Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 09/10/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good Tuesday Morning Mark Z, Mods and RV’ers !

​​Member: Really could use some Hopium today. Hard to watch everything play out, but we still sit here and wait. I wish I were better at patience.

MZ: I think this is important and setting the stage for a fantastic move and possible clouding the reason why??? From the Wall Street Journal . “ Iraqi Banks used US-created system to funnel funds to Iran” Iran does have a tremendous amount of influence in Iraq. Now what are they going to do?  They feel they have to crack in on this….If they do this- dinar may drop by at least 10% and the US dollar will be more in demand. 

MZ: In a news article from Baghdad today- “ It will turn the parallel market upside down-Sources: Expected decisions from the Central Bank will confuse markets and raise exchange rates”  When they say raise exchange rates…they are talking “in the wrong direction” So if one US dollar now equels 1310 dinar ….it will go to one US dollar equels 1500 dinar or so. So what they are going to do is have an auction on US dollars. They are planning on injecting ore US dollars into the markets and buy dinar off of the streets. “To help support the exchange rate” is the claim. And to help clean up the sanctions and oney laundering….

MZ:  Think about this. It will hurt the value of the dinar temporarily…..but allows them to buy it at a discount through major auctions. Suck trillions more dinar off the streets …What a great prep going into a re-valuation. It will help them justify a higher value. This may be major for us. 

MZ: This is my theory and I think it makes sense. 

Member: Sounds like bad news to me….like they won’t RV for weeks now.

MZ: If auctions are immediate- they could be ready in a day or two. I believe they will move forward quickly on this. 

MZ: Also the Iranian President is coming to Iraq tomorrow for some talks….this comes on the heels of the articles about Iraq funneling funds to Iran. 

MZ: Remember Sudani said just last week that they plan to revalue this year during his administration….I think the timing is great and they are setting the stage. 

​​ Member: Remember- by the time we see Iraq news it was already done and we are getting it after the fact?

Member: Mark-any word from your banking, bond or group connections??

MZ: Bond people are still quiet this week. They are still waiting. 

Member: I feel sorry for all the bond people that are asked to travel only to be told SOON

Member: I think the Bond people  are like us …like the Boy who cried wolf….the PTB lie to them constantly…..and we/they no longer believe anything. 

MZ: “Illinois Trucking Company with 480 drivers abruptly ceased operations”  They are contracted with the US postal service to haul mail. They are ceasing operation as of Monday and now there will be many postal trailers sitting at docks as of next week. 

Member: What is all the chatter about National Guard Troops in every major city?????

MZ: We are seeing very unusual movement with the National Guard in major cities. We don’t know the reason why….but lots of theories out there.

Member: Maybe because tonight is supposed to be a presidential debate?

Member: Wish it was because we need security when we exchange …sigh

Member: Maybe they are finally starting to clean house……start arrests?

Member: Is it our military holding things up?   So it seems!!! Every other country is ready to go!!! What’s up with that?

Member: I really hope the RV goes with Nesara/Gesara so we can all be blessed at once

Member: Amen to that. 

Member: Mark can you go over your podcast schedule this week?

MZ: I will be off to the airport for a trip stateside right after this podcast. Going to see my children for their birthdays…I will continue to do mornings…..Zester will be filling in some evenings this week …. There will be no Whiskey and Wisdom this week 

Member: Zester is a chip off the old block and is quite knowledgeable.

Member: Safe travels Mark….and have a great trip. 

Member: Markz… may your trip be uneventful & your visit exciting & relaxing!

Member: Everyone stay positive…..and keep the faith 

Member: Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.




[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

FIREFLY: CBI is talking about a mechanism to terminate the electronic platforms. 

FRANK:  That's right.  They can't steal the money through  that method anymore.  This is fantastic...The American dollar and the dinar are now being protected from those that were stealing  it, from Iran.  Because that was the US Treasury's #1 requirement.  We called it security and stability and so did Dr. Shabibi...     ;

 FIREFLY:A big delegation including Alaq...He went to Erbil for the economic meeting.  There was a closed meeting after the main meeting.  We expect it was mainly about the oil and gas HCL they have been talking to us about.   

FRANK:  This is all monetary reform education. 

How Iraq's Central Bank Decisions Shape Inflation and Currency Strength


Iraq's Economic Growth and Inflation Rates in 2024: The Role of Central Bank Decisions

In 2024, Iraq's economy continues to demonstrate resilience and growth, significantly influenced by the decisions of the Central Bank.

 A key figure in this context is Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, who has explained that the Central Bank's decisions have played a pivotal role in reducing inflation rates in the country

 This reduction in inflation not only benefits the general public by stabilizing prices but also contributes to strengthening the value of the local currency, offering a more stable economic environment.

