Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fouad Hussein's Key Meeting with US on ISIS Coalition


 Context of the Conference

Fouad Hussein's Engagement with the US on the International Coalition Against ISIS

On September 1, 2024, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein met with the US Ambassador, Alina Romanowski, in Washington to discuss the international coalition conference against ISIS. The conference aimed at assessing the ongoing efforts and future strategies in combating the remnants of the Islamic State group in the region.

The conference was part of a broader dialogue between Iraq and the US, reflecting the strategic relationship and mutual interests in maintaining security and stability in Iraq and the broader Middle East. The discussions also touched upon the future of the US military presence in Iraq, with the Biden administration signaling an openness to redefine the strategic relationship between Baghdad and Washington. 

Key Points of Discussion

While details of the conference discussions were not fully disclosed, a senior Iraqi diplomatic source revealed that the talks centered around three main points. First, the potential announcement of an end to the international mission to fight ISIS, which would necessitate a reevaluation of the strategic relationship between Iraq and the US. Second, the US military withdrawal from Iraq was discussed, with the understanding that it would depend on certain conditions and outcomes from the conference. 

Implications for Iraq-US Relations

The meeting between Fouad Hussein and the US Ambassador highlighted the ongoing negotiations and the evolving nature of Iraq-US relations. It underscored the importance of cooperation in addressing security challenges and the role of the international coalition in combating terrorism. 

Fouad Hussein discusses with the US Ambassador the details of the international coalition conference against ISIS in Washington, 1 SEPT

  Fouad Hussein discusses with the US Ambassador the details of the international coalition conference against ISIS in Washington

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein discussed with US Ambassador to Baghdad Alina Romanowski on Saturday the details of the international coalition conference against ISIS, which will be held in Washington next month.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement, a copy of which was received by Kurdistan 24, that "Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein received today, Saturday, August 31, 2024, the US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romansky."

The statement indicated that "during the meeting, the ongoing negotiations regarding a ceasefire in Gaza and sending aid, especially medical aid, to the Strip were discussed."

He added, "The military operation carried out in the Anbar desert was referred to, which resulted in the neutralization of 15 ISIS terrorists. The minister praised the joint cooperation between the Iraqi and American forces and the success of this important operation."

He added that the meeting "touched on the conference of the international coalition against ISIS scheduled to be held in Washington early next month, and Iraq's participation in it. It is worth noting that this coalition includes 87 partners, and was established primarily to fight the terrorist organization ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and the conference will be at the level of foreign ministers of the participating countries."

The statement concluded by saying, "The United Nations General Assembly meetings to be held next month, which will be attended by dozens of world leaders, were discussed. The role of the two countries in these meetings and the required coordination between them to hold bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the participation of the two countries' delegations in New York were also discussed." link



Iraq just visited the United States on August 26 to 29, 2024. It was a high level negotiating team that met with JP Morgan, the US Treasury, Federal Reserve Bank, visa, mastercard, moneygram, Citibank, as well as International auditing firms such as KPMG, E&Y, K2i and Oliver Wyman.

One of the values of a meaning such as this includes trade facilitation. International auditing standards help to facilitate trade and support economic growth. Every international negotiator knows how to factor currency rates into agreements with their foreign business partners.

Part of the discussion dealt with moving from an electronic platform to a virtual bank whereby a Direct Banking relationship can occur. Direct banks, also known as branch-less or virtual banks, offer their services online, through mobile apps, email, and other electronic means.

Another portion of the conversation moved towards International engagement through International correspondent banking such as the Swift system provides. A network of international correspondent banks is a complex system of financial institutions that work together to facilitate global transactions.  

Yes, this requires a stable exchange rate that can be used between countries in trade and foreign currency exchange. These determinations are a part of supply and demand ratios factored in through trade.

The people invited to this meeting was no accident. It was a negotiating team ready for action. It was a meeting to discuss "the requirements necessary to open their accounts with international correspondent banks." This transition is expected to occur by the end of this year.

This moves Iraq from a supervisory role with the United States to a more independent nation with their own rules and regulations to guide their financial agreements around the world. Yes, this is the information have been looking for for long time. 

Watch the water. 

© Goldilocks

Iraq's Investment Law: Big Changes Ahead!



DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Iraq's Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses Amending the Investment Law, 1 SEPT

 Iraq's Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses Amending the Investment Law

In September 2024, Iraq's Parliamentary Economy Committee convened to deliberate on amendments to the country's Investment Law.  The discussions centered around the need to enhance the law to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) and bolster the private sector, which has remained weak. 

Background on Iraq's Investment Law

The current Investment Law, No. (13) of 2006, was enacted to create a more favorable environment for investments in Iraq.  It established the National Commission for Investment, responsible for formulating national investment policies and granting investment licenses.  However, the law has faced criticisms for not being fully effective in stimulating investment, primarily due to bureaucratic hurdles and security concerns. 

Proposed Amendments and Objectives

The proposed amendments aim to address the shortcomings of the existing law and to create a more investor-friendly environment.

 Key objectives include: Simplifying the investment licensing process to attract more FDI

Strengthening the role of the National Commission for Investment to better support investors.

 Providing clearer guidelines on land use and ownership for foreign investors. 

Establishing a dispute resolution mechanism to address investor concerns.

Challenges and Opportunities

Iraq's economy, heavily reliant on oil revenues, has been seeking diversification and modernization of its financial and banking sectors.  The proposed amendments to the Investment Law are seen as a critical step in this direction.

However, the country's political dynamics, corruption issues, and lack of basic services remain significant challenges. 

Stakeholder Perspectives

Government: The new government, under Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani.  is optimistic about the potential of the amended law to attract FDI and boost the economy. 

Investors: Foreign investors have shown interest but remain cautious due to security concerns and the slow pace of reform.  

Civil Society:There are concerns among civil society groups about the transparency and accountability of investment deals, particularly in the upstream oil industry. 

Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses Amending the "Investment Law", 1 SEPT

  Parliamentary Economy Committee Discusses Amending the "Investment Law"

The Iraqi legislative arena is currently witnessing intensive discussions about the fourth amendment to Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended, in light of the significant expansion of investment activity in the country in recent years.

These discussions come within the framework of efforts aimed at improving the investment environment and addressing the gaps in the current law.

In a press interview followed by “Economy News”, member of the Economic Committee, Diaa Al-Hindi, confirmed that the proposed amendment is “important and necessary” due to the many problems that the current law suffers from, explaining that “the current law requires fundamental amendments in several aspects, including the mechanism for selecting heads of bodies and members of the board of directors in bodies, in addition to the conditions for granting and withdrawing investment licenses, additional extensions, and grievance procedures.”

Al-Hindi pointed out that the amendment seeks to address those issues that the current law did not adequately address, which negatively affects the investment climate in Iraq.   link