Thursday, July 4, 2024



The WTO, you don't have to have value to your currency but it can't have any stains on your currency.  What do you mean by that?  The Iraq dinar had sanctions on it remember - The United Nations Security Council, they put handcuffs on the dinar.  They cannot be used internationally, it was on the OFAX list, you couldn't touch it.  It was Taboo...It cannot have any sanctions...restrictions.  It must be fully capable of moving in the international markets...



 If it [the budget] comes out in the Gazette with the old rate, there's only two budgets left, one with the old rate and one with the new rate but if they come out with the one with the old rate don't worry about it, it'll change very quickly.

 The #1 reason, the only reason why we didn't have a new exchange rate, new lower notes, is because of the terrorism that was coming from Iran...Not anymore...You see more clamping down.  More arrests, more money being returned.

The ATM machines are like piñatas.  They're ready to burst wide open and give everybody their sweet blessings.  No doubt. 

Question "Is it safe to give somebody at the bank your money before it's verified?"  NO! ...Take care of them.  Don't let them out of your sight...If you go to a bank and they say we're going to exchange the currency for you but we're going to have to take this currency and send it to the upper echelon a 180, about face, and run like the Road Runner.  Get away from them as fast as you can.  You never want to give up your dinars to anybody...Simply say, give me the address of that bank and you take them.

Fed To Abandon 2% ‘Fantasy’, Expect 'Dramatic Rotation’ In Markets | Tho...

State of Law renews its demand to withdraw US forces from Iraq

State of Law renews its demand to withdraw US forces from Iraq

The Territory of Regulation Alliance reestablished its interest, on Wednesday, for the withdrawal of alliance powers, drove by the American powers, from Iraq.

“The previous parliament voted to authorize the government to expel foreign forces, led by the American forces, from the country, noting that the political forces reject the presence of any foreign forces that have military bases inside Iraqi territory,” stated Jassim Al-Alawi, an MP for the coalition.

He went on to say, “The American forces’ actions necessitate their expulsion from Iraq.”

The American powers did fear monger activities inside Iraq, addressed by bombarding security powers and the Famous Assembly Powers, as well as killing public figures.”



 There are supposedly movement of Kurdish leaders in Iraq visiting Baghdad and the rumor is the HCL will be nailed down tight…done, done, done…and the announcement could be today.

 Comment:  Let’s hope July 4th is “the Thursday”...   MarkZ:  There are a lot of rumors going around that this is the “go”...We don’t know.  No one knows the timing.



   [via PDK]  I feel that as far as Iraq is concerned it is done and prepared. They are just waiting on the “go” so they can announce and move forward.

On the Treasury side the rumors are dropping left and right.  Everthing from “It’s tomorrow” to “oh no- they delayed it another month” Crazy rumors….same sources are telling different people different things. That tells us its “MISINFORMATION” and it is done on purpose. Stay calm and remember the fundamentals . Iraq is still looking great. They still have the new ATM’s, they still have conversations saying they are going to delete the zeros. And they are still having the conversations about releasing the lower denominations in July…things still look great.


[via PDK]

  there are some things out of Iraq that should make us feel good today...“The President of Iraq approves the 2024 budget schedules” Rashid approves a number of laws including the 2024 budget tables.  My contacts over there are saying they got the budget tables posted in the Gazette…but did not get a new rate. They let us know that they figured the budget of 2024 on an average price of a barrel of oil at $80 USD. This is progress.

 Something fun popped into the news yesterday...both from banks and exchange locations in Iraq. There was a notice that they are expecting distribution of lower denomination bills in July.  

Both of the confirmations I received this morning from contacts on the ground inside of Iraq used the same words that they were told to expect them to distribute/disperse lower denominations in July.  That tells us how stinking close we are...Why would they need theses lower denominations unless the currency is worth more? ...

..I do not believe there is a new rate in the Gazette this morning. I am not expecting one till Wednesday. I have heard that Sudani has signed off on the budget and it is supposed to be headed to the Gazette. There was some hope it would be printed this morning.

Iraqi Dinar💯 it's huge news for dinar revaluation ✅Iraqi dinar revaluati...

Kurdistan Democratic member reveals behind the scenes of Sudanese and Barzani’s meeting

 Wafaa Mohammed Karim, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, revealed today, Wednesday, behind the meeting of Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani and Nekirvan Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region

Karim told {Euphrates News}: “The meeting of Negrivan Barzani and Sudanese discussed a number of important topics, most notably the legislation of the oil and gas law, the solution of the issue of the position of Governor of Kirkuk, security issues and all outstanding files between the region and Baghdad, as well as discussing the issue of resolving the presidency of the parliament,” expecting that “a result has been reached.”

He added, “Barzani will meet today with the state coalition and a large number of parties to discuss political matters.”

Who.. Raghidعضو-في-الديمقراطي-الكردستاني-يكشف-كواليس-اجتماع-السوداني-وبارزاني



💢I want to thank my friend My Salvage as he keeps our family informed of all that's going on in South America. 

