Friday, August 16, 2024

SANDY INGRAM: BREAKING Protest: Iraq's Personal Status Law Explained

Prime Minister Al-Sudani's Visit to Karbala in August 2024, 16 AUGUST

Prime Minister Al-Sudani's Visit to Karbala in August 2024

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani concluded his visit to the holy city of Karbala in August 2024. The visit aimed to strengthen ties between the government and religious authorities, as well as to address various issues impacting the region.

Strengthening Government-Religious Relations

During his visit, Prime Minister Al-Sudani met with key religious figures and representatives in Karbala to discuss the importance of collaboration between the government and religious authorities. These discussions focused on promoting stability, unity, and the development of the region. 

Addressing Regional Challenges

Prime Minister Al-Sudani's visit also highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by Karbala and the surrounding areas. Among the key issues discussed were security threats posed by the Islamic State (IS) and the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Kirkuk, Diyala, and Salah al-Din. 

Additionally, the presence of fighters from the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in Sinjar has escalated conflict with Peshmerga forces affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). This situation has prompted Türkiye and Iran to increase their attacks on the PKK inside Iraqi territory, posing potential security threats to the region's interstate relations. 

Economic Development and Investment

To promote economic development and investment in Karbala, Prime Minister Al-Sudani met with local businessmen and representatives from U.S. companies during his visit. These meetings focused on potential investment opportunities and the role of the private sector in driving economic growth in the region. 


Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani's visit to Karbala in August 2024 aimed to strengthen government-religious relations, address regional challenges, and promote economic development in the region. Through collaboration with religious authorities and international partners, the Iraqi government seeks to foster stability, unity, and growth in Karbala and the surrounding areas. 



 Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Wolverine

“Exciting things happened today but I’m not allowed to say what. People are expecting something Sun. night 18 Aug. I hope to have some good news for the Tier4b Group tomorrow Fri. 16 Aug.”



  • Wed. 14 Aug. Wolverine: “Things are happening that are confidential and I cannot discuss, but I hope to have absolutely great news for you tomorrow.”


    • Mon. 12 Aug. 2024 Wolverine
    •  “My friends this is the week of miracles as the Precatorias are now very close to be release now and we should have more miracles from other platforms as well. I’m still a firm believer that this week the opera will be release. God bless you all.” Wolverine

    WOLVERINE LIVE CHAT 9/8/2024: 

    That's all! It's all started! I was on a Zoom call a few hours ago at about 4am. This came in Reno: There was a meeting in Reno, a big meeting, and they discovered that many Dinars and Zim, Precatorios and other bonds were fraudulent. There is a lot of fraud. They also discovered that some of these bonds were used in terrorism. They have to check everything, many bad apples on this trip, they have all been caught. I said this before: be careful who you buy bonds from. If you buy on EBAY, it is a risk you are taking. He doesn't know if those bonds are registered or under contract. They are not authenticated. An expert has to review them at the exchange center to authenticate them. And they may say, "Sorry, your bonuses aren't real, they're worthless." There are drug brokers selling bonds for $60, for example, but they are not authenticated. So if you go to EBAY and buy Yellow Dragon bonds for 12 dollars, thinking you saved money. 

    When you go to the redemption center and have loose bonds, Yellow Dragons, German bonds, etc., loose bonds, NOT boxes, they will go through the expert process to be authenticated. If they are not real, they will reject you. I have always been honest with you about purchasing through the correct channels. 

    We have experts with our Yellow Dragon Bonuses. We have attorneys, and all bonds have been authenticated, placed under contract, registered and everything is ready to go. The boxes are all sealed. Our whale can't open them. This happens to most whales, as all the boxes are sealed and cannot be opened. 

    However, this is good news as we know they are making things safe and taking care of us. They are authenticating the bonds and making sure there are good people on this journey. Also, at 3 pm Brazil time, what I have been told by several sources in Brazil, is that Tier4B was released – the notifications were released. If that's true, that will create a ripple effect from Reno and other platforms. 

    It is from two platforms in Brazil, which are San Paolo and Brasilia. 

    People have received notifications of bondholders ready to go to Reno. One person, a large bondholder, a very good friend of mine and this person, has millions of boxes... That person was notified. They are flying to Reno tomorrow and I was elated for that person. 

    Another person who lives here in Australia was notified that they will have to fly to Brazil to prepare the Medbeds. Medbeds are ready! Medbeds are real!

