Tuesday, July 2, 2024



  • Mon. 1 July 2024 Wolverine

  •  “There will be no announcement of the RV. The notifications for Tier4b to exchange will just come out without warning and should come sometime this week

  • I received a call, but can’t say much because everything is confidential. Everyone is under NDAs. Tier4b monies have been positioned. Private contractors are being paid. 

  • Bond Holders are in position. I’ve seen the signed contracts and certified documents for the reset. Hold on. It’s coming.”
  • Sun. 30 June 2024 Wolverine
  •  I have seen a certified announcement of the release of the Global Currency Reset. It has been released. Presently the private contractors are getting paid. This week the Bond Holders will get paid. I’m not sure about the Tier4b Group (Us, the Internet Group).

Sat. 29 June 2024 Wolverine

“The news has been overwhelming coming from so many sources. Some say it’s starting tonight. Some say it’s already started. They’re getting ready in Iraq for the RV tomorrow (Sun. 30 June 2024). …The latest is that you should get ready.

 It’s really coming. The G-20 (an intergovernmental forum comprising 19 sovereign countries) gave the release and emails for the Internet Group will be coming out sometime between Mon. 1 July and Fri. 5 July. 

…Some Bond People have already been paid. They aren’t answering my calls because they are under NDAs. Be responsible with your money. Use it wisely. You will be an NDA and you cannot talk about the RV. If you talk about it you will get your money frozen and you won’t get it. 

I’ll be going silent for about three months. Get ready for tomorrow (Sun. 30 June 2024) for the biggest celebration you have ever had because that’s when the RV is coming out – about mid day in Iraq. This is not a false alert because it is really coming. I can’t wait because all that hate I have been hit by will go away. God Bless you. I love you. Welcome to the new World. Bye Bye.”




Iraq joins the Asian Agreement for Developing Goalkeeper Coaches


The Iraqi Football Association announced on Monday its joining the Asian Football Confederation’s agreement to develop goalkeeper coaches.

“Today, approval was received for Iraq to join in the development of goalkeeper coaches via approval of the program and curriculum of the Iraqi Federation submitted to the Technical and Development Committee of the AFC," said the agent head of the Technical and Development Committee, Wissam Najeeb Saliwa, in a statement - received by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

He added, "Level B has been approved, which is the new name for the certificates of goalkeeper coaches, which were previously under the name L2. It will be evaluated again at the beginning of next August, this year so that Iraq will move to the highest level of certificates, which is Level A for goalkeeper coaches, which was called L3, at the beginning of next year."



💢 Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 has a valuable update regarding Iraq IQD NEWS. 6.28.24

💢 Birdieorbust: What I can say is this: There is a load of pressure on Iraqis to remain quiet on what they are being told and what they are able to do at present. 

They have their rate - and all I can say is it is close to rumors you are hearing (the low ones however not the huge double digit ones) They have been using this rate for some time in contracts (IN country) since the first of the year basically.

Iraq is waiting on the Treasury to give the go sign...and the Gazette issue is also being kept quiet - but remember it is not necessary for it to be published - beforehand, in order for us to know before we go. Is it possible it will be before? Yes but not necessary. That is really all I can say without getting people in trouble and I refuse to do that.

💢 Ginger: All True - trustworthy info. Completely agree.


 Thank you Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥⬇️💥 5.29.24

💢Birdie: Zester, Markz son, explained crypto very well the other day and it really is no different from the QFS...they are both ledgers, so eventually we will all need to learn about crypto because we will be going all digital and ledger based in the future and need to be educated on it...he has a show today at 5 est on youtube called Crazy Cryptonaut.




What I can say is this: There is a load of pressure on Iraqis to remain quiet on what they are being told and what they are able to do at present. 

They have their rate - and all I can say is it is close to rumors you are hearing (the low ones however not the huge double digit ones) They have been using this rate for some time in contracts (IN country) since the first of the year basically.

