Sunday, September 8, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Opportunities in Iraq: Overcoming Turmoil and Embracing Recovery, 9 SEPT

 Opportunities in Iraq: Overcoming Turmoil and Embracing Recovery

The American Atlantic Council Institute has announced an upcoming conference on Iraq, scheduled for October 15, 2024, in Washington.  This gathering aims to explore the opportunities and challenges in the evolving relationship between the United States and Iraq, as the latter continues to emerge from years of political and social turmoil.  The conference, titled "The Path to Recovery, Development, and Global Partnerships in Iraq," will be the third of its kind under the "Iraq Initiative". 

Addressing Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

At the conference, a diverse group of senior experts, researchers, and policymakers from both the United States and Iraq will convene.  Among the attendees are current and former senior officials who will contribute to discussions on major challenges and opportunities facing Iraq as it transitions from instability.  This year, the focus will be on the advancement of the energy sector, efforts toward sustainable economic diversification by the Iraqi government, and the evolving course of US-Iraqi relations. 

Interactive Panels and Engagement

The conference will feature dynamic discussion panels that will delve into how Iraq, the United States, and the international community can positively engage with Iraq as it navigates its unique social, political, economic, and security transformations.  Direct personal participation and engagement via video are expected, with translation into Kurdish and Arabic provided to ensure inclusivity. 

The Iraqi Initiative: A Framework for Change

The "Iraq Initiative" program, under which the conference is being held, is designed to provide transatlantic and regional policymakers with unique insights and strategies for supporting Iraq's recovery and development.  The initiative recognizes the critical role of the Iraqi Police Agency in the country's transition from conflict to peace and stability.  It emphasizes the importance of transforming the police force into a trusted and effective service that upholds the rule of law and protects human rights. 

Economic Recovery and Diversification

As Iraq moves toward recovery and development, the country's economic transformation is a focal point.  The Iraqi government's efforts toward sustainable economic diversification are crucial for the nation's long-term stability and prosperity.  The conference will discuss the progress made and the path forward in this critical area. 

Transatlantic and Regional Policy Engagement

The "Iraq Initiative" aims to facilitate engagement between transatlantic and regional policymakers, offering a platform for the exchange of ideas and strategies to support Iraq's path to recovery and development.  By fostering dialogue and collaboration, the initiative seeks to contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous future for Iraq and the region. 


The upcoming conference in Washington signifies a significant step in recognizing and addressing the opportunities and challenges facing Iraq.  As the country moves past years of turmoil, the gathering of experts and policymakers promises to be a pivotal moment in charting a path toward recovery, development, and enhanced global partnerships. 

Opportunities in Iraq” after overcoming “years of turmoil” at an international conference in Washington, 9 SEPT

 Opportunities in Iraq” after overcoming “years of turmoil” at an international conference in Washington

The American Atlantic Council Institute announced that it will organize a conference on Iraq in Washington on October 15, with the participation of current and former politicians and experts from the United States and Iraq, where it will address opportunities and challenges in relations, overcoming years of turmoil, with a focus on the energy sector, and diversifying the Iraqi economy. 

According to the American Institute, the conference, which is being held within the framework of the "Iraq Initiative", under the title "The Path to Recovery, Development and Global Partnerships in Iraq", will bring together a diverse group of senior experts, researchers and policy makers from both the United States and Iraq, including current and former senior officials. 

The report, translated by Shafaq News Agency, explained that the conference, the third of its kind for the "Iraq Initiative", will address the major challenges and opportunities facing Iraq as it begins to overcome years of volatility, with early signs of recovery and development. 

The report added that the conference will focus this year on the advancement of the energy sector, the efforts of the Iraqi government towards sustainable economic diversification, and the evolving path of the US-Iraqi relationship. 

The report added that the conference will witness dynamic discussion panels that explore how Iraq, the United States and the international community can interact positively with Iraq as it moves through its unique social, political, economic and security changes.

The report added that the conference will witness direct personal participation and via video, and will include translation into Kurdish and Arabic. 

The report concluded by saying that the "Iraq Initiative" program provides transatlantic and regional policymakers with unique insights and analyses on the ongoing challenges and opportunities facing Iraq as the country attempts to establish an inclusive political system, attract economic investment, and stimulate a vibrant civil society.  link



  I strongly believe we need Alaq to finish what he's doing [In New York and Washington], come Baghdad and bring the REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate to Iraq. 