    So everything is ready for this month: the month of August is the month of our blessing. Everything comes from. 

    I received another call from a platform, elated, shouting Hallelujah – They received the call that on August 15 their funds will be released. 

    Precatoria – it is taking a little longer. All funds will go to QFS accounts. They are waiting to get the green light. 

    I was on a Zoom call with my platform a few minutes ago, which came to me via audio of Skye saying that you will receive a Q phone when you go to your Medbeds, and also a replicator, but these are people who have humanitarian projects. That's great! 

    If there are no projects, you will receive them later.

    A replicator is like a microwave that does everything. I'm sure you've seen the videos. They are huge and you will probably have to install them in your house. 

    Things are definitely happening. 

    Furthermore, I have been in contact with the next politician of my country in Chile. He has a huge humanitarian project: a railway system from Chile to Brazil that costs billions of dollars and he will be able to do it, and he has people designated to do it and he has shown me the map. He is a good Christian and conservative. He is no longer a politician because it is a corrupt system.



    ¡Eso es todo! ¡Todo ha comenzado! Estuve en una llamada de Zoom hace unas horas aproximadamente a las 4 a.m. Esto llegó en Reno: Hubo una reunión en Reno, una gran reunión, y descubrieron que muchos bonos Dinars y Zim, Precatorios y otros eran fraudulentos. Hay mucho fraude. También descubrieron que algunos de estos bonos se usaron en terrorismo. Tienen que verificar todo, muchas manzanas podridas en este viaje, todas han sido atrapadas. Dije esto antes: tenga cuidado a quién le compra bonos. Si compra en EBAY, es un riesgo que está tomando. No sabe si esos bonos están registrados o bajo contrato. No están autenticados. Un experto tiene que revisarlos en el centro de canje para autenticarlos. Y pueden decir: "Lo siento, sus bonos no son auténticos, no valen nada". Hay corredores drogadictos que venden bonos po...FOR READ MORE:

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 08/16/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 08/16/2024

Member: I cannot believe we are at another Friday already

Member: End of another week after excitement about Monday/Tuesday….. Ugh! Is this ever going to happen???

Member: This last week has been very tough on so many. Its been a salty week for sure.

Member: So ready to retire. RV there yet??

Member: Are they waiting on the election to release the RV?

MZ: I was always told it was not election related….Guess we will find out though 

MZ: I continue to get stunning “circletel” about things that have been completed. But I have yet to find anybody with dollars in hand.  Someone that I know personally. 

Member: Mark if these people got the their money they not going to tell you anything because there are under NDA so that means yes for me

MZ: Expectations are still big…and I still have missing bond people. I have heard RUMORS that CMKX could start this weekend with Saturday afternoon deliveries……

MZ: Tons of rumors….but no legitimate news from what I consider reputable sources. 

MZ: From Iraq –they are offering  achievement bonds and national bonds ….and this is something they have not done since before the Iraqi invasion in 2002-2003. My finance ministry contact said to really focus on this. These are sovereign national achievement bonds that they are selling…..he is telling me that this means they are from under US control. He says to watch for a new rate soon. 

MZ: There is also a lot of chatter that the amended HCL bill is soon to go back to parliament in the next few days….cross your fingers. 

MZ: This all sounds great but, we need real dollars. 

Member: Bruce said USN in circulation Monday. We will see

Member: Mark, we keep hearing about new notes at banks, but it astounds me that no pictures have been leaked..

Member: I wonder if the alleged farm claims are being paid in fiat dollars or gold backed USN’s?

Member: I wonder if the “theft” of all the social security numbers is a way to wipe everyone’s debt and give us a fresh start?

Member: Mark, have you heard of the new Sovereign numbers to replace the social security numbers that were stolen. a reset opportunity for our new Republic

Member: I am looking for an "event", then I will start getting excited

​​Member: IMHO, the white hats are running out of time and support. You’re suppose to be taking down the bad guys but you’ve included too many good people in this disaster. If you are in control do something.

Member: I say this daily: The enormous sums of money that are mine come to me easily and in peace. I am receiving, I am receiving now. I am receiving all of the wealth that the Universe has for me now.

Member: Thank you Mark for sharing the rumors. Although you can't get them backed up, it keeps us hopeful.

Member: Today, we are one day closer to our breakthrough

Member: Praying this is the weekend we have been waiting for. 

