Friday, June 21, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 06/20/2024

 Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 06/20/2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Thursday evening to all. 

Member: Good evening, hopefully Mark has something good for us tonight!

Member: Are We “R. V ing “ this weekend Markz ?? 

MZ: There is a lot of crazy anticipation again…..stay calm…but it’s been a weird quiet news day….almost like the whole world is waiting.  
MZ: I am hearing the markets are going to be very interesting the next few days. 

MZ: As far as RV related stuff….this came from more than one direction today. And it was suggested that I be very cautious with details –especially on Historic bonds….and any closes on groups. For safety and security and not to put people on any unnecessary roller coaster. But I am sure the dinar boards will be sharing some of it. 

MZ: I am going to be very judicious with what I share for the next short bit . For individuals security, my security, the processes security….

MZ: If there is something I feel has meaningful impact on us as to what we can expect  ect…or if there is any kind of slow down – I will let you know that. 

MZ: There are a lot of specifics I would love to share with you all so you would have the same warm and fuzzy feeling that I do. 

MZ: If things are good and moving great I am just going to stay upbeat and focused on the fundamentals. That  They are squeezing hard to protect things at this point shows me I need to take things seriously. 

Member: We are cool with your being quiet so as not to delay the RV any more. Thanks Mark and lets go RV!!!

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat   Do they have to RV to make the budget work?  If you take what the prime minister told us about the dropping of the an April 2023 article, we can see that taking the 1320 rate and dropping the 3 zeros makes it $1.32. If we take the 6.5 billions dinars allocated for the new pipeline construction it is actually about $4.9 billion dollars.  If we divide 6.5 / 4.9 we get this a coincidence? Can you see now why I am so excited...WOW! WOW1 WOW! ...Many believe it is not coincidental and so I agree...Do they need the change in rate to build the pipeline? What about the other projects too like the 7 new refineries?  ...if it does they will have to get their act in gear real soon, as they also told us they plan to begin this new pipeline now NOT in 2025.

MZ: That is what MilitiaMan and I were talking about today . …but I still expect higher than $1.32….but I could be wrong. But I think this is the worst case scenario and I think it’s fantastic. And very exciting. 

Member: You can clearly see ethe two sets of books in action in Iraq. 

MZ: EXACTLY….and now they will transition to one set of books. 

Member: The true rate isn’t going to show for the public until after we RV..imo. That’s why there is so many cloaks and daggers. 

Member: Wolverine is very Giddy & emotional with the news he's getting

Member: Iraqi Dinar Set for Potential Surge Amid Bold Economic Reforms and Global Investor Interest!

Member: Everyone stay positive. Thaoughts become things. 

Dr. Scott Young joins the stream tonight. Be sure to listen to the replay for his information and opinions. 



 Question: "What happens now that the auctions are soon to be over?

 What does this mean for the  Dinar holders out there Kap?"  It means monetary policy is changing after 20 years to reflect the economic changes in Iraq. We'll  have to wait and see what happens.    


Floating the currency is the best option but only once they have created a diverse economy that is not dependent solely on oil.

...New currencies coming out in Iraq. Not true, the Iraqi dinar is the currency of Iraq. As far as any new smaller denominations, they will be introduced only as needed if and when the value increases and warrants so. There is no significant RV!


...The dinar to float at well over a dollar. Unlikely, the dinar when it floats will be whatever the current exchange rate is and could rise gradually accordingly.

  Community comment: "Today the cbi says there are no new printing of bills"  

That is correct.  The Central Bank does not randomly print currency unless it's to replace damaged or worn out notes. There is no need for a new currency unless it is warranted.  Moving to digital will eventually reduce physical notes.

 Question: ----"They have a very largebudget ,without an increase in rate how do they meet the projects that is lined up?"

  External expenses are paid in dollars since their primary revenue is dollars. Dinar is used to pay salaries, etc. in country.

 CCommunity Comment: "Hopefully in the next 5 yrs we will see an appreciation of the currency  price, based on the last year of progress."  I agree!  Iraq has an excellent opportunity now to diversify their economy and develop  the banking system.  

 Much of the float articles that we have seen have concerns about speculators that is because they are referencing dealers speculating within the country.   That will not happen.

 All of these changes that they're talking about pertain to monetary policy. They have nothing to do with the exchange rate. Whether or not the exchange rate goes up or not is directly related to the economic success thereafter.

By the end of the year when the Central Bank of Iraq ends the currency auction, only transfers  amongst established Iraqi banks and regional or International banks will occur.  In other words, the float of the dinar and  transfer of funds will be institutional.

