Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar, 15 AUGUST

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 8-13-24   REPLAY  LINK     Intel Begins   1:14:14

Music, welcome everybody the big call. It is Tuesday, August the 13th, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody out there in big call universe for tuning in, whether you're local inside the US or whether you're outside the continental US and on international soils. We welcome you and appreciate you, and thank you for coming in and listening Let's talk now. Thank you Bob, by the way, thank you Bob so much. That was great. Let's talk about, yeah, let's talk about the Intel. Let's see where we are now, guys, I know that my Intel has not been exactly accurate, because it changes every time you think we're there, you get something else that says we're not. And I'm sorry, because I hate bringing it out intel this not accurate or doesn't come to pass. So I know this is a moving target. I know that things tend to change, but hopefully, one of these days, we'll get it right and we'll all be exchanging and we'll be happy. So from the latest info that we received last night was that that we are in basically a seven day window, and boy, I hear that. I go, Oh my gosh, that's too, long a window, too big. I don't want to be in a seven day window. And this is from CW, and we got it last night that said Wednesday to Wednesday. We should get notified - and start exchanging that's tomorrow, through which when it's tomorrow, 14th to the 21st in that range, we should be getting our numbers and getting exchanges started. Well, today, there was a conference call between some of the pay masters, some of the higher up people at wells with the Central Bank of Iraq, the CBI, and this call was supposed to go two and a half hours, and it went five and a half hours, so it was long, and they were talking about techniques and exchange protocols for the banks. Now I don't know if it affected redemption centers, is that specifically the banks will let it sit at that. They were referring to our banks here in the US, not banks in Iraq. So what's happened? What's to bring you up to speed -- What's happened recently is the currencies, the 19 currencies that were coming up on the screen at redemption centers and at banks were coming up with either partial meeting six currencies and then 12 of the 19. We finally got all 19 to come up, but then they were coming up with a slow blinking mode. That's okay. They could make out the currencies, they could make out the rates, but they were blinking slowly, and that was as of yesterday. Now, the weird thing is that even though that was going on, one of the currencies dropped out. So instead of 19, we're seeing 18 currencies on the screens. Anybody guess which currency was not was no longer on the screen? That’s right - our currency, the US N, The USD had gone away and the USN and replaced it, but the US N was off the screen temporarily. Now, why would that be? Would it be that they're getting ready to introduce the USN, or United States node, or United States new however you want to look at it, then it's referring to the United States Treasury note that is no longer a Federal Reserve note because the Fed is dead and the remnant revenue says absorbed into US Treasury a while back. Same thing's true with the IRS. It was absorbed the rent of it was absorbed into the US Treasury. So what that is saying is that the USN would need to go back up on the screen and would need to have a rate attached to it, and we believe that once that occurs, that's a pretty good indicator that we're about ready to start Now, I think that the USN, if I remember right, is part of NESARA. Okay, let's talk about, I know I'm kinda bouncing around here, but stay with me. What else is part of NESARA? That's right, debt forgiveness. Let's talk about that. It actually started Sunday afternoon, Sunday the 11th of August, okay? And so it started with, you guys haven't heard me say this yet, because I got this between the last call and tonight. It started with, or it is starting with zeroing out of all mortgages - Oh, I'm hearing some amens out there. I'm hearing some hallelujahs, because our mortgages are supposed to be zeroed out over a 10 day process that, if my math is right and you count the days out, the 11th, which is Sunday, should it should be terminated? by around - By around the 20th of this month, We don't know if that means we're going to get our letters by then from our lending institutions, or the letters will follow this 10 day period - that I don't know yet - probably find out after the call, but there's a 10 day period of debt forgiveness when mortgages will be zeroed out. Now, there may be some stipulations to that that might prevent the very newest mortgage, but I don't even know that. I don't even know. Let's just go with mortgages will be zeroed out. That's a big help. Now, what else, as far as debt forgiveness, did I hear somebody say, credit cards? Right, right You are Andrew. That starts around the 21st through the 31st which is the last day of August. That means all credit card debt will be wiped out. That's amazing. And don't everybody go and load up your credit cards right now. Don't even think about it. But that is a real welcome thing. Those two things, that's mortgages and credit cards will be wiped out and zeroed out by the by the end of August, which is August 31 so that's going to be a real bonus for us. That's a huge, huge part of debt forgiveness for NESARA, kicking in and taking effect. Now, we haven't heard of any debt forgiveness coming out yet. We don't have any evidence of it yet - at this time, but stay tuned , maybe I will get some of that. We know Farm claims started being paid out somewhere around the eighth of August, I believe. And we've got, I mentioned on last Thursday’s call , so that we had proof of three farmers that were paid. The first one was 360,000 not 300,000 but 360,000 The second was 410,000 and the third one we heard was 525,000 - and these are farm claims to the farmers, and we understood that the black farmers were paid out first. Okay, so that's what we've heard. And of course, I can't prove that right now, but that's what we've heard happened, which is great news. Now let's go beyond that. I've given you a window. As we come back to the RV, I've given you a window of Wednesday to Wednesday by CW. Now what's interesting about that is we're hearing some things that are putting our day for exchanges to start Monday, the 19th, this coming Monday. Now we've also heard from another call tonight that was with the financial advisors, bankers and so on, that there was a consensus on this call that we would be notified over the weekend and then start exchanges on Monday. So the 19th is Monday. It is halfway between kind of plus or minus between Wednesday and Wednesday, and it's very possible that that's what we end up with. A few other people were saying we should get notified today and start tomorrow. I had that from a source that was speaking to a US Treasury source in Europe, and that's what they said, that we would get notified today and start exchanges tomorrow, but I don't know that we say that that's the case. I don't think that's happening somehow that did not occur. So even my own Intel is slightly conflicted, but the consensus is looking for us getting notified this weekend and then exchanging on Monday. Let’s Hope that is true. Let's hope that is exactly what's happening. And you guys have the the debt forgiveness portion, which is was started Sunday and goes through the end of the month with credit card debts being wiped out. I think those two aspects mortgages, home mortgages and credit card debt is a lot - that is an answer to prayer, and that is wonderful to see that taking place. Now. I think our USN is part of NESARA. I don't know if they'll announce it. I'm being told they won't. Bothers me. I would like to have it announced added asset backed and or gold backed currency, because it is and we're gonna have our US, TN, United States, trade notes and are in the banks. They're in the redemption centers. We're supposed to get some of it - when we go in for our appointments to exchange. So that's been in place for a long time, I'm going to say months, and possibly over a year. Now that money, the new printed currency that we have are holding money that go down our wallets versus is already in place. So that's good. What else is going on? You know, guys, I think that's the majority of it. So let's do this. Think I've loaded you guys up with good intel I think that's all I need to tell you guys tonight. This thing is right here, right there, where we can go anytime, yes, and we'll see if the Wednesday window holds up, or if we get surprised, and maybe it goes soon, but really, Wednesdays as soon as we'll get anything right now. So let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out right now,

