance sheet that must match . Iraq and the other 209 countries RVing, are part of a global strategic mind-boggling financial plan that is finished – done – complete. The key words said are “Global Strategic Mind-Boggling Financial Plan”  It has little to nothing to do with conventional balance sheets.  Forget the normal business chatter – it all does not apply .

Rates for the Dinar in Iraq have to be “at” or “above” Kuwait’s $3.24 — US — remember , there are Bank Rates , Internet rates 4b , Teir 4a and 3

Look for Article Dinar Chronicles  — Dates for the RV “#3” – Rates ?? 

I will dive into completed —– and how the rate have already been set.   if you are interested in my thoughts on why Iraq Dinar “should or will be much higher than Kuwait along with the” Dong”

“Keep your mind open and remember the facts”—– Puzzle —– Big Picture .  

Remember to :

  • Help your neighbors – buy extra food and supplies
  • Help Family – buy extra food and supplies
  • Help Humanity when our blessing arrives


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