Here's the latest 6.29.24 - after Salvage heard the conference call from Brazil leaders: 

💢Mr Salvage: Good morning, Ginger. This is the message that Group #1 from the Pentecostal group from Colombia has finished; and the leader is now stating that Group #2 will start Friday 5th of July. 

💢I want to deeply thank Mr Salvage, whose second language is English and although he's not really comfy with it, he puts himself out there. 💜🙏🏆 

He's wonderful about sending me PMs and when I have a good idea of what he's explaining, I'll clean it up a little bit to try to improve everyone's understanding in English. He's been a great friend and he's very conscientious to even send me copies of the conference calls in Portuguese. Everyone please send some love to our Mr Salvage. 💜

💢Ana, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, fluent in Portuguese and Spanish, has listened to and translated the highlights of the conference call which Mr Salvage shared with the family, which took place in Brazil on 6.24.24.

 I thought it was interesting and that you'd enjoy reading this for connecting data points. 

Please do not, however, consider this triple vetted by Ginger. This should be viewed as a helpful add to the conversation and we're watching, together, how things will play out.

 😁 Thank you Ana & Mr Salvage for your combined efforts to educate the GLL 💜 

💢Ana M: Hi Gin Gin, here's the Summary of the meetings that Mr. Salvage had - and some audios that were broadcast on the morning of June 24th, Monday.

Everything is very advanced, thanks to a lot of work that was done last week, which was huge. Everything is moving very quickly to release the blocks on all procedures for the start of 4B notifications, remembering that American institutions have already made notifications for the first group, which is group 4A and a small group of 4B, not reaching 10%.

Everything is happening at the same time in this giant operation, part of the Operation Storm, we observe that a huge turmoil is already happening on the planet, one of these events and many that we talked about are also yet to happen, which is this big internet blackout.

The Alliance is working very well. The White Hats are in control, the agony of the forces that oppresses the world is being completely revealed, everything is becoming clear. With each passing day more truths are coming to light so you can understand how hard and well they have been working.

The launch of the RV was slowed down due to many hacker attacks, as always, it is a process that requires absurd logistics and this launch of the global currency reset is a military operation, we cannot forget that. It's not simply being called and dealing with paperwork is not that simple, these logistics are military  and that means no one knows what is happening and what will happen because all of this is very secret. Many people are desperate thinking it won't happen but it will, trust the plan, so we have to reassure ourselves. We are observing gigantic chaos but this reset will happen.

The United States is under pressure to deliver the tier 4B launch, according to the information we have and this information is exclusively military.

RV is being negotiated on forex. The release of funds also comes directly from the United States Treasury's Department of Defense Operations.  This means that the funds will go into global operation and this is a huge job.

We have also been told that bondholders will be given access to their funds, as many have already been notified in the United States. Nothing has been released yet but everything is ready. The logistics are military and this has to come from the United States, as they were the precursor of this entire movement for liberation and redemption.

Processes are being strangled in every way, with cyber attacks. We need them to issue these notifications of the second part of levels 4B soon, we are in a chronogram at the moment. The OK for release has already been given on a global scale. It's a very smart plan, it's something that will surprise us.

Wells Fargo and HSBC are leading these operations of all these processes in the world, so there are local institutions in other countries that are already connected and are already ready for global notifications and with access to all Treasury departments in different countries around the world. All these banks have signed confidentiality agreements (NDA) so it is normal for everything to be silent.

This week, we hope to have a lot of news because since last week, work has been very busy with good prospects, so this week we believe that the information will improve even more. Stay strong because we are reaching the finish line. Nesara/ Gesara is taking place in the United States, and it is a very important step for humanity.

 Wells Fargo and HSBC are already financing the first layer that exists between 4 and 4B. 4B is the completion of 4A and 4A is already defined, so notifications from 4B begin an information process for Pay Masters, so level 4B is already receiving account movement. All Zim funds will be placed into QFS accounts. Digital backed gold is also implemented in these systems. 1% of the funds will be released when they start paying.

Let's wait, this week we will certainly have a lot of information about GCRV. One thing is certain, the work has been very hard and we have no doubt about what is happening. There was an interruption at the beginning of the month but the RV movement is progressing substantially and constantly, there is the turmoil of attacks but it is happening, the movements are being authorized with certainty. It needs adjustments related to the communication of systems that have already been made and it is all very intense but it is happening. In the global project, in the notifications, we cannot forget the German titles that are in the queue, followed by the Zim and the English titles.  TR confirmed that they have been notified that they will be paid as soon as possible and this week promises a lot. They started the negotiations with Forex so this week we will have a lot of information for you.

Have a great week.


 WOLVERINE LIVE CHAT 10/01/2024 Not much info coming through. All is quiet – a good sign. I am having this chat to bring you hope about wh...