Economic Growth and Fiscal Policies

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), economic growth in Iraq is projected to continue, supported by a fiscal expansion policy.  This expansion is critical in absorbing the rapidly growing labor force, boosting non-oil exports, and broadening the tax base. The authorities are advised to focus on enabling private sector development, including reforms in labor markets, modernization of the financial sector, and restructuring of state-owned banks, along with reforms in the pension and electricity sectors.

Inflation Rates and Central Bank's Role

Inflation rates in Iraq have been on the decline, dropping from 7.5% in January 2023 to more stable levels, as reported by the official spokesman for Iraq's Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi.   This decrease is credited to the effective decisions made by the Central Bank, which have contributed to stabilizing the economy. The Bank's strategies have not only reduced inflation but have also played a crucial role in strengthening the local currency, thereby enhancing the country's economic stability.

Outlook and Challenges

Despite the positive outlook, medium-term vulnerabilities associated with oil price volatility have increased significantly.  Reducing oil dependence and ensuring fiscal sustainability while protecting critical social and investment spending will require a significant fiscal adjustment. The focus should be on controlling the public wage bill and increasing non-oil tax revenues.


In summary, Iraq's economic growth and the stabilization of inflation rates in 2024 are attributed to the strategic decisions of the Central Bank. These decisions have not only reduced inflation but have also contributed to strengthening the local currency. However, challenges remain, particularly in diversifying the economy and ensuring fiscal sustainability.



  Article:  "Prime Minister's Advisor: Central Bank Decisions Contribute to Reducing Inflation Rates in the Country"   

Quote: "The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, explained that the decisions of the Central Bank contribute to reducing inflation rates in the country, and pointed out that economic growth contributes to strengthening the value of the local currency"

 Article:  "Zaha Hadid Architects Unveils Construction Progress of Central Bank of Iraq Skyscraper in Baghdad"  

Quote: "The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) headquarters...is a new landmark on the banks of the Tigris River in Baghdad. Now the tallest building in the city, the 170-meter-tall skyscraper aims to echo the values of the institution: solidity, stability, and sustainability."


Massoud Barzani to Baghdad’s economic delegation: Differences end with dialogue, 10 SEPT

 Shafaq News / Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani stressed on Monday that the best way to end the differences is to resort to dialogue and understanding between the Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

This came during the reception of Massoud Barzani, at the resort of Salah al-Din, a high-level delegation from the federal government, including Fouad Hussein, Deputy Prime Minister of the Iraqi Minister and Chairman of the Ministerial Council for Economy, Mohammed Tamim, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Taif Sami, Iraqi Minister of Finance, Hamid Naim Al-Ghazi, Secretary-General of the Iraqi Council of Ministers, and Ali Mohsen Al-Alak, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, in addition to a number of officials in the Iraqi government from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Planning, Oil, Industry, Industry, Metals, Labor and Social Affairs, as well as the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Central Bank and the Iraqi Securities Commission, according to a statement received by Shafaq News.

The statement pointed out that “during the meeting, the members of the guest delegation expressed their happiness to visit the Kurdistan Region, praising the historical role of President Barzani in building the new Iraq and the struggle against the dictatorship. They also reviewed President Barzani the objectives of their visit to the Kurdistan Region and their talks with the relevant authorities in the regional government.

The guest delegation stressed, according to the statement, that their meetings and meetings with the regional government were fruitful, stressing the need to seek to reach a full understanding in an atmosphere of trust and through a transparent and constructive vision in order to solve outstanding problems and overcome obstacles.

For his part, Massoud Barzani expressed his warm welcome to the high-level delegation to the Iraqi Federal Government, and expressed his hope that this visit and meetings will have positive results for the benefit of all Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Barzani also highlighted the history of the struggle and sacrifices of the people of Kurdistan in the twentieth century, and reminded the audience that after 2003 there were aspirations to build a new Iraq that would be an example of coexistence, partnership, democracy and pluralism in the region.

He stressed that the struggle of the Kurdish people was to consolidate partnership and guarantee their rights, and it is not possible to try to limit the historical cause and the countless struggles and sacrifices of Kurdistan and to shorten them on the issue of salaries or seeking to spread division and division in the Kurdistan Region, instead of respecting the demands of the Kurdistan people and compensating for the bombings and chemical weapons bombings.

The Kurdish leader stressed that “the best way to end the differences is to resort to dialogue and understanding between the Iraqi federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government,” stressing that “we should all of us refer to the constitution in order to settle the problems while adhering to the political agreements reached between the constituent parties of the State Administration Coalition.”

Barzani praised the role and efforts of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in removing obstacles and addressing differences, and stressed the importance of having good intentions and a real and sincere will, in addition to commitment to the constitution and political agreements in order to make the dialogue process successful and settle problems.

It is noteworthy that the meeting was held in the presence of a high-level delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government, including the Ministers of Interior and Finance, the Chief of the Cabinet and a number of officials of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
