Thursday, August 15, 2024

CBI Sent Currency Exchange Instructions to Banks🚩Be Ready For ItπŸ€”Dinar R...

ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Parliamentary Finance Committee discusses with US Embassy the financial and banking system and the lack of dollars in the market BY DINAR REVALUATION , 15 AUGUST

  Parliamentary Finance Committee discusses with US Embassy the financial and banking system and the lack of dollars in the market

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Tuesday, discussing the financial and banking system and the lack of the dollar in the Iraqi market with a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad.

A statement by the Parliament's media department received by / Today's News / stated that "the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, received at the committee headquarters, in the presence of Representative Khalil Al-Dawski, today, Wednesday, a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad, Minister Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs Julie Jules, Deputy Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs Angel Fintling, Macroeconomic Officer, Economic and Financial Section Michael Pinnell, and Economic Assistant/Economic Section, to discuss the financial and banking system in the country, Ammar Al-Ammar."

The statement continued, "The meeting discussed the financial and economic situation in the country and the repercussions of the parallel market issue and its negative impact on the government economically, in addition to the lack of the dollar currency in the market, and the sanctions imposed on some banks, as well as the issue of the electronic platform for exporting the currency."

The head of the committee stressed "the importance of high coordination between the two sides in order to solve the pending financial problems, in addition to the importance of transparent dealing to benefit from the capabilities, and not resorting to dealing in another currency," noting "the need to create an atmosphere of understanding and invest in building bilateral relations on this basis. "

Al-Atwani stressed "the committee's keenness to commit to combating financial corruption and confronting money laundering, as they are the basis for building societies, in addition to coordination in order to make correct decisions in this regard."

For her part, the Minister Advisor for Economic and Trade Affairs said that "there is a real opportunity for cooperation and reform of the economic and financial system between the two sides," stressing "working together to find appropriate solutions to all problems for the stability of Iraq as a basic ally of the United States."

The statement noted "providing clarification on the three-year general budget and plans for banking regulation and reform of the spending process, and how to finance projects, in addition to the importance of supporting the private sector and involving it with the public sector, which confirms the importance of investing the revenues achieved and the possibility of providing the service."
According to the statement, Al-Atwani pointed out the "ambition to legislate a law on partnership between the public and private sectors and involve the private sector in the market, in addition to working to amend the tax law and shift from the paper system to the electronic system."  link


The Parliamentary Finance Committee in Iraq held a meeting with a delegation from the US Embassy in Baghdad to discuss the challenges facing the country’s financial and banking systems. The meeting, which included key figures like Julie Jules, Angel Fintling, Michael Pinnell, and Ammar Al-Ammar, focused on several critical issues:

  1. Dollar Shortage: One of the major topics was the shortage of dollars in the Iraqi market, which has created significant economic challenges.

  2. Parallel Market: The committee discussed the negative effects of the parallel market on the economy, particularly its impact on the government.

  3. Sanctions on Banks: The sanctions imposed on some Iraqi banks were another area of concern.

  4. Electronic Currency Platform: The implementation of an electronic platform for currency exchange was also reviewed.

The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, emphasized the need for close cooperation between Iraq and the US to address these financial issues. He stressed the importance of transparency and the benefits of bilateral relations to solve these problems.

The Minister Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs, Julie Jules, acknowledged the potential for cooperation and reform, highlighting the opportunity to work together on solutions that support Iraq’s stability.

The discussion also touched on the three-year general budget, plans for banking regulation, and the financing of projects. Al-Atwani expressed a commitment to combating financial corruption and money laundering, which he sees as foundational to societal development. Additionally, there was a focus on involving the private sector more actively in the economy and modernizing the tax system.



πŸ’’ Happy News!! Only worked one hour earlier and got most of the workday approved VTO. Been a productive catch all day, getting things done and even spent time with Mr Ginger. Please pray with me that the last hour and a half gets cleared, too? (My 8 - 930 PM) It's been nice having a bit of time to focus on other stuff at home. πŸ‘πŸ’“πŸ‘πŸ’“πŸ‘ Love you GLL family 


Getting some positive news from Triple Cabin Extravaganza Happy Campers - just waiting until there's something solid to tell you other than, "We're waiting". There's no bad news whatsoever - so at least that's a plus. You know me -- tryna vet it before I tell it. πŸ˜‰☺️ 

Maintain that circumspect focus, friends. Look at all avenues and then you won't get blindsided when what "they" said doesn't happen when "they" said it would. 

~ Gin Gin 8.13.24



 Freedom Prevails, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 

πŸ’₯ Here are screenshots of the CBI website ... this IS SO EXCITING ...I can't translate the PDF exactly, but it has to be the instruction on currency exchange!!!!! I can feel the sand between my toes already and the sun shining on my face .... LET'S GO!!!! πŸ”₯❤️πŸ”₯ 

πŸ’’ Goldilocks confirmed this has to do with Foreign Exchange Service Providers Working Procedures 😁





Suggested Questions to ask at your "camper" appointment by GINGER, 12 AUGUST 


Coffee with MarkZ. 08/15/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to the never ending Groundhog day.

