Comment by Rich Demaio:
I have been following you since I got into this investment. While I find some of your comments frustrating, they are the truth. I believe you.
So today, when you said that you believe 1000% that the RV will not happen until November…again, frustrating that you don’t think it’s going to happen TODAY, but what I read into it is hopeful, and I read that it IS GOING to happen. We’ve waited this long, what’s another month. Please be right. We ALL need this to come to fruition. Thank you again.
Comment to Rich Demajo and to all my readers:
I did not say the RV would happen in November. Again, you are just speculating. I said my CBI contact told me to expect the Project to Delete the Zeros to begin in November after the elections are over in US and if stability comes to the US government.
This does not mean Donald Trump or anyone else specifically getting into office.
It just means that under the current administration the RV would only be delayed more. The target I was told was “early 2025”. I said that may mean to start the new fiscal year of 2025 off with the new rate on FOREX, something that the CBI has repeatedly told us is the MOST opportune time to do it. Even Dr. Shabibi in 2015 told us Iraq has an unprecedented opportunity to do it in January 2013 and since they targeted January twice more and so they are targeting it again, as I believe ONLY based on the FACTS we are getting.