Saturday, September 14, 2024

Washington Post reveals details of US military presence in Iraq ‘post-withdrawal’, 14 SEPT

Washington Post reveals details of US military presence in Iraq ‘post-withdrawal’, 14 SEPT

Washington Post reveals details of US military presence in Iraq 'post-withdrawal' 

The Washington Post reported that the initial agreement between Washington and Baghdad on the presence of American forces will provide for the abandonment of a small force in the Kurdistan Region whose task is to provide security guarantee for the Kurds against Iranian-backed militias.

The newspaper quoted an Iraqi military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity while talking about the plans that have not yet been announced, as saying that the United States is expected to remain a small military force in the semi-autonomous region.

The United States has about 2,500 troops in Iraq and about 900 in neighboring Syria, as part of the coalition it established in 2014 to fight Islamic State. The coalition also includes troops from other countries, especially France and the United Kingdom.

Reuters revealed last week, citing several informed sources, that Washington and Baghdad reached an understanding on a plan for the withdrawal of coalition forces from Iraq.

The sources explained that the plan includes the exit of hundreds of coalition forces by September 2025 and the rest by the end of the following year.

Reuters reported that the plan has been largely agreed and is waiting for final approval from the two countries and a date for its announcement.

The official announcement was initially scheduled to be issued weeks ago, the sources said, but it was postponed due to the regional escalation linked to the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip and to settle some of the remaining details.

The Washington Post quoted Hussein Allawi, an adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani, as saying that there will soon be a joint announcement on the planned withdrawal.

Allawi added that Baghdad “wants the relationship with the United States to return to what it was before 2014,” noting that “the need for an international coalition ended with the defeat of ISIS, and now the Iraqi forces are fully capable of dealing with the security file efficiently.”

The White House and the US Department of Defense did not respond to the newspaper’s requests for comment, as did Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder, at a press conference on Thursday, refused to confirm the withdrawal plan.

If the withdrawal is complete, it will be the second time the United States has withdrawn most of its forces from Iraq since it overthrew the regime of former President Saddam Hussein in 2003.

The newspaper says that “as with the first American exit in 2011, the American withdrawal is likely to leave behind an Iraq burdened with major security weaknesses, sectarian divisions and corruption, which are problems that helped in the emergence of ISIS in its time.”

Dana Stroll, a former senior Pentagon official who is currently a research director at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said the return of U.S. forces a decade ago became necessary when Iraqi security forces largely collapsed amid ISIS attacks.

“I doubt that any U.S. president will send troops back if Iraqi leaders don’t take steps to prioritize the counterterrorism mission,” Strol adds.

This must “include preventing the country from becoming a playground for Iran, addressing rampant corruption, providing official security forces with resources and empowerment and ensuring that the government responds to the needs of all Iraqis.”

According to sources familiar with the secret talks, some U.S. lawmakers were briefed on withdrawal plans.

Among them is Rep. Adam Smith, the most prominent Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee, who described the future presence of U.S. forces as a major political challenge for Iraqi leaders.

“The Iraqi people prefer that there are no American forces, and they prefer that there is no ISIS either, and they understand that we are helping to solve this problem,” Smith said in an interview with the newspaper.

“The Iraqis want us to leave, and they want to know how to achieve that. That’s not easy.”

Democratic Senator Jack Reid, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the issue combined a set of complex interests for both countries.

“The Iraqis are aware that our presence provides stability, but there is also a danger to our forces,” he added.

Reid noted that US officials were not happy that the new Iranian president, Massoud Bazhkian, made Iraq its first foreign destination, as the Sudanese officially received him on Wednesday.

Republican Rep. Corey Mills, an Iraq war veteran and a member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committees, said he was particularly concerned about Iran’s influence and the militias it backs.

Although Mills is not opposed to withdrawal in principle, he stressed the need for a plan to ensure the stability of Iraq, “I think you have an obligation, if you destabilize a country, to help it stabilize again.”

The agreement comes after more than six months of talks between Baghdad and Washington that Sudan began in January amid attacks by Iranian-backed Iraqi armed groups on U.S. forces stationed at bases in Iraq.

Attacks using rockets and drones killed three U.S. soldiers and wounded dozens, leading to several rounds of deadly U.S. response that threatened the government’s efforts to stabilize Iraq after years of turmoil.

