Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Al-Sudani directs to disrupt official working hours for next Wednesday, 17 JULY

 Baghdad – Mawazine News

The Prime Minister, Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, directed today, Monday, to disrupt official working hours for next Wednesday.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office said in a statement that the Sudanese “directed the disruption of official working hours on Wednesday, 17/7/2024 in all government ministries and institutions, coinciding with the tenth of Muharram, the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, on the day of Ashura.”

Iraq Finalizes Signing Contracts for Najira International Airport Constr...

Iraq invites private companies to operate Baghdad airport, 17 JULY

BAGHDAD, IRAQ (AFP) – Iraqi authorities called on international private sector companies to bid for the expansion and operation of Baghdad’s international airport after years of neglect in the conflict-scarred country.

In September, the government signed an agreement with the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) to invite private companies to upgrade Iraq’s main airport.

Iraq “is launching a two-stage public tender to select a private partner to rehabilitate, expand, finance, operate, and maintain Baghdad International Airport under a long-term Public-Private Partnership (PPP) contract,” according to the official document calling for bidders and seen by AFP Tuesday.

It is the “first time that the Iraqi government, in cooperation with the IFC, opens its airports to private international investment,” Farhad Alaaldin, the prime minister’s foreign affairs adviser, told AFP.

It is “a step that will elevate the aviation sector to international standards”, he added.

The deadline to submit bids is September 12, and the winner “is expected to modernise and rehabilitate the airport infrastructure, expand passenger and cargo terminal facilities… and operate and maintain the airport in line with international best practise,” the document added.

The IFC, according to the document, “is acting as the lead transaction advisor for this PPP project”.

Alaaldin said the tender process relies “on the IFC to have oversight over the project from its inception and to work on the economic model”.

The IFC’s involvement, it is hoped, will “give more confidence to the world class companies to bid”, Alaaldin said.

“Iraq is open for business and inward investment is on the rise,” he added.

Last month, Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani’s media office said an IFC study showed “a compound annual growth rate of 15.7 percent in air traffic” in recent years, with over 3.4 million passengers arriving in Baghdad in 2023.

It said the IFC proposed building a new terminal to increase airport capacity to up to nine million passengers per year.

Baghdad’s airport has undergone no substantial renovations since it opened in the early 1980s under dictator Saddam Hussein’s rule.

It was closed in the 1990s due to international sanctions, forcing people to travel by land to neighbouring Jordan to catch their flights.

Baghdad airport is quickly overwhelmed when travel peaks, and its three terminals are equipped with only basic amenities.

Troops belonging to an international anti-jihadist coalition are stationed in a part of the airport, and have previously come under fire.

Oil-rich Iraq suffers from deteriorating infrastructure and failing public services as a result of decades of conflict, poor public management and endemic corruption.



[via PDK]  I am...hearing that we are in the window for the release of the budget and it will be in the Gazette soon.  I am blown away from the information out of Iraq...

I am hearing from multiple sources inside Iraq that they are expecting an RI (Re-Instatement) at any moment.  I had been told very specifically that they expect a rate of $3.86.   I am getting this from so many sources now  …all of a sudden…today…that it has become almost overwhelming...I think this is exciting news and am hoping it is accurate...Just buckle up and stay calm.

 I did hear interesting things from a couple banking contacts that things have very much moved over the weekend and that they may be using the Republican convention as a distraction to roll things out.

Iraqi Dinar Set to Skyrocket : Top Officials' Secret Washington Talks Re...

France is ready to contribute to (the path of development), 17 JULY

 France expressed its readiness to contribute to the completion of the “development path” project, while stressing that Iraq can count on its participation in the (Baghdad Summit) conference to be held next November.

In his speech at the celebration of the French National Day held by the embassy, France’s Ambassador Patrick Durrell promised, in his speech at the celebration of the French National Day held by the embassy, “This day is an opportunity to celebrate the depth and present the relations between the two countries, as this relationship is embodied in the strategic partnership signed between French President Emmanuel Macron and Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani. This partnership includes several areas of cooperation to serve common interests and bear the development and prosperity of Iraq, within its framework we continue bilateral cooperation in the field of security and defense; as long as the Iraqi authorities wish to do so.”

He added that “France is working hard with its partners to end the Gaza war and avoid the risks of its expansion, and we know that the stability of Iraq is linked to the stability of the region,” noting that “Iraq is a meeting place for roads and (the development route) represents an ambitious and necessary project, and France is ready to contribute to its achievement.”

Durrell indicated that “Iraq faces common challenges with its neighbors such as water, climate change, protection of biodiversity, vulnerable groups and marshes, which are an Iraqi and global treasure, all of this requires cooperation with neighboring countries and other countries, from which the idea of (Baghdad Summit) emerged, which is a unique regional initiative to support Iraq, and can rely on France’s participation in holding this third edition conference in Baghdad next November after two successful editions in the capital Baghdad in August 2021 and Jordan in December 2022.”

He added that since his arrival, he saw “the unity of Iraq and the vitality of relations between the region and the federal government, and that Iraq can rely on France and its companies along with its Iraqi counterparts to contribute to the diversification of the local economy and the development of services provided to the population thanks to the reform program set by Mr. Al-Sudani, and work hand in hand to highlight the summit of the historical heritage with the resumption of the French archaeological mission, and educational and university cooperation for Iraqi students.”


 Pompey Peter 

 Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq has been in Washington that's well covered in articles...The CBI governor was also in Washington.  We believe there is a possibility that a higher rate was being discussed which could have been the purpose of the "whites of the eyes" meeting while these gentleman were in the United States...Just an opinion that a higher rate may have been involved and that needed not any approval but support and discussion with support.



The contracts are done in the country they're done with.  If contracts are being done with Italy, France, Germany, they're in Euros.  Great Britain, they're in pounds.  U.S. obviously dollars...When the rate changes that's when the Iqd rate to the equivalence of the local currency becomes relevant.  In other words, they're not going to be paid at 1310.

  If for one second the new rate had been shown the Council of Ministers, the parliamentary Finance Committee or the House of Representatives we would have heard them singing and dancing and cheering from Iraq.  We certainly would have seen it from the CBI first. 

 What happened then?

  ...As they've said, the amendments were viewed and passed by the Council of Ministers, the amendments of the 2024 budget were then passed to HOR via the Parliamentary Finance Committee...We definitely know the rate hasn't been exposed.


  Summary US sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks reveal a financial plot involving Iran and the UAE, exploiting banking loopholes to fund terrorism....