Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency BY AWAKE IN 3D, 15 JUNE

A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

On June 14, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold.

The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

Also ReadRealizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway to learn about the path for this new gold-based currency to succeed as a powerful alternative the US Dollar and the Global Fiat Currency Debt System.

Understanding the CTCU

The CTCU operates within a decentralized ecosystem facilitated by a blockchain platform. Each authorized node within this ecosystem can issue settlement and payment units denominated in CTCUs. These units serve as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value for cross-border transactions among BRICS nations.

The CTCU is pegged to a basket of assets to ensure stability and trust. Specifically, it is anchored to 1 gram of gold, with the remaining value equally divided between two currencies from BRICS countries.

This hybrid backing provides a robust foundation for the CTCU, mitigating the volatility inflationary devaluation typically associated with fiat currencies.

Example: Brazil’s Economic Transformation with the CTCU

Consider Brazil, a key member of the BRICS Alliance. By adopting the CTCU, Brazil can streamline its international trade processes and stabilize its economy.

Here’s how the CTCU can provide substantial value to Brazil and RV their currency:

1. Enhanced Trade Efficiency:
Brazil imports a significant amount of goods from China. Using the CTCU, Brazilian importers can bypass the complexities and costs associated with currency conversion and fluctuating exchange rates. The CTCU provides a stable and predictable medium of exchange, reducing transaction costs and increasing trade efficiency.

2. Stable Value Retention:
The CTCU’s value, pegged to gold and a basket of BRICS currencies, offers greater stability compared to the Brazilian Real, which can be subject to inflation and economic volatility. Brazilian businesses and individuals can hold CTCUs as a more reliable store of value, protecting their wealth from domestic economic fluctuations.

3. Improved Investment Climate:
The introduction of a CTCU-based bond market can attract foreign investment into Brazil. Investors seeking stable returns can purchase CTCU-denominated bonds, providing Brazil with an influx of capital for infrastructure and development projects. This increased investment can spur economic growth and development.

4. Facilitation of Sanctioned Trade:
In scenarios where Brazilian companies face trade restrictions with certain countries, the CTCU offers a viable alternative. Transactions conducted in CTCUs can circumvent traditional banking systems that are subject to international sanctions, allowing Brazil to maintain vital trade relationships without geopolitical constraints.

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

Operational Mechanism

To utilize the CTCU, Brazilian companies would convert their local currency (Real) into CTCUs through authorized financial institutions. These CTCUs can then be used to conduct trade with other BRICS nations. For example, a Brazilian company importing electronics from China would pay the Chinese exporter in CTCUs. The Chinese exporter can then use the CTCUs to purchase raw materials from South Africa or invest in Russian energy projects, creating a seamless and efficient trade network.

Trust and Transparency

The decentralized nature of the CTCU ecosystem, supported by blockchain technology, ensures transparency and security. Each transaction is recorded on an immutable ledger, providing a clear and auditable trail of all CTCU movements. This transparency builds trust among BRICS nations and global investors, reinforcing the credibility and stability of the CTCU.

The Bottom Line

The CTCU represents a transformative leap towards a more stable and equitable global financial system. By addressing key economic challenges and providing a reliable alternative to fiat currencies, the CTCU can significantly enhance the long-term financial stability of BRICS nations. As Brazil’s example illustrates, the CTCU has the potential to revolutionize trade, investment, and economic growth within the BRICS Alliance, heralding a new era of financial freedom and prosperity.

Contributing article:


© GCR Real-Time News


Economists Call For Enhancing Non-Oil Revenues, 15 JUNE

 Economists Call For Enhancing Non-Oil Revenues

Economical Baghdad: the mainstay of the emirate   Economic affairs specialists called for the necessity of working to enhance non-oil revenues and reduce dependence on oil in a manner consistent with economic reforms.
The specialist in economic affairs, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawi, explained to “Al-Sabah” that
“oil is affected by variables as it is one of the strategic commodities, regardless of supply and demand, and
the factors affecting oil prices can be identified, including political, economic, and factors resulting from conflicts and security disturbances.
Because of its international and strategic importanceoil is considered a  causal commodity.”
For economic activity or even influencing political decisions that may lead to changing the positions of many countries towards rising prices.
Regarding public budgets, Al-Rawi believes that
“it has become necessary to take practical measures regarding reconsidering public budgets away from rentier expectations and raising all forms of unnecessary public expenditures.”
Activating non-oil revenue systems, such as the system of taxes and public fees, and revitalizing economic sectors so that the budget becomes capable of providing job opportunities for the young workforce and diversifying incomes, as well as developing oil production in proportion to spare capacity.
The expert called for achieving stability in the growth of the general budget by adopting a rate that is compatible with the annual growth rate of the gross domestic product and not making the development of the budget linked to oil revenues.
For her part, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Economics at Al-Nahrain University, Dr. Nagham Hussein, explained in a statement to “Al-Sabah” that
“not The stability of oil revenues generates complications in financial policy in the short and long term, and
they are linked to a number of fundamental issues, including the relative importance of the oil sector in the national economy.
Prices fluctuate, so the focus must first be on the long term and attention
to the fair distribution of resources and burdens.”   


