Sunday, September 15, 2024

Arab Monetary Fund: Digital transformation “key” to reshaping Arab banking sector, 15 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Fahad M. Alturki, Director-General of the Arab Monetary Fund, stated that digital transformation is “crucial” for reshaping the banking sector in Arab countries.

Speaking at the Electronic Payment Conference on Financial Stability in Iraq, Alturki said, “Regulatory frameworks, electronic financial transfers, digital financial consumer protection, and anti-money laundering requirements must balance stimulating digital transformation with managing and mitigating risks.”

He added, “Governments and central banks can support digital transformation by establishing digital regulations, evident in investments in digital infrastructure and addressing cybersecurity challenges, which helps create an environment that fosters innovation and growth in the banking sector.”

Furthermore, Alturki highlighted that “investment in digital infrastructure can boost digital banking services, enhancing access to banking services and products for both users and non-users of the financial system.”

"The Arab region has experienced significant growth in fintech companies, with around 1,500 such firms globally and within the region by mid-2024."

The Director-General also noted, “Global fintech statistics present significant investment opportunities, with total investments in fintech reaching about $115 billion in 2023, and expected to grow to $325 billion by around 2026.”

Earlier today, during the same event, Iraq’s Financial and Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister, Mudher Mohammad Saleh, noted that Iraq is experiencing “a significant leap” in promoting the use of electronic payment cards.

In turn, Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Governor Ali Al-Allaq predicted a significant rise in the number of digital banks in the country. “Iraq is set to become a leader in digital banking, with a greater number of digital banks compared to its neighbors,” he stated.

He further emphasized that the use of electronic payment systems and banking technologies has significantly enhanced compliance in the country's anti-money laundering efforts.

Saturday, September 14, 2024



Significant developments in the Iraqi Dinar revaluation are expected this weekend, with redemption centers preparing for potential exchanges.


  • 🚀 Anticipated breakthrough after Friday’s market close.
  • 💼 Redemption centers are on standby for increased activity.
  • 📅 Appointments for exchanges could start as early as Saturday.
  • 🔍 Importance of staying informed about updates.
  • ⏳ Patience is essential as events may shift.
  • 💰 Potential financial transformation on the horizon.
  • 🌍 Broader economic implications for Iraq’s financial landscape.

Key Insights

  • 🔑 The expected breakthrough could accelerate the RV process, transitioning speculation into actual implementation.
  • 🏦 Redemption centers are crucial for a smooth exchange process, indicating preparations for high transaction volumes.
  • 📈 The potential for increased market activity may lead to a shift in the dinar’s value, affecting investor sentiment.
  • 🎉 This moment represents a culmination of years of anticipation, possibly bringing emotional closure to investors.
  • 🌐 A successful RV could enhance Iraq’s economic stability, attracting foreign investment and boosting confidence in the region.
  • 📋 Staying prepared with accurate information is vital for those planning to visit redemption centers this weekend.
  • 🔄 The weekend may mark a transformative period in the RV saga, reshaping the financial landscape for many.

Iraq's $17B Development Road: A Game Changer?


 A New Era of Economic Integration

The Development Road Project: A Catalyst for a New Iraq in 2024

In 2024, the Development Road Project is set to revolutionize Iraq's economic landscape, positioning the country as a major player in international trade and transport. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani has expressed that this ambitious initiative will transform Iraq from a landlocked country to an open hub, creating vast opportunities for economic growth and job creation. 

The Development Road Project aims to establish a 1,275-kilometer (792-mile) rail and road network, facilitating the connection between the Persian Gulf and Europe through Iraq and Turkey.  This strategic corridor will not only transport goods but also include routes for oil and gas, communications infrastructure, and the establishment of industrial cities along the way. 

Job Creation and Housing Needs

Al-Sudani has emphasized that the project, alongside Al-Faw Port and other economic, industrial, residential, and city projects, will create a "different Iraq".  It is expected to provide numerous job opportunities for graduates and job seekers, addressing the critical need for employment in the country. Additionally, acknowledging the housing shortage in Iraq, estimated at between 2.5 to 3 million units, the prime minister has highlighted the necessity of construction projects to meet this demand. 

