Sunday, August 18, 2024

When will the RV/GCR Happen? by Awake-in-3D, 18 AUGUST

 Endgame GCR Podcast Episode 4

What you will learn in this episode:

  • What is Japan’s Economic Influence on Current Financial System?
  • What are the Signs of the Fiat Currency System’s Collapse?
  • Why Inflation is a Key Driver of Fiat Financial System Weakness
  • How Carry Trades Create Global Financial System Instability
  • The Problem With Central Bank Interest Rate Manipulation
  • Why Demand for Commodities and Precious Metals is Related to the RV/GCR
  • What Will Happen if the United States Begins Buying Gold?
  • Why the New BRICS Gold-Backed Financial System is Important
  • The Revaluation of Currencies Amid a Fiat Financial System Collapse
  • Rejecting the “Shotgun” GCR/RV Event Narrative
  • What are the Key Indicators to Watch in the Coming Financial Collapse?

In this episode, the focus is on answering the central question: “When will the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the Revaluation of Currencies (RV) happen?” It becomes clear that the RV/GCR will align with the collapse of the global fiat currency system. This sets the stage for the discussion, which explores current financial events that are leading towards this shift.

What is Japan’s Economic Influence on Current Financial System?

We look at Japan’s recent economic instability and how it affects the global financial landscape. Japan’s interest rate hikes and market volatility are early signs of a broader shift. Given Japan’s role as the fourth-largest economy and its status as a key reserve currency, its actions have a significant impact on the future of the global financial system.

What are the Signs of the Fiat Currency System’s Collapse?

Key indicators of the impending collapse of the fiat currency system are examined. The idea that the collapse will unfold “slowly at first, then all of a sudden” is discussed. The gradual breakdown of the fiat system is directly linked to the eventual realization of the GCR and RV, making it essential to track these developments.

Why Inflation is a Key Driver of Fiat Financial System Weakness

Inflation is identified as one of the main factors weakening the fiat currency system. It is described as a hidden tax that reduces the purchasing power of currencies around the world. This episode points out that inflation is unique to fiat systems and accelerates their collapse, driving up the cost of goods and services.

How Carry Trades Create Global Financial System Instability

There’s a detailed exploration of the carry trade, particularly between Japan and the US. The way investors profit from borrowing in low-interest countries and investing in higher-interest markets is explained. The unwinding of the carry trade is recognized as a key indicator of financial instability and is a sign of bigger disruptions to come.

The Problem With Central Bank Interest Rate Manipulation

We take a closer look at how central banks around the world manipulate interest rates in an attempt to manage inflation. These adjustments are contributing to a global recession and could even lead to a depression. The manipulation of interest rates plays a significant role in weakening the fiat system and preparing for its collapse.

Why Demand for Commodities and Precious Metals is Related to the RV/GCR

The episode also addresses the growing global demand for commodities, especially gold, silver, and other industrial metals. More individuals and central banks are diversifying into precious metals to safeguard against future instability. The increasing purchases of gold by central banks are a clear signal that they are preparing for the collapse of fiat currencies and the transition to a gold-backed system.

There’s further discussion on how central banks are using gold as a hedge against the coming collapse of the fiat system. Despite what is said publicly, their ongoing accumulation of gold shows that they are preparing for a post-fiat world where gold-backed systems will dominate.

What Will Happen if the United States Begins Buying Gold?

The episode emphasizes the unique position of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, being used in over 80% of global transactions. Speculation arises over what would happen if the US started buying gold, which would signal a loss of confidence in the dollar and likely cause panic in global markets.

Why the New BRICS Gold-Backed Financial System is Important

The discussion also explores the efforts of BRICS nations to create an alternative gold-backed financial system. This system could challenge the dominance of the US dollar and potentially force the Federal Reserve to adopt a similar gold-backed approach. Such a shift would create significant changes in the global financial landscape.

The Revaluation of Currencies Amid a Fiat Financial System Collapse

As the fiat currency system collapses, opportunities for currency revaluation (RV) are expected to emerge. This transition will likely happen gradually, with the RV being part of a larger shift towards a gold-backed system.

Rejecting the “Shotgun” GCR/RV Event Narrative

There’s a clear rejection of the idea of a sudden, global “shotgun” GCR/RV event. Instead, the transition is expected to be gradual, with notifications and preparations required from governments and central banks. An overnight switch is deemed unrealistic, and a step-by-step process is considered far more likely.

What are the Key Indicators to Watch in the Coming Financial Collapse?

The episode concludes by recapping the five key indicators that signal the collapse of the fiat system and the opportunity for currency revaluation: inflation, interest rates, carry trade unwinding, central bank gold purchases, and the US dollar’s position as the world reserve currency. These factors provide a roadmap for understanding and tracking the impending shifts in the financial system.

Approximate Time Markers For Each Topic

0:00 – Introduction to the GCR and RV Timeline
2:00 – Japan’s Economic Influence on Global Finance
6:00 – Signs of the Fiat Currency System’s Collapse
9:00 – Inflation as a Key Driver of Fiat System Weakness
13:00 – The Carry Trade and Its Role in Global Financial Instability
19:00 – Central Bank Interest Rate Manipulation
23:00 – Increasing Demand for Commodities and Precious Metals
27:00 – Gold Purchases as a Hedge Against the Fiat Collapse
30:00 – The US Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency
33:00 – The BRICS Gold-Backed Financial System
36:00 – The Revaluation of Currencies Amid the Fiat System Collapse
39:00 – Rejecting the “Shotgun” GCR/RV Event
43:00 – Key Indicators to Watch for the Coming Collapse

Podcast Links:
Endgame GCR Episode 4 on Rumble
Endgame GCR Episode 4 on YouTube

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FRANK26: "FOR THE REFORMS!!!".........F26


Al-Sudani announces readiness to launch the "largest" electricity production project in Iraq


Al-Sudani announces readiness to launch the



Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani announced on Thursday that his government is ready to launch the "largest" electricity production in Iraq at a rate of 10,000 megawatts.