Member: Well, even Bill Murry eventually gets a happy ending…..we will too

Member: Wish we knew for sure something was really happening. This “behind the scenes stuff” sucks. 

Member: Today is the anniversary of when Nixon took the US off the Gold standard. 8-15-1971

Member: Maybe it’s a good day for the US to go back on the gold standard???

Member: We may be waiting for after the elections for that …imo

Member: Any good RV news today Mark?

MZ: Well the hopium everywhere is off the charts

Member: Hopium up just like the DOW 362

Member: I don’t listen to any hopium anymore! Hope deferred makes the heart sick! No wonder so many are in a bad emotional way!

MZ: Someone shared this with me…a great breakdown from your own Government ” The Pigford Cases- USDA Settlement of discrimination suits by black farmers” This is a summary of the this settlement case …I will include the link in todays links ……This is where we are seeing movement.


MZ: I was told from day one that these settlements are part of the farm claims process…and on the heels of those will be CMKX. That we are seeing movement on the farm claims makes me feel warm and fuzzy.   This is probably the best news in the last couple of weeks.

Member: How many of your farm claims contacts have disappeared?

MZ: Three of my 14 contacts have disappeared. I know that some have received substantial funds that magically and mysteriously appeared in their bank accounts with no explanation…no restrictions.

Member: I cannot wait until we all get up and find money in our banks. It can happen

MZ: The bond side remains quiet…I am still looking for someone I know personally to confirm they have money. There are lots of folks saying they know people secondhand that have funds…..but none I know personally.  But I won’t get excited until someone I know in real life tells me this. 

MZ: The group side is also quiet….lots of circletel….lots of rumors….nothing I would call ‘reputable” 

Member: BANK story. My 84 yo mom went to the bank to get checks printed & they would only give her 10. She said hopefully this will last until the RV. The lady just nodded and smiled

Member: Teller at Wells Fargo on Monday, when I asked her if she was excited about her QFS Account said "Yes! We have had a lot of training on those."

Member: Big Rumor…..All U.S. banks have been purchased by the New U.S. Treasury (which has relocated from Washington D.C. to the Sparks Indian Colony near Reno, Nevada) why Indian land? Sovereign non Corporation soil

Member: In Iraq: Cant help but think CBI training their employees on FX is highly relevant. Who trains their personnel on something they wouldnt want implemented immediately? You would have to train them twice.

Member: Any word on the HCL in Iraq?

MZ: It is still back in the Parliamentary committee to rewrite a few of the paragraphs…then it will go to parliament….which could be any day…..  When it is approved you won’t have to ask…I will be screaming it out…..

 MZ: “ A retail Apocalypse is gaining momentum all over America. Is your favorite chain closing stores?” I have been talking about this for days…and “US Living Standards in grave danger” Anyone who says differently is lying to you 

Member: I absolutely believe that the RV is ready to go, they are just taking it to whatever point they plan on flipping the switch

Member: You have no control over the hand that life deals you, but how you play that hand is entirely up to you.

Member: Wishing all MarkZ's Mods a fantastic day!!!! Thank you for all you do.

Member: Have a blessed day everyone. 

Be sure to listen to replay for all of MarkZ’s guests…



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: With an increase in recent months.. Iraq's internal debt exceeds 78 trillion dinars - Urgent BY DINAR REVALUATION, 15 AUGUST

 With an increase in recent months.. Iraq's internal debt exceeds 78 trillion dinars - Urgent

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Wednesday, that Iraq's internal debt exceeds 78 trillion dinars, with an increase in recent months.

Saleh said in a statement to (Al-Rabia) that "Iraq's move towards borrowing from the domestic banking market to finance two waves of the general budget deficit came under the influence of the decline in the oil assets cycle and in two different periods during the current decade. The first wave of borrowing, which amounted to nearly 27 trillion dinars, was financed by the government banking system through purchasing treasury transfers during the intensification of the security crisis (the entry of the terrorist ISIS) between the years 2014-2017."

He added that "the International Monetary Fund estimated at that time the current account deficit gap of the balance of payments due to the decline in oil prices to be no less than 18 billion dollars cumulatively during those years, and the second wave occurred between the years 2020 and 2021, that is, during the health crisis with the spread of Corona and the closure of the global economy, which was accompanied by a decline in oil prices and a decline in budget revenues and the loss of more than 40% of the value of the oil barrel

While the legislation of the general budget law for the fiscal year 2020 was absent and was replaced by three legislations to finance the deficit, two of which were for direct domestic borrowing and two separate laws issued by the House of Representatives, that by heading towards the domestic borrowing market and the other is the Food Security and Development Law, and an important aspect of it was based on domestic borrowing as well, which raised the level of domestic debt to exceed the barrier of 78 trillion dinars."  link


Iraq's internal debt has indeed risen sharply, surpassing 78 trillion dinars recently. This increase is largely due to two significant periods of economic strain.

