Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Possible Schedule of Global Currency Reset Events:

  • Tues. 19 Dec: Several sources have verified that the IMF has released the GCR funds to all countries, plus US Banks have live new currency rates on their bank screens. It was officially an expected GO for notification of Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group who have bought Zim Bonds and/or foreign currencies to exchange at the new rates) by Wed.  20 Dec. Fines, interest and penalties and adjudicated settlements were getting ready to be paid out.
  • Bruce said that Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should be notified by 11 am Wed. 20 Dec. and could possibly start appointments on that same Wed.
  • Wed. 20 Dec: Iraq has from Wed. until end of month to spend their 2023 budget, meaning the new Iraqi Dinar Rate has a go by at least Wed. 20 Dec.
  • Thurs. 21 Dec: Banks would be open to exchange currencies including Dinar, meaning the new rates would have to change by at least  Thurs. 21 Dec.
  • Fri. 22 Dec. a Big Event Day according to hints on the Internet.
  • Five days after RV begins the public will have access to Med Beds. Treatments are free, with children having critical medical conditions going first.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Global Currency Reset will officially launch on the new Star Link Satellite System for the general public of BRICS participating nation’s gold/ asset-backed currencies.
  • On that same Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 the BRICS Gold/ Asset-backed XRP Digital Currency would officially be considered the Global Standard for international trade, with all participating nations’ currencies trading at a 1:1 with each other.

Judy Note: It is my understanding, and I could be wrong, that in order to receive the higher exchange rates you would need to redeem your Zim Bonds and exchange your foreign currencies at an official Redemption Center. You can obtain an appointment at an official Redemption Center by calling an 800 number which will be sent out in emails by Wells Fargo to those who have purchased Zim Bonds and foreign currencies. That 800 number will also be advertised in this Update and on Dinar websites. Redemption Centers will only be open for around ten days. Banks will be open at their regular times, but will be using the lower international rates as shown on the Forex.

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