Thursday, August 22, 2024

Iraqi Dinar News Today | the Dinar Is in High Demand




Karbala.. Arrest of five employees of a government bank who embezzled one billion dinars


Karbala.. Arrest of five employees of a government bank who embezzled one billion dinars



The Federal Integrity Commission revealed the embezzlement of more than one billion dinars from a branch of a government bank in Karbala, indicating that the former bank manager and four other employees were arrested for their involvement in the embezzlement. 

The media of the Commission said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that information was received about Rafidain Bank - Al-Hussainiya branch granting car loans without concluding contracts between the bank and the borrowers, and the existence of cases of embezzlement of the amounts of the paid installments, noting that a team was formed in the Karbala Investigation Office and moved to the aforementioned bank; To audit the borrowers' files, guarantor forms, loan contracts, and collection receipts, in addition to daily matching statements, calculator tables, and the electronic program for that. 

The Authority’s media statement explained that the auditing process lasted for (21) days, during which (2413) files were audited, and it was found that five employees, including the former bank manager, had embezzled an amount of (1,034,682,625) billion dinars, by organizing fictitious loan transactions to purchase cars, noting that the amounts paid by borrowers appeared in the calculator tables only, and there was no trace of them in the daily records, and no receipts and daily matching statements were found; which means that the payment process was fictitious.

He added that the auditing process showed that fictitious payment dates were recorded on dates that coincided with official holidays, noting that the auditing work on the subject of embezzlement in the bank relates to only one case out of (9) cases related to the bank itself that are being audited and reviewed in preparation for their completion and presentation to the judiciary.

He pointed out that the External Audit Division of the Karbala Investigation Office indicated in its report violations and embezzlement cases, which were presented to the competent judge who issued his decision to arrest the accused in accordance with the provisions of Article (315) of the Penal Code, explaining that the arrest warrant was executed against (4) accused, while the fifth accused (the bank manager) was arrested at his residence in Babil Governorate, after communicating and coordinating with the Integrity Investigation Court judge and the Commission’s Investigation Office in the governorate, after he was previously transferred to Rafidain Bank - Alexandria, and during the operation, the files, numbering (2413) files, were seized.





It seems like there’s quite a bit happening with the Central Bank of Iraq. Here’s a summary of the key points:

  1. Governor Controversy: The Central Bank is dealing with some controversy surrounding its governor, Al-Alaq. This has been a topic of discussion and might be impacting the perception of the bank's operations.

  2. Meeting in New York: Al-Alaq is scheduled to meet in New York to discuss issues related to bank penalties. This could be part of broader efforts to address regulatory challenges or improve oversight.

  3. Dollar Exchange Rates: There are no current plans to alter the dollar exchange rates. This suggests stability in this area for the time being.

  4. Foreign Trade Transformation: The Central Bank is undergoing a major reorganization aimed at enhancing transparency in foreign trade. This includes improving the process and data management for external transfers, ensuring that transactions are clear from initiation to the final beneficiary.

These steps indicate a focus on increasing transparency and efficiency in financial operations, which could have significant implications for Iraq's economic landscape and finally to the value of the Iraqi dinar.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Breaking News: Iraq Introduces Managed Float Plan | Iraqi Dinar news today

Calls to form a parliamentary committee to investigate the discrepancy in the budget tables amounting to 8 trillion, 22 AUGUST

  Member of Parliament, Sarwa Abdul Wahid, called on Wednesday for the formation of a parliamentary committee to present its results to the House of Representatives regarding the difference in the budget tables, which amounts to 8 trillion dinars.

Abdul Wahid said in a statement seen by Al-Eqtisad News, "After talking about the difference in the budget tables, which amounts to 8 trillion, it became necessary for the presidency of the council to respond to the letter of the Council of Ministers that was sent on the first of last July, and as a result, the head of the Finance Committee ordered the formation of a committee to find out the facts."

Abdul Wahid explained, "It seems that there is (deception on the issue), so we demand the formation of a parliamentary committee whose results will be presented to the House of Representatives to find out the facts. If the Cabinet's letter is accurate and there is manipulation of the tables, then this is a disaster that must not be ignored, and Parliament must not be allowed to be a bridge for the corrupt."  link

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Iraq pursues his former oil minister via Interpol, 22 AUGUST

 ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Federal Commission for Integrity continues to coordinate with Interpol to arrest former Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar, who is involved in billions of dollars of corruption.

In mid-August August 2023, the Karkh Investigation Court, which specializes in integrity issues, issued a decision to seize the movable and immovable funds of former Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar.

At the time, Iraqi supervisory sources spoke of inflation and extreme wealth in the minister's funds, who, according to the same sources, owns millions of dollars worth of real estate in Iraq and abroad.

Earlier, the head of the transport and communications committee in the Iraqi parliament, Zahra al-Bajari, confirmed that the former minister in the integrity courts has 68 files related to financial and administrative corruption and waste of public money.

At the time, she pointed out that Abdul-Jabbar was involved in damaging public funds within the oil sector worth $ 825 billion.

Al-Bajari said in a press statement on October 18, October, 2022, that the former minister "amended a contract between the Ministry of Oil and two British and Chinese companies related to the Rumaila oil field in a way that causes financial damage to Iraq estimated at more than $ 825 billion over 25 years."

The Iraqi MP said, based on a report of the financial audit, that among the paragraphs affected by the amendment in the contract is a paragraph to reduce oil production and export by 750,000 barrels per day.  link