  1. 2014-2017: During this time, Iraq faced severe financial pressure due to the rise of ISIS and a drop in oil prices. The government borrowed approximately 27 trillion dinars from domestic banks to cover the deficit caused by these challenges.

  2. 2020-2021: The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated economic difficulties, with falling oil prices and decreased budget revenues. During this period, Iraq enacted several laws, including the Food Security and Development Law, which relied heavily on domestic borrowing. This pushed the total internal debt above 78 trillion dinars.

These borrowing waves were necessary due to reduced oil revenues, which are crucial for Iraq’s economy, and the need to finance the budget deficits arising from various crises.



  • Wed. 14 Aug. Wolverine: “Things are happening that are confidential and I cannot discuss, but I hope to have absolutely great news for you tomorrow.”


    • Mon. 12 Aug. 2024 Wolverine
    •  “My friends this is the week of miracles as the Precatorias are now very close to be release now and we should have more miracles from other platforms as well. I’m still a firm believer that this week the opera will be release. God bless you all.” Wolverine

    WOLVERINE LIVE CHAT 9/8/2024: 

    That's all! It's all started! I was on a Zoom call a few hours ago at about 4am. This came in Reno: There was a meeting in Reno, a big meeting, and they discovered that many Dinars and Zim, Precatorios and other bonds were fraudulent. There is a lot of fraud. They also discovered that some of these bonds were used in terrorism. They have to check everything, many bad apples on this trip, they have all been caught. I said this before: be careful who you buy bonds from. If you buy on EBAY, it is a risk you are taking. He doesn't know if those bonds are registered or under contract. They are not authenticated. An expert has to review them at the exchange center to authenticate them. And they may say, "Sorry, your bonuses aren't real, they're worthless." There are drug brokers selling bonds for $60, for example, but they are not authenticated. So if you go to EBAY and buy Yellow Dragon bonds for 12 dollars, thinking you saved money. 

    When you go to the redemption center and have loose bonds, Yellow Dragons, German bonds, etc., loose bonds, NOT boxes, they will go through the expert process to be authenticated. If they are not real, they will reject you. I have always been honest with you about purchasing through the correct channels. 

    We have experts with our Yellow Dragon Bonuses. We have attorneys, and all bonds have been authenticated, placed under contract, registered and everything is ready to go. The boxes are all sealed. Our whale can't open them. This happens to most whales, as all the boxes are sealed and cannot be opened. 

    However, this is good news as we know they are making things safe and taking care of us. They are authenticating the bonds and making sure there are good people on this journey. Also, at 3 pm Brazil time, what I have been told by several sources in Brazil, is that Tier4B was released – the notifications were released. If that's true, that will create a ripple effect from Reno and other platforms. 

    It is from two platforms in Brazil, which are San Paolo and Brasilia. 

    People have received notifications of bondholders ready to go to Reno. One person, a large bondholder, a very good friend of mine and this person, has millions of boxes... That person was notified. They are flying to Reno tomorrow and I was elated for that person. 

    Another person who lives here in Australia was notified that they will have to fly to Brazil to prepare the Medbeds. Medbeds are ready! Medbeds are real!

    So everything is ready for this month: the month of August is the month of our blessing. Everything comes from. 

    I received another call from a platform, elated, shouting Hallelujah – They received the call that on August 15 their funds will be released. 

    Precatoria – it is taking a little longer. All funds will go to QFS accounts. They are waiting to get the green light. 

    I was on a Zoom call with my platform a few minutes ago, which came to me via audio of Skye saying that you will receive a Q phone when you go to your Medbeds, and also a replicator, but these are people who have humanitarian projects. That's great! 

    If there are no projects, you will receive them later.

    A replicator is like a microwave that does everything. I'm sure you've seen the videos. They are huge and you will probably have to install them in your house. 

    Things are definitely happening. 

    Furthermore, I have been in contact with the next politician of my country in Chile. He has a huge humanitarian project: a railway system from Chile to Brazil that costs billions of dollars and he will be able to do it, and he has people designated to do it and he has shown me the map. He is a good Christian and conservative. He is no longer a politician because it is a corrupt system.



