Tuesday, September 3, 2024

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Legal Document Detailing Corruption Files in Previous Iraqi Governments, 4 SEPT

 Legal Document Detailing Corruption Files in Previous Iraqi Governments

In 2024, Iraq's government under Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani is grappling with the legacy of corruption that has plagued the country for decades, following years of armed conflict and political instability. 

Corruption in Iraq: A Historical Perspective

Corruption has been a persistent issue in Iraq, deeply impacting various aspects of governance and public life. The country's complex political landscape, coupled with high oil revenues and weak institutional frameworks, has created an environment where corruption thrives. 

The Theft of the Century

One of the most notorious cases of corruption in recent years involved a staggering $2.5 billion embezzlement scandal, often referred to as "the theft of the century." This case highlighted the brazenness and scale of corruption in Iraq, involving politicians, Ministry of Finance officials, bank clerks, and businessmen. 

Systemized Corruption

Corruption in Iraq is not merely a series of isolated incidents but a systemic issue. The political elite have been accused of devising, managing, and protecting corrupt practices, using their positions to divide power and resources among themselves.  

International Aid and Corruption

The issue of corruption extends to international aid projects, with allegations that UNDP staff involved in post-war reconstruction projects in Iraq have demanded bribes in return for helping businessmen win contracts.  This has undermined efforts to rebuild the country's infrastructure and services.

Legal Mechanisms and Accountability

Iraq's judicial system has been criticized for corruption and political interference, presenting high risks for businesses and undermining the rule of law.  However, the government has made some efforts to address corruption, appointing new judges and launching investigations into several cases involving high-ranking officials. 

Special Commercial Courts

Iraq has established special commercial courts in Baghdad, Najaf, and Basrah for disputes involving foreign investors, aiming to improve the efficiency of commercial cases.   However, the enforcement of contracts remains problematic due to unclear regulations and corruption. 

Current Government's Agenda

Prime Minister al-Sudani's government has centered its agenda on combatting corruption as a priority, alongside addressing unemployment, poverty, economic reform, and improving government services.  Despite these efforts, significant challenges remain in implementing structural reforms and addressing the grievances of Iraqi citizens. 


The legal document detailing corruption files in previous Iraqi governments is a testament to the pervasive nature of corruption in the country. As of 2024, the government under Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani is working to address this issue, but significant work remains to restore public trust, strengthen institutions, and ensure accountability.

A Legal Document Detailing The Opening Of Corruption Files In Previous Governments, 4 SEPT

 A Legal Document Detailing The Opening Of Corruption Files In Previous Governments

September 2, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer  Followers commented on the government’s efforts to fight corruption by saying:
“This is credited to the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, which has shown a significant decline in corruption operations and in various official sectors, while they indicated that
those who work to distract it from its national approach confirm that it is from the opposite side of some of the parties that were attacked.” Its interests, which have no balance due to it.  They said:
“The campaigns aimed at arousing public opinion and obstructing the state’s work in various fields mean that there are those who insist on backwardness and barbarism,” while
they commented on the inaccurate information that was provided to divert the investigation from its correct path, and that
direct accusation of the government regarding issues that are now subject to judicial review.
“It confirms once again that they have been banned and may be involved in corruption cases.”

And you have life in retaliation
In turn, legal researcher Ali Al-Tamimi confirmed:  
“The Sudanese President’s opening of an investigation into the raised cases of corruption, eavesdropping, fraud and fraud in previous sessions is a legal procedure in accordance with Article 17 of the State Employees Discipline Law and also Articles 15 and 16 of the Cabinet Regulations 2 of 2019.”

 Al-Tamimi told the  “Iraq Observer” agency that what the committee decides is what is binding either on referring the accused to the judiciary and everyone whose name appears in the investigations or making administrative decisions regarding withdrawal and residency, and
this approach is what the Sudanese government clearly confirmed in the ministerial curriculum.  The legal expert explained:
“The major campaign launched by the Integrity and Crime Follow-up Commission in accordance with the principle that no one is above the law, including those accused of special degrees, whatever they may be, is an approach that is consistent with the goals of criminal punishment that aim to deter and achieve social justice.
It is also consistent with the philosophy of criminal law that It aims to prevent the commission of crimes in the future, according to the principle of cleaning the ladder from top to bottom.  According to Al-Tamimi:
 “This campaign needs to be implemented retroactively, especially since these crimes are not subject to statute of limitations or the passage of time, and
they relate to public funds in accordance with Article 27 of the Iraqi Constitution, and it follows an internal and external line in terms of recovering the accused and the funds.”
The legal expert pointed out that this needs to be accompanied by a media and awareness campaign about the seriousness of these crimes and their harsh punishments according to Iraqi laws. Also,
we should not forget the role of clerics and schools and we suggest that these crimes be taught in schools and colleges, to work according to a future strategy.  He stated:
 “The Integrity Commission also dared us with another principle, which is money before the accused, and it also helped in recovering the looted money internally and externally.