MILITIAMAN: IQD Update - Iraq Dinar News - Central Bank - Corruption - Automation - ...


Through “corruption and fraud” operations… the secrets of smuggling dollars and withdrawing them from Dubai via electronic cards

Political expert Rafid Al-Atwani scrutinized, today, Wednesday, August 14, 2024, the banks in Iraq, particularly the confidential ones, because of the signs of debasement and the dollar pirating activities abroad that rotate around them, while he affirmed that the Iraqi banks are “unstable” and exchange dollars and don’t offer types of assistance to the Iraqi resident.

In an interview, Al-Atwani stated that the bank’s general reputation in Iraq is “very bad,” particularly for the private branch, and that it has been accused of corruption. In point of fact, the sanctions imposed on more than fifteen banks are evidence that there is genuine corruption.

He uncovers that the dollar gave by the National Bank of Iraq is heavily influenced by Jordanian and Qatari banks, as confirmed by numerous individuals from the Place of Agents. The proof for this is that when the public authority of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani was shaped, the different sides (the Government and Iraqi National Banks) concurred that the method involved with sending out or buying products (a large portion of which are tax evasion) would be through the Quick stage that all nations work on, which is a strong and sound association that screens the development of the dollar and forestalls illegal tax avoidance that hurts worldwide exchange. Nonetheless, after over a year, obviously these banks don’t follow these methods and purposely launder cash in concurrence with dealers and furthermore pirate the money through the immediate dollar deals window.

