Sunday, August 25, 2024

To deter escalation and protect his country's forces.. A senior American general visits the Middle East, 25 AUGUST

 To deter escalation and protect his country's forces.. A senior American general visits the Middle East

A senior US general is scheduled to tour the Middle East to emphasize the importance of deterring escalation and protecting US forces in the region. The

US Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Saturday that General CQ Brown will visit Egypt, Jordan and Israel in the coming days, where he will meet with his counterparts and a number of officials to discuss the situation and tensions in the region. The

Joint Chiefs of Staff statement indicated that Brown's visit demonstrates the long-term US commitment to the Middle East.

The statement stressed that General Brown will reaffirm the importance of deterring escalation and protecting US forces in the region, and Washington's support for Israel in defending itself and coordinating efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to civilians.

The statement also explained that the visit reflects the importance of reaching an agreement that returns the hostages, ends the violence and allows the entire region to focus on the next steps towards a more secure and stable Middle East. link



Helpful conversation in GLL Chat - Topic: Iraq Financial Reforms - Q & A 

💢Member - Q: I'm thinking RI first, then RV. Reinstatement is the removal of a sanctioned event.

 Once Reinstatement occurs it can benefit from the RV or gold backing. 

My contacts in Iraq are familiar with RV, but RI is independent or an apple to orange comparison regarding RV as they truly are different events.

 Your thoughts on this my dear Ginger? And I'm glad you are feeling better. 

💢Ginger: A: They happen at the same time. Like two legs of your underpants ⤵️

Gotta put one leg in at the same time or else ya can't go anywhere without showing errybody what the good Lord gave ya. Can't have the kibbles and bits all out there.... Same with IRAQ. They remain undone and indecent 😛🤣😂 until RI RV occur simultaneously 

Hope this makes sense....

Yeah, I know, I know 😛😁 I come up with the goofiest stuff sometimes 😉🤣 

Looking For a Change This Sunday?🚩Alaq to Visit New York, Why?🤔Dinar RV ...

DINAR REVALUATION UPDATE: Mechanisms for Reviving the Iraqi Economy in 2024, 25 AUGUST

Mechanisms for Reviving the Iraqi Economy in 2024

In the midst of ongoing challenges and in the shadow of a tumultuous history, Iraq stands at a critical juncture, with its economy in need of significant revival.

As of August 25, 2024, the mechanisms for economic rejuvenation are multifaceted and require a concerted effort from both domestic and international stakeholders. 

Key Challenges and Opportunities

Corruption and Governance

Corruption remains a pervasive issue in Iraq, undermining the rule of law and hindering economic progress. The lack of basic services and the feeble state of the private sector and foreign direct investments (FDIs) underscore the depth of the challenge. 

Security and Stability

Security threats, including the remnants of the Islamic State (IS) and the actions of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), pose significant risks to Iraq's stability. These threats not only hinder daily life but also discourage investment and economic activity.script async="" crossorigin="anonymous" src="">  

Diversification and Modernization

Iraq's economy, heavily reliant on oil, faces challenges in diversifying and modernizing its financial and banking sectors. This lack of diversification limits the country's export capacity, particularly in agricultural products. 

Education and Human Capital

Investing in education is critical for Iraq's long-term economic revival. With a young population that represents both an opportunity and a challenge, improving the education system is essential to meet labor market needs and reduce unemployment. 

Revival Strategies

Fiscal and Monetary Policy

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has highlighted the need for sound macroeconomic policies to secure fiscal and debt sustainability. The large fiscal expansion initiated in 2023, while boosting short-term growth, must be balanced with measures to address fiscal and external imbalances. 

Private Sector and FDI Enhancement

Strengthening the private sector and attracting foreign direct investment is crucial. This involves creating a more conducive business environment, improving the legal and regulatory frameworks, and addressing corruption. 

Education and Skills Development

Education reforms are necessary to meet the needs of the labor market. This includes investing in vocational training, improving the quality of education, and aligning educational outcomes with economic demands. 

Infrastructure Investment

Rebuilding and expanding Iraq's infrastructure is essential for economic growth. This includes repairing damage from conflicts, upgrading transportation networks, and enhancing energy and telecommunications infrastructure. 

Regional and International Cooperation

Iraq must deepen its engagement with regional and international partners. This includes participating in trade agreements, attracting foreign investment, and collaborating on security and stability initiatives. 


Reviving Iraq's economy in 2024 and beyond requires a comprehensive approach that addresses corruption, diversifies the economy, and invests in human capital. By implementing sound fiscal and monetary policies, strengthening the private sector, and enhancing education and infrastructure, Iraq can lay the groundwork for sustainable and inclusive growth.

Economist Talks About The Mechanism For Reviving The Iraqi Economy, 25 AUGUST

 Economist Talks About The Mechanism For Reviving The Iraqi Economy

Economy   | 08/24/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Economic expert Mustafa Hantoush said today: "What the Central Bank of Iraq is doing by empowering foreign banks or foreign investors at the expense of the Iraqi banking system is a fatal blow to future opportunities to advance the Iraqi economy through the banking system."

According to his statement to Mawazine News Agency, the expert Hantoush described the experiences of foreign banks or foreign investors who own national banks as failed experiments, pointing out that they have caused financial disasters for many countries.

The economic expert explained: "Most countries in the world give a very specific percentage to foreign investors in the banking sector in order to preserve capital and profits as an economic cycle within the country



💢 Fabulous conversation in the Liberty Lounge Chat, per the usual. 😁⬇️ Liberty Loungers Extraordinaire, Zachaeus Shaw and Plato (Air Force Active duty & former ARMY - career military) added helpful update pertaining to Heightened Alert Levels. 8.24.24

💢 Zachaeus: For those of you who believe in such things - I believe it was, before the RFK speech, I noticed my personal angelic attendants walking around with drawn swords in their hands. I asked, "What's going on?"script async="" crossorigin="anonymous" src="">

"We're all on alert right now," I was told.

💢Plato: At work yesterday (Air Force base) we were told to enjoy the weekend cuz it might be last we get off for a while. So even the conventional military is feeling it.

Iraq's Financial Stability: A New Era!

Central Bank: From now on, the dollar is subject to strict supervision, 20 SEPT

  Central Bank: From now on, the dollar is subject to strict supervision The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, announced th...