Thursday, October 17, 2024


Kuwait urges Iraq to take concrete measures to address the outstanding files between the two countries, 18 OCT

 Kuwaiti Prime Minister Ahmed Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah called on Iraq to take concrete measures to address all outstanding files between the two countries.

Al-Sabah said in his speech at the Gulf-European summit in Brussels, that “at the forefront of these files, the delineation of the maritime borders beyond point 162 in accordance with international laws and conventions, and the completion of the file of prisoners, missing persons and Kuwaiti property, including the National Archives within the scope of follow-up of the United Nations, and in particular the Security Council.”

Al-Sabah urged “Iraq to abide by bilateral agreements related to the security and technical aspects of the navigation corridor in Khor Abdullah, which are agreements that would enhance the concept of preserving the environment, regulating navigation, combating terrorism and illegal trade in weapons, drugs and human beings,” stressing “the importance of continuing dialogue based on understanding and mutual respect between the two brotherly countries.”
He pointed out that “based on the belief in the principle of good neighborliness, Kuwait was keen to help Iraq to advance itself through close work aimed at restoring its status and regional status in order to achieve the hopes of its brotherly people.”

Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein announced on October 3 the imminent resumption of Iraqi-Kuwaiti negotiations to solve outstanding problems between the two countries, referring to “Iraq’s real desire to reach understandings to resolve existing differences.”الكويت-تحث-العراق-على-اتخاذ-إجراءات-ملموسة-لمعالجة-الملفات-العالقة-بين-البلدين


Mnt Goat 

 Iraq is going to experience a “redenomination” of their currency meaning to execute the process of swapping out larger three zero notes for newer...lower denominations 

...when you take money out of circulation...You cause deflation, which is revaluing your currency or making it worth more. 

There is also all the other assets and variables involved that will FORCE the system to bring back the dinar to its nominal value, finally. They are...

doing this “normalize” their currency back to their “normal” denominations, as before the sanctions took place. They will also need a “normalized” rate and not this current “suppressed" rate...


Al-Sudani receives a package of recommendations to proceed with reforming the state-owned Rafidain Bank, 18 OCT

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani chaired a meeting on Thursday on efforts to develop the work of the government banking sector, in the presence of representatives of Ernst & Young for Auditing and Financial Consulting.

A statement issued by Al-Sudani’s media office stated that during the meeting, a package of recommendations was presented by the company to proceed with the reform of Rafidain Bank, which included the new legal status of Rafidain Bank, its capital, its work strategy, and the new consultant who will work with the bank to meet the global requirements for modern banking.

The statement explained that these recommendations will be submitted to the Ministerial Council for the Economy, which will then submit them to the Council of Ministers for approval.

The statement quoted Al-Sudani as saying that the issue of restructuring Rafidain Bank is the first step in the government’s banking reforms, which have been given special attention to follow up on all reports related to it, submitted by the relevant authorities, especially the committee concerned with the restructuring process.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of the banking sector reform project, which began with Rafidain Bank, pointing out the work to provide a bank with specifications and standards through which problems can be overcome and confidence can be given to citizens, in addition to enhancing cooperation with local and foreign investors.



 [Bank Story]  

 BRAD:  Huntington Bank in Pennsylvania...I funded my account with a small amount of money and I said I'd like to place an order for Iraqi dinar but before I do I want to see how much I can get for my money...

To make a long story short they sell them at the program rate, which you know is nothing special...By the time I left I realized all I had to do was have her remove money from my account. 

 I was on top of the world.  I came home and called...Gary. I said you live in Indianapolis, Do you have any Huntington Banks where you are? 

 He goes yeah.  I said, you want to call them and see if you can purchase the dinar and dong? 

 He goes sure thing.  He text me back half hour later, he goes,  Brad I can get them here in Indianapolis too.  They come out of Miami...

Why would Huntington Bank all of a sudden be selling dinar and dong at...970 branches in 11 states?   Boom! 

FRANK:  ...I have a Huntington Bank here in Toledo Ohio, they wouldn't sell dinars in the past.  Why are they doing it now?   

The reason why IMO is because it opens the door for them to exchange the three zero notes.