 We believe this is the next step because of what Sudani told the Iraqi citizens. 

 IMO the commercials are the next thing that they're going to show them.  IMO the commercials are already produced...They will be released to the public. When Sudani said the monetary reform is coming to an end...that's a big hint...That's what we in intel call a big clue. 


 All the executive levels of the banks in Iraq are going to sit down with the governor of the CBI Alaq and receive instructions on the new currency next week.  


  They got stability and security. Sudani has been bragging about it...Lift the three zeros has to do with the value, then not with the value, back and forth, back and forth, it has to do with the value and then, no it doesn't have to do with the value.  The articles are contradicting. 

 They are lies.  They are misleading with a purpose.  


Article: "Two conditions to achieve it .. Al-Sudani's advisor rules out removing 3 zeros from the currency"

  These articles, this misleading, is intentional right now...Contradicting statements are found throughout all of these statements, all of these articles...The 25 note has to become a 25k note

 There isn't even a 25 note...When did Iraq last have a 25 note?  Never.



[Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

Question:  You're asking us why we are not talking to you about these [lower note] commercials.  Can you tell us more about them

 AKI:  Yes, they are coming out.  This is the media campaign we told you about.  It's getting faster and faster and louder and louder.  

The purpose is to show the citizens the new lower notes and more information. 

 These commercials are coming out at any time now...Nothing is in the way to block this next step.  It is a massive media campaign.   

[[Iraqi bank friend Aki update]

New York is to remove the red tape that the United Nations is still holding on the banks of Iraq that are not participating in the monetary reform.  

These sanctioned banks may stay sanctioned or be shut down completely. 

 It really doesn't matter to the monetary reform process but this is something that is needed to be done.

US-Iraq Deal: End of a 23-Year Occupation

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: US-Iraq Deal: Near Quarter Century Long Pentagon Occupation to Finally End, 9 SEPT

 US-Iraq Deal: Near Quarter Century Long Pentagon Occupation to Finally End

On September 8, 2024, the governments of Iraq and the United States reached a historic agreement marking the end of the US-led coalition troop presence in Iraq Sources confirm that remaining American and Western allied troops will withdraw from the country by September 2025, with the final exit scheduled by the end of 2026. 

Background of the Occupation

The nearly quarter-century-long occupation began with the 2003 'shock and awe' bombing of Baghdad and full-scale invasion under the Bush-Cheney administration.  The US overthrew Saddam Hussein, leading to years of chaos, an anti-US insurgency, and the rise of terror groups such as AQI and ISIS. This period was marked by significant civilian casualties, with estimates ranging into the hundreds of thousands, if not over a million. 

The government established post-Saddam has been allied with Tehran and dominated by Shia politicians and their interests. 

Recent Developments

In recent years, the Pentagon justified its presence in Iraq as necessary for combating ISIS.  However, widespread efforts in the Iraqi parliament and among the general population called for the removal of foreign troops.  Political leaders in Iraqi Kurdistan, however, have been the most supportive of the US presence. 

US bases and the embassy have faced attacks by Iran-aligned Shia paramilitary groups, with the Iraqi Army accused of giving these groups free rein. 

Agreement Details

A senior US official stated that the agreement is in place, with the only remaining question being the timing of its announcement. 

The US withdrawal was initially planned for earlier in the summer but was postponed. 


 Mark Z excerpt: 9.7.24

MZ: Big article on Iraq this weekend “ US-Iraq Deal : Near Quarter century long pentagon occupation to finally end”   

From Zero hedge. They are starting to phase out the occupations between now and September 2025.

Member:  That's great news!

MZ: What did Trump tell us years ago?  That we would leave as soon as Iraq paid us everything ….There is a window telling us we will finally get this thing. 

Member: So are we waiting until 2025 now?

MZ: That does not mean we are waiting until then….It does not mean that at all. They just announced they are pulling out and have started the process. I do not think they would already be starting the process if they did not know the date they are getting all their money. We were told the US would leave when we got our money……and now they are leaving..."

CBI's Educational Campaign on Currency Reforms in Iraq


Summary The Iraqi Dinar has a complex history, marked by inflation, economic sanctions, and recent efforts for stabilization and growth . Hi...