Reviving Iraq's Industry

Al-Sudani has pledged to restore Iraq's leadership role in the local industry, reminiscent of the 1960s, and to attract individuals to work in the private sector. This commitment to reviving the industrial sector is expected to contribute significantly to Iraq's economic diversification and job creation.

Project Scope and Timeline

With an estimated value of around $20 billion, the Development Road Project was formally launched during Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Baghdad in April 2024.  The project requires approximately five years for completion, and Al-Sudani has confirmed that the Iraqi government has started the implementation process. 

International Partnerships

The prime minister has reaffirmed Iraq's openness to partnerships for the Development Road Project, emphasizing that the quadrilateral agreement between Iraq, Turkey, Qatar, and the UAE is a cornerstone for the operation of the road. However, the project is open for positive partnerships with all interested parties, aiming to contribute to this international developmental effort. 


The Development Road Project is poised to be a game-changer for Iraq's economy in 2024 and beyond. By transforming Iraq into an open and integrated hub, the project will foster economic growth, job creation, and industrial revival, positioning the country as a key player in global trade and transport networks. 

Iraqi PM Al-Sudani: The Development Road Project will create a "different Iraq", 15 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani stated that the vital Development Road project "will transform Iraq from a landlocked country to an open one."

Speaking at a discussion seminar in Baghdad on the project and available investment opportunities, Al-Sudani emphasized that “the Development Road is not just a corridor for transporting goods as some might think; there will be projects along the entire route.”

"This project will help bring the sea into the heart of Iraq, reaching Turkiye and Europe.”

Al-Sudani also noted that the existing corridor, which is under design and study, includes routes for transporting oil and gas, connecting communications, and establishing industrial cities.

“Due to recent developments in the Red Sea, we have asked the World Bank to expedite the implementation of the Development Road project using the original route.” The PM said, highlighting that “several EU countries have shown interest in participating in the project.”

Job Creation

The Iraqi PM asserted that the Road project, along with Al-Faw Port and the new economic, industrial, residential, and city projects, as well as railways, roads, and industrial developments, will create “a different Iraq” and provide job opportunities for graduates and job seekers. 

Housing Needs

Al-Sudani noted that Iraq needs between 2.5 to 3 million housing units, which will require construction projects to meet this demand.

Reviving Iraq's Industry

The Prime Minister promised to restore Iraq's leadership role in local industry as it was in the 1960s and attract people to work in private sector projects.

$20B Road Project

The project, formally launched during Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Baghdad in April, is estimated to be worth around $20 billion. It includes "a 1,275-kilometer (792-mile) rail and road network" designed to facilitate the movement of goods between Europe and the Gulf region.

"Iraq is home to roughly 10% of global oil reserves and accounts for 5% of global production. Energy will hence play a pivotal role in the scheme." Iraqi officials believe the project could dramatically reduce the cost of trade between China and Europe.

The project's investment budget is estimated at $17 billion, with $6.5 billion allocated for highways and $10.5 billion for the electrified railway. It will be implemented in three phases, with completion dates set for 2028, 2033, and 2050.

The Development Road Project is expected to create 100,000 jobs in its first phase and up to one million jobs once completed.



  [via PDK] 

 The key piece of news this morning is I finally found a bond person NOT under an NDA. A really big bond deal…I did a little poking and was informed there is a final bond contract getting paid on the appears that starting on the 18th they are not making them sign an NDA on bond deals. 

What could this possibly mean

To me this is huge good news. To me this means they plan on having most bonds done by the 18th. Because then it won’t matter about the secrecy...Bonds and Currencies are connected.  The plan was to do historic bonds…then a revalue (RV) then a reset…So I am closely watching the next 4 days

Remember though…no one knows the exact timing...Think about it.  Today is the 14th. If suddenly they don’t need NDA’s in 4 days…then to me we should go before that…I think this is huge…I am very excited with this news…. 

  Question:  ...are the redemption centers working the weekend?  

 MarkZ:  My banking crew have a “heightened alert“ for this weekend. I am hoping this means something, but we have seen this before. So stay hopeful but calm...The anticipation is palatable…all around the world…people know something is about to happen.   We can feel it.

QFS and Iraq: A New International System Unveiled