Iraq is waiting on the Treasury to give the go sign...and the Gazette issue is also being kept quiet - but remember it is not necessary for it to be published - beforehand, in order for us to know before we go.

 Is it possible it will be before? Yes but not necessary. That is really all I can say without getting people in trouble and I refuse to do that.


Quantum live steller wallet 07/01/24

Iraq: Turkish committee will visit Iraq for implementing projects, including irrigation


The Minister of Water Resources, Aoun Dhiab, announced the agreement with the Turkish side for a committee representing it to visit Iraq within ten days to attend some sites and lay the practical foundations for the implementation of several projects in Iraq.

"These projects include irrigation, based on what was agreed upon during the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Baghdad last April while confirming the presence of Ankara’s readiness to implement irrigation, agricultural, and other projects related to dams,said Dhiyab to the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

He added, “ The second meeting of the joint committee between Iraq and Turkey on water, which was held today, is very importantThe Turkish side was chaired by their Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and she preferred to attend the meeting due to its importance. Many points were found within the framework agreement which took place between PM Muhammed S. Al-Sudani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit to Baghdad."

"This visit established the opening of a new relationship with the Turkish side, and gave a clear perspective on the nature of this relationship, as it paved the way for the entry of Turkish companies and the technologies they possess to implement infrastructure, especially irrigation projects, and various other files such as wastewater purification projects and water projects for purposes of drinking, human uses, and some agricultural projects,he included.

Dhiab added, "The committee is composed of several parties from the relevant authorities, in addition to the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Construction and Housing, the Municipality of Baghdad, and the Ministry of Agriculture, and many of the supporting parties as well. Those consuming water were present, and the goal is to initiate new steps in the field of cooperation,indicating, "We presented many points of view and presented the water situation in Iraq, and explained the difficulties facing us during the current summer. They promised  us to study this issue and give it importance, and we raised the issue of projects that could be implemented by the Turkish side, whether irrigation or agricultural projects, as well as dam and water harvesting projects. They, in turn, approved of this approach and expressed their willingness to contribute.”

"I assured them that we want practical steps in the field, not just meetings and encounters. It was agreed that a quick committee would come within a week or ten days to visit some sites and lay the practical foundations for implementation,he added, expressing that "I was optimistic that it will be a successful start in the field of cooperation because we need major work in managing water resources, such as the major work currently being done in the field of addressing traffic congestion."

He highlighted, "We need to address bottlenecks in our water resources, and there is a trend at this level. We hope that in cooperation with our neighbor Turkey, with its capabilities, we can move to this. The important stage referred to by the Prime Minister, which he greatly supports, is for this qualitative shift that must be achieved in the field of water resources management.”


  Militia Man  

 Iraq...hasn't had a real effective exchange rate for over 20 years...Man we're really really close.

The Real Effective Exchange Rate changes the whole dynamics.  They wouldn't have gotten this far in the stage if they were going to go do all the things they're talking about at 1310.  They would have already done it by now...

 They're effectively stating to everybody that they're going international.  They're giving a laundry list of all the things they've done, are doing and in support of where they're headed.


That's what we are waiting for as we speak [seeing what's in the budget].  We haven't seen them expose that rate or that information to us just yet but they're going to.   They don't have much choice because June 12th it [The budget] became law...The court already said... just because they have an appeal doesn't mean they have any weight to them.

 The budget is only at $70 [per barrel], they've been trying to see if they can modify it and kick it up to $80 so they can spend more money...Oil prices are at $80+ and they think it's going to keep moving forward for the next year or year and a half. 

Article quote "...the global energy market sources indicate the current rise in oil prices will continue until the end of the year 2025."

 Everybody should be pumped and ready to go... 

 Article quote:  "Sovereign guarantees to the private sector will contribute to the industrial renaissance" 

 This article right here will blow your socks off...



  EXPLAINING THE RV 💢This is a valuable resource, a history lesson which explains the "RV" (revaluation of currencies globally) a...