 CanyonGirl, [24 069 vistas, 06/14/2024, 10:13:42 p. m.]:

TNT Update 6/14/2024

Opening Monologue:

Tony said that the Banks are ready, and that the 3 letter agencies expect it tonight. Sudani wants it done before the holiday begins in Iraq on Sunday. “Something” is being done electronically, that is of importance internationally, and it needs to be completed first. If it’s done today, it will go tonight, if not, it will go tomorrow. He did not specify exactly “who” is responsible for this, so it remains a mystery, since he didn’t elaborate if it was the US or Iraq. 🤷‍♀️ 

The Dinar rate is over $4.00 now, and they are in the process of changing the rate from $70 to $80 in their budget. 

“Something” was done to the ATM’s in Iraq on Wednesday and today, as he speaks. He said to read between the lines, as news of it is expected to break tomorrow, with the Gazette. 🥳

Tony spoke with his Iraqi contact who said that Sudani is hoping to have this done by tomorrow, and if it’s not, then within the first 5 days of the holiday, which starts on Sunday. 

That’s it for the opening monologue, if there is anything of importance that he drops during the live callers, I’ll do an update. 

Have an amazing day everyone, and let’s pray this in !! 🙏❤️🥳💸

SweetpeaQ17, [06/14/2024, 10:15:13 p. m.]:

For real??? Really real??? 🙏🏼🙏🏼...

The RV is Done: God's Message about Iraqi Dinar Revealed #dinar #iraqidi...



Apparent Timing of the Global Currency Reset:

  • On Sun. 9 June 2024 the White House was lit up in gold. Saudi Arabia dropped the
    USD and ended the Petrodollar. With a Market Crash imminent, it was the Beginning of the End for collapse of the Global Financial System. RV funds for Bond Holders and Tier4b moved into position for payout. 
  • On Wed. 12 June 2024 around 12 Noon EST a Worldwide Economic Collapse continued when Putin withdrew the US Dollar and the Euro from the Russian Stock Market.
  • “It’s official. Brazil has already started. On Wed. 12 June Reno should be releasing the funds, with notifications to set redemption/exchange appointments for Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) to shortly follow.”…Wolverine
  • On Sat. 15 June 2024 any bank not Basel 3 compliant would be closed. The new Iraqi Dinar Rate was to be published in their Gazette. Notification to set appointments for Tier4b and Bond Holders were expected by Sat. 15 June evening.

Global Currency Reset

  • Fri. 14 June 2024 MarkZ: “They are looking at Saturday night 15 June 2024.”
  • Fri. 14 June 2024 Mike Bara: “A certain “Bondholder” has not been paid. He is, however, seeing test deposits made to his account, and fully expects to be paid tomorrow Sat. 15 June 2024. Fingers crossed.”
  • Thurs. 13 June 2024 Bruce: Military Sources say that Notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) and Bond Holders were to come out and the new Iraqi Dinar Rate be published in the Iraqi Gazette by Sat. 15 June 2024.
  • Thurs. 13 June 2024 Texas Snake: “After three days with absolutely nothing, my thoughts are that everyone in high level banking has had to execute an NDA and that we are that close to the announcement.”
  • Thurs. 13 June 2024 Wolverine: “I’ve been told by some very, very high sources to be patient – that this is happening. We just have to wait our turn. It will happen in a matter of days. It has been confirmed that the release of funds for currency swaps and historical asset swaps began after 12:00 a.m. on Tues. 11 June. These released funds will become liquid once the 800 holder numbers and emails are released.
  • Wed. 12 June 2024 TNT Tony: “They want this done by Sat. 15 June 2024. Banks are expecting to work this weekend. Iraq has country wide celebration planned for Sun. 30 June.”



 Article:   "Kuwait connects its “Fiber” network to Iraq"  Quote:  "Iraq will be a major corridor for passing the network, not only in the Gulf.  But for the countries of East Asia, it will be synonymous with the Egyptian corridor...Iraq has become the focus of attention of countries and major international companies due to the incidents that took place in the Red Sea and the fear of the cessation of communications through this corridor."



 Today's Article Quote:   "I do not think there will be an appeal, and even if there is an appeal, the budget will be spent, because it was voted on and its issue was decided legally."  THERE IS NO APPEAL ON THE BUDGET SCHEDULES THAT WERE JUST PASSED BY PARLIAMENT AND IT WAS NOT NECESSARY TO BE SIGNED BY PRES. BECAUSE THE BUDGET WAS ALREADY PASSED...THE MOJ HAS IT NOW AND WILL PUBLISH WHEN READY.


 Question:   "Wonder if the budget made it into the Gazette?"  NO IT WAS NOT IN THE GAZETTE TODAY [Saturday].

 Article: "Rudaw publishes the text of the third strategic plan of the Central Bank of Iraq"  Quote: "Regarding the initiatives that the bank linked to the sub-goals, they include the ability to issue medium or long-term securities, move from the platform to the sending banks in making external transfers, increase gold reserves, offer new issues of high-qualitycurrencyautomate monetary operations, and support financing..."

Article: "Al-Mandalawi after voting on the budget tables: Parliament will follow up on disbursing the specified financial amounts". 

 The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, congratulated the approval of the federal general budget schedules for the current year, stressing that the presidency made great efforts with the Parliamentary Finance Committee to expedite its completion and vote on it during the current legislative term, due to its importance in terms of its direct connection to the lives of citizens and its relevance. The document includes strategic, investment and service projects.”

 Article: "Parliamentary Finance for Nina: We approved the budget schedules as received from the government, except for the governorate allocations."  

Quote:   "The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the schedules of the general budget law will be passed as soon as a quorum is reached in the House of Representatives session scheduled to be held this evening, Monday."