Al-Sudani said earlier that U.S. forces, while appreciating their assistance, had become an attraction for instability, being frequently targeted and usually responded with attacks without coordination with the Iraqi government.تقارير-وتحليلات/واشنطن-بوست-تكشف-تفاصيل-الوجود-العسكري-ال-مريكي-في-العراق-ما-بعد-الانسحاب

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/13/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 09/13/2024 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning and Happy Friday the 13th

Member: Friday the 13th!!! Let’s see what’s in store… May the luck you get be the good kind today!

Member: Why Is Friday 13th Unlucky ? It Was The Day The Knights Templers Were Arrested !!!

Member: Could this be our weekend Mark?

MZ: Is there a lot of chatter and anticipation about this weekend?  Yes.  There is lovely chatter from Iraq and a couple of groups. Just the bond side is eerily quiet.

Member: If I signed an NDA- I would be quiet as well…so that is understandable. 

MZ: That is exactly what I think is happening. I have had a contact or two tell e they cannot talk- they have an NDA. So maybe there is more movement there then is obvious to us. 

Member: Silence everywhere. This could be a good thing!!

MZ:: There are tons of rumors for this weekend. I do not know if they are accurate or not. It is clearly within a window and there is a lot of excitement. We will see what the weekend brings.

Member: I wonder -are the redemption centers working the weekend?

MZ: My banking crew have a “heightened alert “ for this weekend. I am hoping this means something, but we have seen this before. So stay hopeful but calm. 

Member: There is a buzz now…..I can feel it in the air.

MZ: The anticipation is palatable…all around the world….people know something is about to happen. We can feel it. 

Member: If Sudani said it will be done this year…..we have a 3 ½ month window. 

MZ: He said it would be done in this term…this year they would raise the value and give purchasing power to all Iraqis with the dinar. 

Member: Greg Mannarino thinks the financial system collapse is next week.... 

Member: Mark my bank called and said banking app will be off from the 13th and new digital app back up on the 16th

Member: Gold is over 2600 right now per yahoo

MZ: Gold is up almost $20 buck and silver is up about $.70 cents. 

Member: Mark would you please explain how the two new tax laws could affect us. Thank you

Member: I still pray our exchanges will be tax-free…Guess time will tell. 

Member: I wish we knew what the delay is for us all to go??????

Member: I believe someone doesn`t want this to happen or it would have happened already.

Member: Maybe they are waiting for the new fiscal year to start on oct. 1st????

​​Member: Could it be we will have a shotgun start altogether?

Member: Maybe they are waiting for Nesara/Gesara to be ready to go?

​​Member: It is truly mind blowing when you think of all the details that have had to go into NESARA/GESARA. Undoing so many years of corruption and making sure it doesn't happen again!

​​ Member: Thanks Mark and Mr. C- Hope everyone has a great day today!

Meber: Have a great day everyone and Happy Birthday all celebrating


DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: IMF Article VIII and Its Implications for Iraq in 2024, 14 SEPT

 IMF Article VIII and Its Implications for Iraq in 2024

In 2024, the relationship between Iraq and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under Article VIII of the IMF's Articles of Agreement has been a significant focus of economic discussions.  Article VIII centers on the provision of regular economic consultations and surveillance by the IMF, aiming to promote stability and growth in member countries. For Iraq in 2024, these consultations have led to critical assessments and recommendations regarding fiscal policy, economic diversification, and structural reforms. 

Economic Growth and Fiscal Policy

The IMF's 2024 Article IV Consultation highlighted Iraq's projected economic growth, driven by fiscal expansion.  The expansion is expected to boost growth in the short term but raises concerns about fiscal and external account vulnerabilities in the medium term, particularly in relation to oil price volatility.  The IMF recommended a significant fiscal adjustment, emphasizing the need to control the public wage bill and increase non-oil tax revenues to ensure fiscal sustainability. 

Economic Diversification and Structural Reforms

Recognizing Iraq's heavy reliance on oil revenues, the IMF underlined the importance of economic diversification to reduce vulnerability to oil price shocks and foster long-term growth.  Recommendations included enabling private sector development through labor market reforms, modernizing the financial sector, restructuring state-owned banks, and reforming the pension and electricity sectors.  These reforms are crucial for absorbing the expanding labor force, boosting non-oil exports, and broadening the tax base.

