Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Article: "Government advisor explains the possibility of using the dinar instead of the dollar in oil sales

 Interesting quote from Salih in that article... 

Quote:  "The strength and stability of the Iraqi dinar will remain linked to the factors of real growth and diversity in the national economy,"


  Article 1: "Is it time to remove the zeros?

"Article 2: "Is Iraq heading towards printing new paper currency?"  

These articles discuss a LOP...Iraq is converting to digital currency over time removing the paper money.


   The discussion in Iraq is not an RV but a currency exchange LOP.  Symposiums were held last fall to educate many of the citizens on such an event.  There would be little to no gain, in fact, based on the numbers published it would be a loss if they did so.


Community Comment: "Seems like there's some good news & some so not good. I have the feeling we aren't close, by a long shot."  

I pointed out a few months ago that Iraq was ending the currency auction at the end of  this year.  Nothing is going to happen with the dinar until after that and they begin to diversify their economy.


  The Iraqi dinar is a currency of a country it's not a lottery ticket. There is no magical RV...Owning dinar is risky, which may strengthen over time, but it's a long-term investment.

 Article:   "Iraq speeds up steps to join WTO"  Those that follow me know that we posted information that stated the Central Bank of Iraq planned to end the currency auctions at the end of this year, joining the WTO sometime next year would also benefit them.


 Seems to be a lot of hype lately that people are getting excited for some Dinar RV.  Not how currencies work. Iraq has a lot of work to do...If and when the dinar goes up in value it will be based on the success and growth of Iraq's economy. 


  Community Comment: "Does this have a negative, positive or neutral effect on our investment?"

  Article: "Mazhar Muhammad Salih: Our cash reserves are the highest and there are no fears of the dollar rising"  This is good news.



   Question: "So the RV tomorrow 3:00? Lol"  You need to change your thinking. There is no RV, never will be one. The only way that dinar can go up in value is 'gradually' over time based on the success and growth of Iraq's own economy.


 Article:  "Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq"  Article quote: "the importance of commercial communication with various countries around the world and organizing relations in a way that achieves mutual benefit for all parties, especially as Iraq is on the verge of rejoining the World Trade Organization (WTO). He explained

that this project comes as one of the achievements within the file of Iraq's accession to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)."  WTO requirement. Establishment of the Commercial Arbitration Center in Iraq


Iraq Showing New Lower Notes on TVšŸš©Expect What in 24 - 48 Hours?šŸ¤”Dinar R...

Including Iraq.. Three countries have the highest number of investment contracts signed during the month , 29 AUGUST

 Including Iraq.. Three countries have the highest number of investment contracts signed during the month


A report by the British magazine "MEED" stated on Wednesday that three countries, including Iraq, had the highest number of investment contracts signed in July.

The magazine stated in a report, which Shafak News Agency reviewed, that "the Middle East and North Africa region witnessed the signing of investment deals worth $23.9 billion in July."

The report explained that "Saudi Arabia ranked first among the Arab countries by signing investment contracts worth 14.3 billion, while the UAE came in second place by signing contracts worth 4.2 billion dollars, while Iraq came in third place by signing investment contracts worth 2.5 billion dollars."

He pointed out that "Egypt awarded contracts worth $2.1 billion, Kuwait $515 million, Oman signed contracts worth $140 million, Bahrain $33 million, and Qatar $27 million."  LINK



  [via PDK]  

A lot of people calling for it to start within 24 hours. There is a whole lot of chatter with groups who are expecting money movement at any moment or over the weekend.

 The rumors out of the groups are everybody will be working this weekend.  Group leaders are all charged up and ready...we hear Al Alaq (Governor of the CBI) is to go from New York to DC today.  We are hopeful it means something….  Comment:  Slowly, Slowly, SUDDENLY.  

MarkZ:  I think we are finally at the suddenly part.

 Comment:  Wealth manager sent out memo saying the dinar is a scam.  

MarkZ:  Well if it is a scam - Trump invested in it, Warren Buffet invested in it…the US treasury has invested in it.  I believe even George Soros has invested in it…and almost every central bank around the world has invested in it.  So if it is a scam…well, all the smartest people in the world fell for it.


Al-Araji From Brussels: NATO's Mission In Iraq Is Advisory, Not Combat, 28 AUGUST

 Tuesday 27 August 2024 17:51 | Politics Number of readings: 75  Baghdad / NINA / National Security Adviser Qasim Al-Araji reiterated the Iraqi government's confirmation that NATO's mission in Iraq is an advisory mission and not a combat mission.