He points out that while the Central Bank of Iraq receives ninety percent of the dollar, only thirty percent of it is actually used to process exports. This means that more than sixty percent of the money is smuggled into the country or returned through money laundering.

These markers, as per Al-Atwani, show that the Iraqi banks and the administration of the National Bank are “unstable” and have not helped the Iraqi state. In actuality, we have not controlled the trading of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, taking note of that more than one bank is partnered with political figures or their agents.

According to the political analyst, this scene suggests that Iraqi banks are unsound, trade in dollars, and do not offer services to Iraqi citizens like advances and commercial loans. The Iraqi people, the value of the Iraqi dinar, and Iraq’s external reputation are the most affected by favoritism in loan negotiations and favoritism toward influential political figures. He added that as per an assertion by an individual from the Money Board of trustees, the benefit of Jordanian banks from this debasement during the time spent reusing the dollar is in excess of 1,000,000 bucks each day.

In the meantime, Alsumaria News was informed by an informed source that “one of the banks that is operating and is not punished is withdrawing dollars through electronic energies at the official price in Dubai, and transferring them to Iraq to be sold in the market at the parallel price.”


Political expert Rafid Al-Atwani has raised serious concerns about the state of Iraqi banks, highlighting issues of corruption and dollar smuggling operations

According to Al-Atwani, these banks, particularly private ones, are plagued by instability and corruption, which undermines their credibility and functionality.

In his statements, Al-Atwani criticized the general reputation of Iraqi banks, noting that they have been implicated in numerous scandals involving corruption and dollar manipulation.

 He pointed out that sanctions have been imposed on over fifteen banks, further indicating systemic issues within the sector.

Al-Atwani revealed that the dollar provided by the National Bank of Iraq is heavily influenced by Jordanian and Qatari banks.

This was corroborated by members of the Iraqi Parliament. 

He explained that when the government of Mohammed Shia al-Sudani was established, a consensus was reached to use the Quick system for transactions, which is designed to monitor and prevent money laundering

Despite this agreement, he claims that Iraqi banks have not adhered to these procedures and have engaged in money laundering activities in collusion with traders.

He noted that while the Central Bank of Iraq receives 90% of the dollar supply, only 30% is used for processing exports. 

The remaining 60% is allegedly smuggled into the country or laundered. 

This misuse and mismanagement of funds, according to Al-Atwani, illustrate the instability of the Iraqi banking system and its failure to support the Iraqi economy and its citizens.

Additionally, Al-Atwani mentioned that certain banks, despite being operational and not sanctioned, are involved in withdrawing dollars at official rates in Dubai and selling them in Iraq at a parallel market price. This practice further exacerbates the problems within the Iraqi financial system.

Overall, Al-Atwani's remarks paint a troubling picture of the Iraqi banking sector, highlighting the negative impact on the Iraqi dinar’s value and the broader economic environment.



 What would happen if they did what Turkey did, they shifted their currency, they re-denominated, added value to it and tried to recreate the markets to get more customers and it doesn't work?  There's no place to  go.  It would be too tough.  Then they would really be dependent on the US dollar and then they would have no power over their own  economy.  That's what's at stake for Iraq.  They are in trouble.  They are in deep trouble...


 The key for Iraq - For them not to be dependent on the dollar.  If the economy is 100% energy then they're going to be 100% dependent on the US dollar. 

How do they get their currency outside of that

 They have to open up to doing business in completely different sectors... Then they can attach that part of the economy to the Iraqi dinar.  And they can add value to the dinar as they see fit.   That's always been the underlying goal of what we want Iraq to do...  


 I've gotten the weirdest hate mail with a capital H.  You people need to just suck it up.  I don't care if it's not what you want to hear...I'm just reporting what the policy in Iraq is and whether it's pushing our speculation forward or not.  That's all it is.  Nothing more than that.