Salah talk about brushes and power iqd dinar 

03/09/2024, 14:25:14


Saleh told Euphrates news that the phenomenon of the increase in sales of foreign transfers from foreign exchange is due to the results of the important change that took place in the policy of the central bank of Iraq in dealing with foreign transfer and interfering in the monetary market through the shift in foreign trade financing mechanisms for the private sector from a compliance platform to new mechanisms represented in strengthening the accounts of correspondence of iraqi banks abroad with foreign exchange at deliberate and sufficient levels commensurate with the requirements of financing foreign trade for the private sector of foreign exchange.

He added, after the compliance platform previously refused, during the past months about 85% of external transfer requests, the policy of strengthening the accounts of iraqi banks with their correspondence from sober international banks became as an alternative policy which is easy, easy and flexible, which made the implementation of daily external transfer requests available and achieved through foreign correspondent banks directly without passing through the platform and with a high percentage of 85% of the total demand for those daily external transfers.

Saleh this high change in the flexibility of transfers has reflected positively on the national economy, especially in the stability of the total supply and demand functions within the national economy in two directions, the first of which is supply side, represented by the availability of a wide commodity and service supply in the local market through flexible imports funded at the fixed official exchange rate of 1320 dinars per dollar, he explained.

The other trend is the demand side, which refers to the process of exchanging the iraqi dinar to dollars for the purposes of financing foreign trade through the aforementioned transfers, which means that meeting the demand for the dollar represents a direct meeting of the demand for foreign goods, services and benefits for the benefit of the local market.

He pointed out that meeting the demand for foreign currency is an important pillar of the monetary policy of the central bank of Iraq and achieving its operational objectives in addressing and controlling the excess domestic liquidity levels of the dinar, which constitutes the so called oversaymon.

This control of local liquidity also represents a positive.

Iraq's Corruption Crisis: Political Protection Unveiled

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Corruption in Iraq: The Complex Issue of Political Protection, 3 SEPT

 Corruption in Iraq: The Complex Issue of Political Protection

Corruption in Iraq is a pervasive issue that has long hindered the country's development and stability. As of September 3, 2024, the problem remains deeply entrenched, with political protection serving as a significant barrier to holding the corrupt accountable. 

Iraq's Struggle with Corruption

Iraq has been grappling with corruption for decades. Despite some progress in key areas such as combatting corruption, addressing unemployment, and improving public services under Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani's administration.  the issue remains a major stumbling block in the country's efforts to achieve lasting peace and prosperity.

Political Protection: A Shield for the Corrupt

One of the most significant challenges in addressing corruption in Iraq is the phenomenon of political protection. This refers to the shielding of corrupt individuals from legal consequences by those in power.  Members of parliamentary blocs have expressed their frustration, stating that they can identify the corrupt but are unable to hold them accountable due to the political protection they receive.  

Impact on Governance and Society

The issue of corruption, compounded by political protection, has far-reaching consequences for Iraq. It undermines public trust in government institutions, erodes the rule of law, and exacerbates social and economic inequalities.  This, in turn, fuels further unrest and instability, as seen through the ongoing protests and social unrest. 

Efforts to Combat Corruption

Despite the challenges, there have been concerted efforts to combat corruption in Iraq. Prime Minister al-Sudani has made it a central part of his agenda, aiming to address the issue through structural reforms and anti-corruption measures. However, progress has been slow, and significant obstacles remain in the form of entrenched political interests and the lack of political will to fully address the problem.  

The Role of International Community

The international community has also played a role in supporting Iraq's efforts to combat corruption. Assistance in the form of technical expertise, capacity building, and financial aid has been provided to strengthen institutions and promote transparency.  However, the effectiveness of these efforts is limited by the persistence of political protection and the broader political climate in Iraq. 

The Way Forward

Addressing corruption in Iraq requires a multifaceted approach that tackles the issue at its roots. This includes strengthening legal frameworks, improving the capacity of law enforcement agencies, promoting transparency and accountability, and fostering a culture of integrity among public officials.  Most importantly, it necessitates the political will to hold the corrupt accountable, even when it involves powerful individuals or political allies. 

Corruption In Iraq With “Political Protection”.. Parliamentary Bloc: We Identify The Corrupt And Cannot Hold Them Accountable, 3 SEPT

 Corruption In Iraq With “Political Protection”.. Parliamentary Bloc: We Identify The Corrupt And Cannot Hold Them Accountable

Politics | Yesterday, 10:02 |Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Monday (September 2, 2024), the Parliamentary Amal Bloc confirmed that there is protection for some corrupt and negligent people that prevents the Iraqi Council of Representatives from exercising its role in holding them accountable.  

The head of the bloc, Representative Yasser Al-Husseini, told “Baghdad Today” that “there are negligent people and there are many great suspicions of corruption in various ministries and on the work of some ministers, but
at the same time there is political protection that prevents these people from being held accountable and interrogated in the House of Representatives, by the controlling parties.” On the governmental and parliamentary scene.  Al-Husseini stated,
“Many of the representatives and parliamentary committees identify many cases of negligence and suspicions in the work of the ministries and some officials,
but any move by these representatives results in pressure to prevent any move for accountability or interrogation, and
for this reason you find the House of Representatives without a real oversight role due to the political protection of negligent and corrupt people.”.
Iraq is classified among the most corrupt countries in the world, in the Corruption Perceptions Index for 2023 issued by Transparency International, as Iraq ranked fifth among the most corrupt countries in the world.
The former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert, confirmed during her recent briefing on Iraq before the UN Security Council that corruption is still continuing in Iraq, noting at the same time that its treatment is not at the required level.