 What this means for us is the future of the dinar exchange rate is directly tied to the  capital flowing through the CBI, economic growth, and success of Iraq. As Iraq prospers, so will the dinar!  Though we may not see  the dinar exchange rate improve initially. This is a significant change in monetary policy for the Central Bank of Iraq. Some 20  years in the waiting.  

Iraqi Dinar | Guru Nader From The Middle East Big Prediction Today IQD R...

The Service Effort Team announces the achievement of advanced completion rates in the Diwaniyah areas, 21 JUNE

 The Service Effort Team announces the achievement of advanced completion rates in the Diwaniyah areas

Today, Wednesday, the Help Exertion Group declared accomplishing progressed consummation rates in various regions in Diwaniyah.

“The work of laying waterways and paving the muqarnas in the Al-Amin neighborhood in the governorate is continuing,” the head of the team in the governorate, Mohsen Hamza, stated, noting that “the sewage rehabilitation work in a number of streets in the Al-Amin neighborhood is also continuing.” He went on to say that “the Water Directorate’s work will continue in the Hawalli University area, the Cultural District, Al Hamad Abu Jayesh, and Al Khalifa areas, and good completion rates will also be achieved” and that “Advanced completion rates have been achieved in the neighborhood rehabilitation work.”



 $4.9 billion for a pipeline in the budget...Didn't you say it was 6.5 billion dinars

 'Yeah.'  And you're saying it equals $4.9 billion? 'Yeah.'...

They told the world...6.5 billion IQDs is equivalent to $4.9 billion...6.5 divided by 4.9 it comes out to 1.32 or $0.76...You don't have to think anymore after this...That's billions to billions not trillions to millions.  That's a rate change...You're telling the world this.


[Iraqi bank friend]

 Aki in Dearborn...he's got one [new ATM machine like the ones delivered in Iraq].

They put these ATM machines out in order to put out the lower notes...These ATM machines will teach the citizens about the lower denoms and it will teach the bank employees about this as well too...There's going to be a stampede of people that will be rushing into the Iraqi dinars...These ATM machines are now being impregnated...

When they load or if they have loaded them up [new ATMs], the note count has already been determined.  The note count for each individual machine has already been accounted for...

These machines will be the state of the art...State of the art has nothing to do with a program rate.  If it was they would have had the state-or-the-art with the program rate for the last 20 years...The CBI is desperately trying to put out the least amount of currency at the onset before they release the new exchange rate.  Because once they do this, if needed, they will be able to add to this note count as the value is needed.

These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes.  

But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines

 It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...FOR READ MORE:

Iraqi dinar | CBI Reforms for New Exchange Rates | Iraqi Dinar News Toda...

Baghdad Council demands Sweeg monitoring, continuous commissions even if the card is not used, 21 JUNE

Baghdad Council demands Sweeg monitoring, continuous commissions even if the card is not used

An individual from the Baghdad Common Committee, Ahmed Mohsen, pushed today, Thursday, the requirement for the National Bank to circle back to crafted by the “Drink” organization for electronic installment cards, with expanding protests about the presence of huge commissions deducted by the organization, as well as the distinction in the dollar swapping scale while moving.

Mohsen stated in an interview with Al-Sumaria TV that in addition to the commission rate, which is regarded as extremely high and does not match the service it provides, one of Sweij’s most prominent issues is the subpar service.

They explained that the Central Bank has the legal authority to set the transfer commission rate, which means that there is an assumption of mutual benefit between the company and the agencies responsible for monitoring it, and the common citizen pays for it. As for the difference in dollar exchange and the transfer cost caused by commissions, they explained that this issue is resolved by the Central Bank.

He emphasized that Sweeg Company must be monitored by the Central Bank and that the percentage of transfer operations must be proportional to the amount being transferred because it is impossible to take a commission percentage from citizens at levels comparable to investment companies.

The company-related data revealed baffling figures for the commissions and fees it deducts. For instance, just for filling out a card, the company takes a minimum of 1,500 dinars, or 1.5%, or 15,000 dinars, out of every million. It additionally deducts 1,000 dinars just for inquisitive about the card balance at the ATM. Automatically, in addition to deducting a thousand dinars as a “card management” commission only in the event that the citizen does not use the card for thirty days.

Central Bank: From now on, the dollar is subject to strict supervision, 20 SEPT

  Central Bank: From now on, the dollar is subject to strict supervision The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, announced th...