Al-Sudani said in a speech during the ceremony to launch the executive works of the projects of three power stations in Karbala Governorate, that this project is a strategic project in electrical energy, which will be implemented according to a new economic model and a new vision that will be announced to the private sector, after it has been studied by a team of consultants specializing in electricity.

He stressed that the stability of energy sources is an encouraging factor for investment and development, and pushes for the development of sources of income by activating all other economic sectors, in addition to the ongoing work to improve the transportation and distribution sector, to deliver electricity service in a sustainable manner to the citizen, without it being a burden on the state and its financial budget.

Al-Sudani also pointed out that the combined cycle projects and solar energy projects are part of the government's plans to reform the electricity system, indicating that the launch of the solar energy project in Karbala and Babylon will continue with the rest of the governorates, which is happening for the first time in Iraq.

He stressed the importance of supporting the private sector, which represents a support for the government in facing crises, emphasizing the special nature of Karbala Governorate, which is visited by millions of visitors throughout the year from inside and outside Iraq.

The three projects launched by Al-Sudani in Karbala are: the combined cycle of the Karbala gas station with a capacity of (132 megawatts), the Karbala investment solar energy station with a capacity of (300 megawatts), and the Karbala secondary transformer station, 400 KV, with a capacity of (1500 megawatts).

It is worth noting that the three station projects will achieve an increase in the production of electrical energy, as the combined cycle of the Karbala gas station contributes to adding (132) megawatts to the currently operating station, with a total design capacity of (250) megawatts, while the Karbala solar energy investment station project is one of several important contracts concluded by the government in the field of renewable energy projects with a number of specialized international companies, including signing a contract to implement a solar energy station with a private sector company with a capacity of (300) megawatts.

As for the Karbala Banks Secondary Station 400 KV, with a capacity of (1500) megawatts, it is being implemented within the second phase of the electrical energy transmission projects, under the contract with the German company Siemens, and is the first transformer station of its kind in Karbala, and will contribute to relieving bottlenecks in the network, thus raising the level of stability and meeting the needs of the various sectors in the Middle Euphrates region.





Question: "How long do you think the US Treasury will be in Iraq?  Are they staying to see the finish?" 

 IMO yes.

  Question: "As far as the training videos, are there any more subjects remaining with the RI and monetary reform that the Iraqi have not seen?

  Yes.  Right now they're teaching them about the float.  They hadn't seen that up until two days ago.

 CBI document released [Sunday] This is good.  What is the reason why we don't have the monetary reform

 Because of the corruption.  Because of the profiteering from the bad parliament political people.   

You know where they are from. 

 What has Sudani done


 Sudani is working with the United States Treasury.  IMO the Untied States Treasury is sitting in the seat of the governor of the CBI where Alaq normally sits... I find this to be a catalyst to see the Untied States Treasury there.  I'm very excited about what's going on...


The United States Treasury, Federal Reserve, they showed up...What do you think that means?  You think they're going to sit there and allow them to be lackadaisical, to be lazy, just to take your timeNo.  The Untied States of America works on a nano second...I find it very encouraging to speed up the monetary reform process.

  Who is the new CBI governor It is the US Treasury IMO that is now the governor of the CBI. 
 Why?  What is the governor of the CBI
 Just a figurehead.  
Does he make any decisions No.  Does he have any authority?  No.  Does he ..FOR READ MORE:

Iraq's Financial Future: What New Currency Notes Could Mean for the Dinar




The Central Bank sponsors a meeting to establish a national company to manage electronic payment systems in Iraq


The Central Bank sponsors a meeting to establish a national company to manage electronic payment systems in Iraq

August 14, 2024

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, chaired the first preparatory meeting to establish a national company to manage central electronic payment systems in Iraq, with the participation of a number of bank officials, bank managers, electronic payment service providers, and the Iraqi Private Banks Association.
During the meeting, the importance of regulating electronic payment operations, keeping pace with rapid technological developments, and creating competitive payments that provide secure, reliable, easy-to-access, and widely interoperable payment services, as well as rapid response and high flexibility to technical and regulatory changes, were discussed.

The meeting reviewed the company's main objectives and the special requirements for starting the establishment, as it will undertake the tasks of managing, operating, and developing some of the central and basic electronic payment systems at the national level.
This step came in line with the strategic plan of this bank, which goes hand in hand with the government program in the field of electronic payment and its development in Iraq.
Central Bank of Iraq 
Media Office 
August 14, 2024



MZ: I spoke to one in Reno who is involved with a large group there and they have not been activated and told to come in yet. 

MZ: I am not saying it hasn’t started…I believe the overall process has started. Maybe just not getting to the redemption part yet-even for the whales. 

MZ: Have I heard that they are hopeful they can do it before the first part of the week- yes I have heard that. . 

Member: Are call centers to schedule appointments different than redemption centers? If yes, could be why they are not “scheduled” to work this weekend.

Member: Tuesday is when many are saying it will finally go through

MZ: yes – a lot of the pundits say this….and I am getting the same from top bond contacts , group leaders –you name it. It certainly makes me feel a little excited….but going to stay grounded. 

Member: Chief Fast Horse was on yesterday and indicates RV will go on 18th or 19th

MZ: There are still great expectations from everyone....and I know some people who are heading to their locations on Monday for preparations….So I am hoping Tuesday actually means something. Bond contacts are excited and are hoping this is it.