Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ. 12/19/2023

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Very good to see everyone tonight

Member: I wonder if Iraq has to revalue before Jan 1st to trade Internationally?

Member: I heard a rumor that it is started from East to West….what say you!?

MZ: The bond market pretty much died last September and has been living on some kind of Zombie system since then.

MZ: Contractors have been telling me that since Dec 6th things have moved forward and we have been watching the slow release since then.

MZ: We have had a couple of original farm claims people and original fines and penalties people receive QFS test deposits they were told of $100 or $150 to make sure everything was working well with the correct accounts. So I think this is all very interesting as we watch it all roll out.

MZ: I have also heard from some of the larger CMKX shareholders  they have also received a small deposit to “test the QFS system”  and delivery.

MZ: I believe it is very apparent that they are priming the system.

MZ: “IMF staff concludes  staff visit with Iraq”  They met with Iraq authorities in Iman Jordan on the 17th to discuss recent economic developments .  They are not worried fiscally about Iraq and things are coming along nicely.  “Quote: “Inflation has declined from its January peak and is projected to stabilize in the coming months—helped by the Central Bank of Iraq’s (CBI) tighter monetary policy, passthrough from the exchange rate revaluation,” They are telling us what they are doing.

Member: Will we see this before Christmas?

MZ: We don’t know- but, most of my contacts say we will…..My historic bond folks are expecting 1% of funds while a number of them think between the 20th and the 25th with the balance coming after the first of the year. . So the initial fiat 1 % with the balance coming in asset backed after Jan 1….That makes sense.

MZ: Things have gotten very interesting

MZ: Here are a couple bank stories.: From a member” I went into my local Chase bank to withdraw some cash and the teller asked me if I would wait one moment. I asked her if everything was all right with my account and she said yes. Moments later the bank manager approached me and introduced herself. She took me to her office and asked me if I still had the Vietnamese Dong that I had purchased. I told her yes….She smiled and shook my hand and said she looks forward to doing business with me very soon. “

MZ: I’m sure the teller had a notice flash on her screen telling her this customer purchased foreign currency.l…..

MZ: Another one: “I went to a big bank to make a deposit and noticed it was the floor manager waiting on me. I asked if that branch had wealth managers on site and she said yes…and no…depending on the size of the investment. I said “We are waiting for the RV to start shortly” .. She broke into a huge smile and said that I would be seen at the offsite location downtown to be taken care of.  As I was leaving she said with a huge smile-“We hope to see you soon”.

Member: What is the best time we may get notifications and know we were there?

MZ: Well back in the day…..communications from Mr.. C and the UST that they had decided the time that made the most sense was between 11 PM and 3 AM est….But, I don’t think the time of day is as important anymore. I think anytime is fair game. .

Member: Mark-Do you know who will send us an email ? UST, BOA or Wells?

MZ: I guess it depends who you bought it from. Yu may get more than one depending on where you purchased currency. But if you are worried about getting an email. Be sure to sign up for the Dinar sites like Recaps or Chronicles. My banking contacts say they will send out instructions ect….to all of these sites to share with all of you……

MZ: If you bought your currency from a bank there is a good chance they may reach out to you.

Member: I got an email from JP Morgan Wealth Management Division. They want me to come in for an appointment to set up an account.

Member:  So far this December is sounding exactly like the last 3. Everybody convinced it’s going to happen by the end of the year. Maybe it will.



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