Non-Oil Economy and Inflation

The non-oil sector of Iraq's economy is projected to continue growing, although risks persist, including potential declines in oil prices or extended OPEC+ cuts.  Headline inflation has declined, reflecting lower international food and energy prices and the impact of currency revaluation.  Despite this, Iraq's fiscal position worsened due to lower oil revenue and increased expenditure. 

Iraq's Relationship with the IMF

Iraq's membership with the IMF since 1945 has involved regular economic surveillance and lending commitments.  The most recent loan from the IMF, approved in 2016, aimed to help Iraq manage lower oil prices and maintain debt sustainability. 

Concluding Thoughts

The implications of IMF Article VIII for Iraq in 2024 underscore the need for balanced fiscal policies, economic diversification, and structural reforms. While the fiscal expansion is expected to stimulate growth in the short term, sustainable economic development will require addressing the country's reliance on oil revenues and implementing reforms to foster a more resilient and diversified economy.



 They were expecting Iraq to be IMF Article VIII compliant or at least having agreed to the obligations that requires. One of those requirements is having all restrictions lifted, which comes to Article XIV.  

They've been using a lot of pieces of Article VIII to get to where they are now.  But they've never accepted the article, which is very simple.  It's basically a document that Alaq and Sudani agree to.  They sign it and send it to the IMF accepting all portions of Articles VIII.



  Early Monday morning was the article demonstrating the fact that  Sudani was considering changing the rate of the dinar from 1310 to 1.32 which for us in the United States is $0.79...  

Then the very next day we get an article talking about the new small category notes.  They're talking rate, they're talking notes.  And then you got Tannini the Commerce Director there talking about a surprise could happen within hours in regards to their monetary reform...

Friday, September 13, 2024

IMF Article IV Consultation with Iraq: 2024 Findings and Recommendations

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: IMF Article IV Consultation with Iraq: 2024 Findings and Recommendations, 14 SEPT

 IMF Article IV Consultation with Iraq: 2024 Findings and Recommendations

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) conducted its 2024 Article IV consultation with Iraq, concluding with a comprehensive report and a series of recommendations for the country's fiscal and economic policies.  The consultation aimed to assess Iraq's economic health, fiscal sustainability, and the potential for long-term growth, taking into account the country's reliance on oil revenues and the challenges it faces in diversifying its economy.

Key Findings

Economic Growth and Fiscal Expansion

The IMF noted that Iraq's economic growth is projected to continue, supported by a fiscal expansion that commenced in 2023.  However, the medium-term outlook is marred by increased vulnerability to oil price volatility, which has become a significant concern for the nation's fiscal stability.

Non-Oil Economy and Fiscal Adjustment

Iraq's non-oil economy, which had stalled in 2022, rebounded strongly in 2023, a trend expected to continue in 2024.  Despite this, the country faces the challenge of reducing oil dependence and ensuring fiscal sustainability. This will require a significant fiscal adjustment, focusing on controlling the public wage bill and increasing non-oil tax revenues. 

Private Sector Development and Labor Market Reforms

To sustain higher economic growth and absorb the rapidly expanding labor force, Iraq needs to develop its private sector.  This includes implementing labor market reforms, modernizing the financial sector, restructuring state-owned banks, and reforming the pension and electricity sectors. 


The IMF emphasized the need for sound macroeconomic policies and structural reforms to secure fiscal and debt sustainability.  Key recommendations include:Fiscal Policy Adjustment: Reducing public expenditure, particularly the wage bill, and increasing non-oil tax revenues to address fiscal imbalances.  Structural Reforms: Enhancing the private sector's role in the economy through labor market reforms, financial sector modernization, and state-owned enterprise restructuring. Diversification of the Economy: Reducing reliance on oil revenues by boosting non-oil exports and broadening the tax base. 


The 2024 Article IV consultation underlined Iraq's economic resilience and the challenges it faces in achieving sustainable and diversified growth. The IMF's recommendations point to a path for Iraq to strengthen its fiscal position, develop its private sector, and reduce its dependence on oil revenues, all critical steps for long-term economic stability and prosperity.

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

  Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Commi...