    ¡Eso es todo! ¡Todo ha comenzado! Estuve en una llamada de Zoom hace unas horas aproximadamente a las 4 a.m. Esto llegΓ³ en Reno: Hubo una reuniΓ³n en Reno, una gran reuniΓ³n, y descubrieron que muchos bonos Dinars y Zim, Precatorios y otros eran fraudulentos. Hay mucho fraude. TambiΓ©n descubrieron que algunos de estos bonos se usaron en terrorismo. Tienen que verificar todo, muchas manzanas podridas en este viaje, todas han sido atrapadas. Dije esto antes: tenga cuidado a quiΓ©n le compra bonos. Si compra en EBAY, es un riesgo que estΓ‘ tomando. No sabe si esos bonos estΓ‘n registrados o bajo contrato. No estΓ‘n autenticados. Un experto tiene que revisarlos en el centro de canje para autenticarlos. Y pueden decir: "Lo siento, sus bonos no son autΓ©nticos, no valen nada". Hay corredores drogadictos que venden bonos por 60 dΓ³lares, por ejemplo, pero no estΓ‘n autenticados. Entonces, si vas a EBAY y compras bonos Yellow Dragon por 12 dΓ³lares, pensando que ahorraste dinero. 

    Cuando vas al centro de canje y tienes bonos sueltos, Yellow Dragons, bonos alemanes, etc., bonos sueltos, NO cajas, pasarΓ‘n por el proceso de expertos para ser autenticados. Si no son reales, te rechazarΓ‘n. Siempre he sido honesto contigo sobre comprar a travΓ©s de los canales correctos. 

    Tenemos expertos con nuestros Bonos Yellow Dragon. Tenemos abogados, y todos los bonos han sido autenticados, colocados bajo contrato, registrados y todo estΓ‘ listo para funcionar. Las cajas estΓ‘n todas selladas. Nuestra ballena no puede abrirlas. Esto le sucede a la mayorΓ­a de las ballenas, ya que todas las cajas estΓ‘n selladas y no se pueden abrir. 

    Sin embargo, estas son buenas noticias, ya que sabemos que estΓ‘n haciendo que las cosas sean seguras y cuidando de nosotros. EstΓ‘n autenticando los bonos y asegurΓ‘ndose de que haya buenas personas en este viaje. AdemΓ‘s, a las 3 pm hora de Brasil, lo que me han dicho varias fuentes en Brasil, es que Tier4B fue liberado – se liberaron las notificaciones. Si eso es verdad, eso crearΓ‘ un efecto dominΓ³ desde Reno y otras plataformas. 

    Es de dos plataformas en Brasil, que son San Paolo y Brasilia. 

    La gente ha recibido notificaciones de tenedores de bonos listos para ir a Reno. Una persona, un gran tenedor de bonos, un muy buen amigo mΓ­o y esta persona, tiene millones de cajas… Esa persona fue notificada. MaΓ±ana volarΓ‘n a Reno maΓ±ana y yo estaba eufΓ³rico por esa persona. 

    Otra persona que vive aquΓ­ en Australia recibiΓ³ la notificaciΓ³n de que tendrΓ‘ que volar a Brasil para preparar los Medbeds. ¡Los Medbeds estΓ‘n listos! ¡Los Medbeds son reales! 

    AsΓ­ que todo estΓ‘ listo para este mes: el mes de agosto es el mes de nuestra bendiciΓ³n. Todo viene de. 

    RecibΓ­ otra llamada de una plataforma, eufΓ³rico, gritando Aleluya – Recibieron la llamada de que el 15 de agosto sus fondos serΓ‘n liberados. 

    Precatorios – estΓ‘ tardando un poco mΓ‘s. Todos los fondos se destinarΓ‘n a cuentas QFS. EstΓ‘n esperando obtener luz verde. 

    Estuve en una llamada de Zoom con mi plataforma hace unos minutos, lo que me llegΓ³ por el audio de Skye diciendo que recibirΓ‘s un telΓ©fono Q cuando vayas a tus Medbeds, y tambiΓ©n un replicador, pero estas son personas que tienen proyectos humanitarios. ¡Eso es genial! 

    Si no hay ningΓΊn proyecto, los recibirΓ‘s mΓ‘s adelante.

    Un replicador es como un microondas que lo hace todo. Estoy seguro de que has visto los videos. Son enormes y probablemente tengas que instalarlos en tu casa. 

    Definitivamente estΓ‘n sucediendo cosas. 

    AdemΓ‘s, he estado en contacto con el prΓ³ximo polΓ­tico de mi paΓ­s en Chile. Tiene un enorme proyecto humanitario: un sistema ferroviario de Chile a Brasil que cuesta miles de millones de dΓ³lares y podrΓ‘ hacerlo, y tiene gente designada para hacerlo y me ha mostrado el mapa. Es un buen cristiano y conservador. Ya no es un polΓ­tico porque es un sistema corrupto.

DINAR REVALUATION : Dollar Smuggling Scandal: Iraqi Banks Exposed!

Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The "National", 20 SEPT

  Iraqi Banks...A Classic Mentality That Prevents Keeping Pace With Global Development By Preferring The "Government" Over The &qu...