The National Security Advisory said in a statement: "Iraq and NATO held, today, Tuesday, the first session of the High-Level Partnership Dialogue at the alliance's headquarters in the Belgian capital, Brussels."

According to the statement, a high-level official Iraqi delegation headed by National Security Adviser Qasim Al-Araji participated in the dialogue, while the side representing NATO was headed by Assistant Secretary-General for Operations and Special Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism Tom Govas, and the Secretary-General's Representative for Southern Neighborhood Affairs Javier Colomina.

The dialogue, which came at the invitation of NATO, discussed ways to enhance the partnership between Iraq and the alliance, including completing the capacity building of Iraqi security forces and other issues related to border security, combating drugs and terrorism, and the file of the Syrian Al-Hawl camp.

During the dialogue, Al-Araji reiterated the Iraqi government's emphasis that NATO's mission in Iraq is an advisory mission and not a combat mission, stressing: "The long-term partnership with NATO is to achieve Iraq's interests, fight terrorism, and develop and rehabilitate the capabilities of the Iraqi forces," stressing the importance of continuing dialogue and partnership with NATO, to achieve Iraq's interests, security and stability.

In a speech on the sidelines of the dialogue, the National Security Advisor referred to Iraq's position rejecting the killing and starvation taking place in the Gaza Strip, and that there is no security or safety except with the existence of an independent Palestinian state, stressing the importance of adopting the principle of dialogue and diplomatic channels as a way to resolve international crises and conflicts.

For their part, NATO representatives praised Iraq's pivotal role and its importance in enhancing the security and stability of the region, expressing the alliance's readiness to increase cooperation and enhance the defense capacity building package agreed upon between the two sides.

Al-Araji also extended an official invitation to NATO representatives to hold the second session of the High-Level Partnership Dialogue in the capital, Baghdad, next year. /End9



So, I wanted to share that good news and the next part is about the lower denominations. So, there's been rumors going around that there's lower denominations have been released. That was the key word that the gurus said, “released,” and this information I'm bringing you is coming from two people that are Liberty Loungers extraordinaire that have family inside Iraq.

 One of them has a family member who is a part of the parliament in the financial committee that's rolling out the Iraq financial reforms. 

And as of Friday, and Saturday when she reached out to me, she said, I'm going to be a part, out to him, they could not confirm, there was no official release of lower denominations. And she went on to say, “You know, TNT likes to be ahead of everyone else, so maybe he's making it educated, guess I'll let you know more as soon as I hear.”

Then I got another message today, confirming from another friend who has family inside Iraq. She said, “From my source, and then yesterday Mark Z was saying the same thing, that they are seeing old lower denominations that were used years ago, those are in play.

 But not the new ones yet. People are getting confused on this. Mark even showed us a lower denomination that he had last year, and some of those are still out there in Iraq. So that's probably what people are seeing, and they're mistaking for the new notes, which have indeed already been printed, and they've been seen as far as, 

you know, people are aware that they're out as far as they're printed and they're in the ATMs, but they are not out as far as released to my knowledge,” she said. And Mark, of course, agreed with that they've not been officially released but we know that is going to be the step when the official RV happens. So, I thought that was pretty encouraging just to get the facts on that to avoid confusion.

And the next bit of news is there was a little post, a screenshot that's been going around viral this weekend saying that, yeah, there's a cute post that says everything has to happen in duplicate, everything has to happen twice, I guess, for like validation for the White Hats setting the stage, and because of this delegation in the U.S.A., this means we're here, this has happened twice.

And I just wanted to, you know, just call fake news, because Iraq has been here at least four times, if not five times. To my knowledge from following this very, very, very closely, absolutely more than two, I actually remember the first time my jaw dropped when they were here, it was actually Nancy Pelosi, of all people, who celebrated and acknowledged Al-Sudani for Iraq regaining their sovereign status.

So, yeah, they've definitely been here more than twice in recent, very recent years. So, all is looking good, everything is positive. We were seeing Militiaman, TNT, and others quoting this whole D.C., you know, information that is just not true. But definitely they will be back in D.C. in October, and lots of good things happening. But we know that the, you know, the trip here to New York City is also beneficial.

So, there's nothing slowing this down. Everything is positive. Everything is encouraging. Keep your chin up. And, you know, all is well, and just wanted to just help confirm, you know, the truth of what's really going on, and it’s the 27th of August, of 2024, and this is Ginger of the Liberty Lounge signing out.

Due to this being an informative message only, there is no Q&A attached.


 TNT Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update  “Banks got memos  yesterday Tues. 17 Sept.  telling them to get ready and be there this morning because ...