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Guru’s join the stream today. Please listen to replay for their information and opinions. 



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

Italian Company Begins Work on Updating Mosul's Basic Design 2024 BY DINAR REVALUATION, 16 AUGUST

Italian Company Begins Work on Updating Mosul's Basic Design 2024

In 2024, an Italian company starts working on updating Mosul's basic design. This project aims to improve the city's infrastructure and enhance its resilience, following years of conflict and neglect. The Italian engineering company, SGI, signed a contract with Nineveh Governor Abdul Kader Al-Dakhil in March 2024 to initiate the expansion project of Mosul, the provincial capital.  The project has been long-stalled and is now gaining momentum.

Expansion Plans and Objectives

The proposed expansion project aims to expand the northern Iraqi city of Mosul by 7 km (4.5 miles) in all directions. This ambitious plan includes the development of 160,000 dunums (1,600 hectares) of land, designated for investment in industrial, agricultural, housing, and tourism projects. The project's objectives are to revitalize the city, attract investments, and create new opportunities for the local population. 

Mosul's Demographic and Cultural Context

Nineveh Governorate, with its capital Mosul, is one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse regions of Iraq. Its population of approximately 4 million comprises Arabs, Turkmen, and Kurds, with the majority being Sunni Muslims. The city's diverse cultural and historical background adds to the complexity of the project, necessitating a comprehensive and inclusive approach to its design and implementation.

The Role of Italian Expertise

The involvement of an Italian company in updating Mosul's basic design highlights the international collaboration and expertise being brought to the project. Italy has a history of contributing to the reconstruction and development of Iraq. For example, Italian craftsmanship was enlisted for the restoration of the historic Al-Tahera Church in Mosul, where new bells were cast as part of UNESCO’s “Revive the Spirit of Mosul” initiative. 


The project to update Mosul's basic design in 2024, led by an Italian engineering company, marks a significant step in the city's recovery and development. By expanding the city and investing in various sectors, this initiative aims to create new opportunities and improve the lives of Mosul's diverse population. As the project progresses, it will be crucial to ensure that the design and implementation process is inclusive and sensitive to the city's unique cultural and historical context.



 Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 Bruce:

  • On Mon. 19 Aug. 2024 NESARA/GESARA is supposed to be announced either by Justice Clarence Thomas or by General Mike Flynn.
  • The new USN is supposed to be coming out around that same Mon. 19 Aug. 2024.
  • The R&R allowances are part of NESARA
  • If you have Zim and you have a dire health need you will get precedent for a Med Bed appointment. Ask for it at your exchange/redemption appointment.
  • On Mon, Tues, Wed. Aug. 19, 20, 21 Med Beds will be rolled out.
  • Med Beds can make you physically 40 years younger.
  • The USN is out on Forex and on bank screens  Sun. night 18 Aug. and will be seen on bank screens Mon. morning 19 Aug.
  • Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) we should get notified sometime Tues. 20 Aug. 2024.
  • Tier 4b exchange/redemption appointments should start Wed. 21 2024
  • Redemption Center leaders will be emailed information on Sun. 18 Aug. afternoonto send out Monday 19 Aug.
  • Social Security increases (of 80%) should start around Wed. 21 Aug. 2024.
  • Restitution and Reclamation Allowance: The money we will get back from birth, marriage, death certificates that were traded as bonds. We will get back the interest paid on mortgages, bank loans, credit cards, etc.
  • It will be different for those who have Zim – will get the R&R in the Quantum Account. They will tell us how much that will be before our exchange.
  • The Quantum Card is not something we carry around. Put it in a very safe place and only use it when moving from Quantum Account into your bank account. You can have three different banks.
  • To access your Quantum Account you will need to have a (1) a biometric thumb or finger print (2) a password (3) a User Name (4) a five digit ID number (5) an Email address.
  • Non Exchangers (28 years of age and older), US Citizen or Green Card Holder will have their R&R by direct deposit in your bank account.
  • Non Exchangers R&R payments start on Mon. 18 Aug. and will take 18 days to deposit in your account.
  • If you are under 65 in order to receive your R&R payment, you have to stay employed at least 30 hours a week until retirement age.

DINAR REVALUATION : Iraqi Dinar Float 2024: What You Need to Know!


  Frank26     [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]     FIREFLY: On November the 20th to the 21st we have a curfew for the very first census in ...