   I beg you.  Do not turn this investment into a religion and do not hide from facts...People that do that always have financial problems...You have to watch policy. 


 [Iraq's] policy has changed for the very first time since we've been in this...speculation together.  The policy is going to change on either side of the aisle...Iraq is going to be punished if they keep moving forward here [moving more and more pro-Iranian].  That's not good.  That's not positive for us.  

 The Untied States is trying to influence [Iraq] to do the right thing.  Hopefully they will do it and everything will be hunky-dory.  Well the reality is IMO if the CBI had that influence it would have been done already.  That's the problem.  That's why I'm in the neutral zone.  It sucks because I put my heart and soul into this.  Don't think for a minute I don't feel it because I do...This could mess up the timeline and push it back, maybe even permanently if Iraq can't handle these financial problems.

DINAR REVALUATION: Iraq's Central Bank Takes Bold Step in E-Payment Revolution!



Iraqi Anti-Corruption Committee recovers $764 K in financial misconduct case

Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, the Iraqi Supreme Anti-Corruption Committee announced the recovery of one billion IQD ($764 K)to the state treasury,representing a portion of the total funds involved in a case of misconduct by a department of the Ministry of Trade, which unlawfully opened an account at a private bank.

Under the directives of the Committee's President, who emphasized the need to recover the full amount, one billion dinars were retrieved and deposited into the Ministry of Trade's Export Support Fund. This amount was transferred from the United Investment Bank via a check issued by Al-Rasheed Bank on July 11, 2024. The total recovered in this case amounts to 22 billion IQD ($16,808 M).

The statement further detailed that the Export Support Fund had deposited 69 billion IQD ($52,716 M)in the United Investment Bank in violation of Central Bank regulations. Upon requesting the funds, it was discovered that no money was available as bank officials had invested it. Consequently, the investigation led to the arrest of the former Director General of the Export Support Fund and other suspects.


The Iraqi Supreme Anti-Corruption Committee has successfully recovered $764,000, a portion of a larger sum involved in a financial misconduct case related to the Ministry of Trade. The recovered funds were deposited into the Ministry's Export Support Fund after being transferred from United Investment Bank via a check issued by Al-Rasheed Bank.

This recovery is part of a broader investigation into financial irregularities where the Export Support Fund had deposited 69 billion IQD ($52.7 million) at United Investment Bank in contravention of Central Bank regulations. The funds were found to be invested by bank officials, leading to the arrest of the former Director General of the Export Support Fund and others involved in the case. The total amount recovered so far in this case is 22 billion IQD ($16.8 million)



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

FIREFLY: We have another guy on TV talking about the WTO accession...He is saying the plan for Iraq to release a fully convertible currency is in October of this year.  

FRANK:  The WTO guy needs to shut his mouth...You know very well what Sudani has promised you.  And you know very well it's coming...It's not the WTO's prerogative to tell the world this information.  The WTO is so desperate to get Iraq into the WTO so they can make money off of them...This guy is trying to spill the beans for his advantage.  All I know is that it is happening.


Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

  FIREFLY: [Bank friend] told me don't worry.  This may look like a disaster with the United States Treasury here but it's a good thing...They are here to help us to the next and final phase of the currency reforms.  Once the issues are fixed then we should see what we all have been waiting for.  It's good.  Trust me. 

  FRANK:   When your bank friend tells you to trust him, trust him...IMO he's absolutely 100% correct.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY:Television now showing us articles, they're holding them up saying the HCL has been held up for 19 years as a hostage.  Now it's being presented to the House of Representatives. FRANK:  Your HCL is coming to you don't worry about it...Once you see the HCL you wee the new exchange rate.

 FIREFLY:Alaq has just retired from the CBI as the governor. 

 FRANK: Thank you for your service Alaq. Move over, the US Treasury is here. 

 FIREFLY:  Hours earlier Alaq was on Channel One saying don't believe the rumors and the TV said he was retiring.  Now he does retire.  

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues, 19 SEPT

  Parliamentary Finance Committee's Visit to Erbil: A Focus on Non-Oil Revenues In September 2024, the Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Commi...