This was also confirmed by the German Ambassador to Iraq, Christiana Homann, in her first appearance after assuming the position, where she said,
“Yes, there are German investors who were asked to pay some kind of bribes and royalties in exchange for obtaining contracts, but they did not pay, as the matter is illegal in our country and they will be punished.” The law if they do so.
Iraqi officials do not deny the existence of rampant corruption in state agencies, through their political speeches and seminars to the media.
Everyone knows that the only issue that the political forces participating in the government have agreed upon is dividing the ministries and state institutions and turning them into sources of  rent for them.
This deep-rooted corruption is a serious obstacle to the country's development, undermining people's confidence and paralyzing all efforts to provide basic services to citizens, according to observers.   

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 09/03/2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 09/03/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark, Mods and RV family

Member: So another 3 day weekend bites the dust. 

Member: Hoping Mark has big RV news today .

Meber: What is your feeling on why this never comes to fruition? Are we now waiting for the election. Man this is hard.

MZ: I don’t think we are waiting on the election. I think things are being forced through as we speak. 

Member: The Greatest Stall of All-Time...Iraq

Member: I'm super positive that this is our WEEK. I'm feeling "by Friday" for notifications to make appointments. My vibes.

MZ: I would not be surprised if your feelings are accurate. 

MZ: “Iraq admitted by the order of the IMF that they have to back up their currency”  Currencies with gold to face the fluctuations of currencies. The IMF is pushing Iraq to purchase ore gold. 

MZ: For anybody paying attention….We are going to a gold standard. Just like Denmark Central bank told you- “we are preparing for the inevitable creation of a new Gold Standard.”

MZ: It is coming. The Philedelphia office of the Fed penned a similar article saying “The only answer to all of this os to go to a gold backed currency. That is where we are headed. 

MZ: Iraq is being pushed by the IMF to do this. The IMF is seeming going counter to the Federal Reserve right now and pushing commodity rich nations to go gold backed. Read the writing on the wall. The fiat world is coming to an end. 

MZ: We do not know the timing …but we know it is happening. Some time in the next week or two we could see a massive correction in our markets- which would most likely force this event…..The closer we get to this -the more I think they are going to implode the markets to reset them and make re-pricing easier…. . 

MZ I am very curious to see what progress they have made today. 

MZ: I have a number of excited Bond people, Group people and Indian Nation People, Prosperity Package People and CMKM people going into today…..They say the next 24-48 hours should be very telling of where we are at in the process…..

Member: I heard Zimbabwe is already gold backed???. 

MZ: Zimbabwe has done something in between. When you look at what Zimbabwe, BRICS and CIPS has done….Look at the new MBridge and XRP has done with cross-border payments…..The plan 20 or so years ago was to create a fail-safe system that would occur on its own if the fiat world refused to do the right thing  and reset…So a plan was put in place to bypass the SWIFT system ,The Federal Reserve, and Rothschilde banks that refuse to go quietly into this good night….……and we see that happening…

MZ: CIPS is for moving money and an asset backed options that people will naturally want to use when inflation starts running…..Which system do you want to keep your money??? This system was created to be a safety net under the worlds finances…..and alternative for when fiat crashes…..and I very much believe it will look like doomsday or an apocalypse in the financial markets…. And then we will get the official reset. I think that trigger will hit us this month..I could be wrong…but think the trigger hits this month and forces the change….

Member: Personally  I wish we all could join BRICS. 

Member: Will the RV wipe out debt?

MZ:  It is my understanding –yes. If we look at this historically –every time they have gotten off fiat for god backed or commodity backed money…it has wiped out debt. Part of the reason they have to reset is debt has become untenable. This is a worldwide bankruptcy. They have to erase debt before they can reset…..to get to an even starting point…and start again.. 

Member: I hear we are waiting on bond folks to get their background check completed?

Member: Heard Bond holders have exchanged their bonds, BUT, they have yet to be ALL receipted in the QFS. Bondholders go through a a series of background checks and have their bonds verified.

Member: Receipted in the QFS means the bonds are assigned a physical serial number based on lot size (gold bar) and gets registered to that bar or asset.

Member: That bond now becomes a 'soliditity of funds' and is ready for disbursement by the QFS. This is what I call logistics of funding.

Member: October 1st all banks must be Basel 3 compliant

Member: October 1st is also the first day of the new US fiscal year…..

Member: A prayer before I go: Dear God, please show Iraq Dinar and VND on Forex later today with wonderful news for us all. in Jesus' name. Amen! 

Member: Wishing all the most beautiful day you have ever had!!!

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information.  


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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