Sunday, July 14, 2024

Rafidain: The Digital Transformation Plan Is Proceeding According To The Set Schedule

 Posted On2024-07-12 By Sotaliraq  Rafidain Bank announced the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in the Baladruz branch in Diyala Governorate, stressing that the digital transformation plan is proceeding according to the scheduled timings.

The statement said, “In implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic transactions to provide the best services to citizens, Rafidain Bank announces the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in the Baladruz branch in Diyala.”

The statement added that the Baladruz branch “has thus joined the branches that have activated the comprehensive system in Baghdad and the governorates, in addition to the border crossing branches (Zurbatiyah - Safwan - Arar - Trebil), so that the number of branches that have implemented and completed the system has become 32 branches, in an important step to strengthen the banking system and achieve its requirements and leave paper work and move completely to electronic systems.”

He stressed that “the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the set timetables to include all bank branches in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions.”  LINK



[Response to Guru Walkingstick's post below]  

 If the citizens are asking questions about the monetary reform and they're answering their questions should not the evidence of those answers be given     to them soon, rather quickly?  

 You may think this was a random act [Announcing to the Iraqi citizens, you have a new currency coming.], I think it was clever.


 [Iraqi bank friend Aki update] 

Aki...wanted to report there is a big run on the banks of Iraq right now by the Iraqi citizens.  

They're pouring into the banks.  It's not happening in Aki's bank [Which is in Michigan] it's happening over in Iraq.  

What's going on is it was, last Tuesday, they announced to the Iraqi citizens, you have a new currency coming.  So all of a sudden people started pouring in the following day on Wednesday and Thursday...'We are giving you a new currency,' is what triggered this.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Reached Reinstatement $3.22 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar ...

Foreign Minister From Washington: The US Treasury Evaluated The Efforts Of The Central Bank Positively

  Political     Yesterday, 23:09  Washington – IA  Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein confirmed that the  US Treasury Department evaluated the efforts of the Central Bank positively, while  indicating that a military delegation would visit Washington to hold security discussions.

 Hussein said in a press conference held in the American capital, Washington, attended by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that  “our visit to Washington was to attend the NATO summit at the invitation of the American side, and  on the sidelines of the summit we held extensive meetings with leaders of several countries, and  we held a meeting with the US Treasury Department to discuss issues.” Related to monetary policy and banking signals. 

He added,  "The US Treasury Department positively evaluated the efforts of the Central Bank," noting that  "a military delegation will visit Washington to hold discussions about the security agreement concluded between Iraq and the United States."  He continued: "We discussed in the NATO meetings the future of the international mission, along with cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense."    



 [via PDK]  I absolutely believe they have the rate…I don’t think Iraq is stalling...I think they are waiting for the “go” signal.

The biggest news today came from banking, wealth management, redemption folks. I was told they do have to work this weekend. It’s mandatory that they have to work this weekend...this is unusual. Normally they set them up as a “call in” But no - this weekend they have to work.  I hope it means something lovely.

 I need to be very careful with what I can share. I will say that things are very upbeat... The banking system in Iraq is exceptional now…its better then what it was before the rate was reduced (2003?) They did not have this level of banking security in Iraq- even when the rate was $3+ USD per dinar. This is all over their news.

Iraqi dinar | IMF Confirmed IQD $4.89 | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | di...

An Iraqi military delegation plans to visit Washington soon

 Baghdad – Mawazine News

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Fouad Hussein confirmed that the US Treasury Department has positively evaluated the efforts of the Central Bank, while noting that a military delegation will visit Washington for security talks.

“Our visit to Washington was to attend the NATO summit at the invitation of the American side, and on the sidelines of the summit, we held intensive meetings with the leaders of several countries, and we held a meeting with the US Treasury Department to discuss issues related to monetary policy and banking marks,” Hussein said at a press conference held in Washington, D.C.
He added, “The US Treasury Department positively evaluated the efforts of the Central Bank,” noting that “a military delegation will visit Washington for talks on the security agreement concluded between Iraq and the United States.”
“We discussed in NATO meetings the future of the international mission with cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense,” he continued. 


  Summary US sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks reveal a financial plot involving Iran and the UAE, exploiting banking loopholes to fund terrorism....