Monday, September 2, 2024


 Jon Dowling

Recent developments in Iraq’s financial sector, including the implementation of a new banking system, currency diversification, and Iraq’s leadership role in international forums.

Iraq is set to chair the Group of 77 in China, marking a significant diplomatic milestone after 60 years.

A comprehensive banking system is being implemented in 40 branches, signaling readiness for international engagement.

The Central Bank is diversifying currency use, aiming to reduce reliance on the dollar.

Upcoming distribution of retirees’ salaries suggests potential changes in exchange rates.

Increased participation of Kurdish traders is contributing to a decrease in the dollar’s exchange rate.

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Iraq participates in the meeting of the Arab Economic Council, 2 SEPT

  Iraq participates in the meeting of the Arab Economic Council

The Arab Economic Committee is scheduled to begin its work today, Monday, to prepare for the 114th session of the Arab League's Economic and Social Council, which will be held at the ministerial level next Thursday, with the participation of the Minister of Trade, Athir Dawood Salman Al-Ghariri.

Iraq will be represented in the meetings of the Economic and Social Council by two delegations, the first from the Ministry of Labor, which will attend the meetings of the Arab Social Committee, while the second delegation will be from the Ministry of Trade and will participate in the meeting of the Economic Committee.

The Arab Social Committee held its meeting yesterday, Sunday, with the participation of a delegation from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and a number of decisions were submitted to the Council.
The ministerial meeting of the Economic and Social Council next Thursday, in which the Minister of Trade will participate, will be preceded by a meeting of senior officials in the Council the day after tomorrow, Wednesday.

Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Social Affairs Sector, Ambassador Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, stated that the 114th session of the Economic and Social Council began its work with the Council's Social Committee.

Abu-Ghazaleh added that the Social Committee reviewed the report of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, which included all the efforts and activities that took place between the two sessions of the Council in various sectors of joint Arab social and development work.

She continued that the report focused on continuing to implement the social dimensions of the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, supporting vulnerable groups in society, and other activities related to persons with disabilities and the elderly, health, youth, women, family and childhood, population policies, civil society and human rights, migration and expatriates, education, scientific research, culture and dialogue of civilizations.  link


 I’ll do a recap for the Iraq Dinar situation

And how it is going to play out based on the news we were seeing right now 

Follow the thread, and you would understand 

-first, we know the Dollar has been set to collapse this September

The decision was made last year 2023

Second, Iraq bought a lot of dollars but it seems like they do not have enough Dinar against it to cover up the values and expenses so they claimed they will turn on the printer… if they did, it will cause huge inflation

Then Iraq claimed they will sell their oil with Dinar instead of the dollar… but first they need to back up the dinar with gold… which means they cannot turn on the printer if it is backed up by gold… because that is a huge problem by itself beside inflation

After that, they admitted they will not print more notes… because if they’re gonna back up the currency with gold… they cannot print more notes…

They will be forced to change the rate to cover the expenses they have for all the ministries and salaries at the end of September

Also, Iraq finished training new people for exchanging currencies as it was required by an official letter from the CBI a month ago

Here Iraq is going international

By allowing their banks to make Cross border payment with different currencies, other than the dollar

Plus joining Visa, MasterCard, MoneyGram 

That works on XRP and XLM

Also, it came on the news that Iraq had an agreement with US to pull USA military out of Iraq by September

This agreement happened at the beginning of July  

But Trump stated there will not pull out of Iraq unless they are getting paid

If Iraq right now in deep shit because they cannot cover up the expenses of their ministries and citizens salaries

How are they going to pay these military people? 

They have to change the rate to be able to pay off everything

Finally, you gotta understand

Iraq in a deep shit financially they will be forced to change the rate to pay off everything and back their currency with gold

Also, BRICS meeting on Oct any country wants to join BRICS they have to ditch the dollar aside

🔥 we are close as f—-🔥

Last thing, Kuwait had their money backed by gold b4 the Gulf war

Then, after the war, they backed it to the old rate before the war, because it is the same currency that is backed by gold before & after the war

Iraq will do the same &  bring the old rate before the war $3.22

Here is the proof of US military withdrawing out of Iraq beginning this September and end on September 2025

As Trump stated … none of the troops will get out unless they are getting paid

The rate has to change this month, so the troops can start withdrawing and be paid


Amazing great news 

Iraq admitting that they have to back up the currency with gold by the order of IMF 

Plus, the federal bank in USA admitted that there is a collapse of the dollar .





 When it comes to "tax heaven" states in the U.S., typically we're referring to states with low or no state income taxes, which can be attractive for individuals and businesses looking to minimize their tax burden. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Florida - No state income tax, making it a popular choice for retirees and people looking to reduce their tax liabilities.

  2. Texas - Also has no state income tax, although it does have higher property taxes and sales taxes to compensate.

  3. Nevada - No state income tax, with revenue generated primarily through tourism and gaming.

  4. Washington - No state income tax, but it has a high sales tax and relies on other revenue sources.

  5. Wyoming - No state income tax and generally low property and sales taxes.

  6. South Dakota - No state income tax and relatively low sales and property taxes.

  7. Alaska - No state income tax, and it even has an annual dividend program funded by oil revenues.

These states generally attract people and businesses who are looking to save on state income taxes, but it's important to consider other factors like property taxes, sales taxes, and overall cost of living when evaluating the tax friendliness of a state.


 Yes, trusts do pay taxes, but how they are taxed depends on the type of trust and its specific provisions. Here’s a general overview:

  1. Revocable Living Trusts: These trusts are often used for estate planning and allow the grantor (the person who creates the trust) to retain control over the assets. Since the grantor retains control, the trust itself does not pay taxes. Instead, any income generated by the trust's assets is reported on the grantor's personal income tax return.

  2. Irrevocable Trusts: Once established, the grantor cannot alter or dissolve an irrevocable trust without the consent of the beneficiaries. These trusts are considered separate tax entities. The trust must file its own tax return (Form 1041 in the U.S.), and it may be required to pay taxes on any income it generates that is not distributed to beneficiaries.

  3. Income Distribution: For irrevocable trusts, income distributed to beneficiaries is generally taxed at the beneficiaries’ individual income tax rates. The trust can deduct this distributed income from its own taxable income, shifting the tax burden to the beneficiaries.

  4. Charitable Trusts: Charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts have special tax treatments. Contributions to these trusts can provide tax benefits to the grantor, and the trusts themselves might enjoy tax-exempt status for the portion of income designated for charitable purposes.

  5. Estate and Gift Taxes: In addition to income taxes, trusts can also be subject to estate and gift taxes, depending on their structure and the value of the assets involved.

Each type of trust has its own tax rules and implications, so it's often advisable for those involved to work with tax professionals or estate planners to ensure compliance and optimal tax planning.

Leader in the Framework: Washington moved to abort the amendments to the Personal Status Law, 19 SEPT

  Issam Al-Kriti, who is in charge of the Coordination Framework, said on Wednesday that Washington tried three times to stop the changes to...