Monday, May 20, 2024

The impact of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the Iranian currency, 20 MAY

 The impact of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the Iranian currency

The Iranian currency witnessed a major collapse following the killing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian. The currency fell by more than 8 percent as of last night, reflecting the profound impact of political events on the Iranian economy.

On Sunday, as news of the fate of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi spread after his plane crashed in East Azerbaijan Province, the dollar exchange rate witnessed a noticeable increase against the Iranian riyal in the unofficial market. The price of the dollar rose from the level of 57 thousand riyals per dollar to more than 62 thousand riyals in Monday morning trading.

This increase came after the official death of President Ebrahim Raisi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs was officially confirmed on Monday morning, as their helicopter crashed in the East Azerbaijan region, northern Iran. As a result, the Iranian currency exchange rate reached 60.6 thousand tomans against the US dollar, knowing that the Iranian toman is equal to 10 riyals.

The Iranian rial had witnessed a slight recovery against the dollar after a period of increasing tensions with Israel, as the dollar exchange rate reached about 70 thousand riyals per dollar. With the decline in tensions, the dollar exchange rate began to gradually decline, reaching 57 thousand riyals in parallel market trading on Sunday morning.

It is worth noting that the Iranian government has set an official exchange rate for the dollar at 42,000 rials to one dollar since 2018. However, the rial is suffering from great pressure due to high inflation sparked by the ongoing US sanctions. These sanctions, imposed during the administration of former US President Donald Trump, reduced sales of some of Iran's main exports, especially oil and its products.

This incident comes at a time when the Iranian economy is suffering from major challenges, as political fluctuations make it more difficult to predict the future of the currency and stabilize the economy. This rapid decline in the value of the Iranian rial reflects the fragility of the economic situation and the great pressures that the country faces in light of the sanctions and political turmoil.  link



  Article: "Floating the Iraqi dinar.  A solution to fill a 'gap' whose volatile price against the dollar

 If the Iraq dinar floats and for whatever reason a lot of people start investing into the currency and it drives the exchange rate up, if it gets anywhere near $0.25 and higher for me, I'm out of there!  Seriously, I will sell my currency...

The cool thing about this is there's no talk about a redenomination.  So are they actually going to float this currency with the zeros on there and take the risk that sucker is going to jump up really high in the exchange rate?  

 ...Keep an eye on that sucker, watch the exchange rate, if it gets anywhere near where you want to sell it, then jump all over it.  I wouldn't procrastinate or gamble with it.

Iraqi Dinar - Big Massive Update Today May 20Th - Iraqi Dinar News Today...

Coffee with MarkZ. 05/20/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Well another day!! Good morning everyone!!!

Member: Sure am tired of this “movie

Member: it's not a movie, at this point it's a sitcom

Member: Some have called for RV this week.

Member: What’s the good news today Mark?

Member: big things are expected on Memorial day weekend with 3 day banking holiday.

MZ: Many banking sources  are expecting big things this week. Some expect things as early as today. .Many bankers are upbeat about today and this up coming Memorial day weekend. …. But, There is a lot of smoke out there. 

MZ: “Zimbabwe receives invitation to China’s premier global gold showcase” They are one of the only 20 countries that were invited. This shows Zimbabwe’s rise to prominence in the BRICS world and commodities world. . 

MZ: New Bank Story: “ From a small town outside a large one- A banker had been doing research for a customer after hearing about it. While doing research he found out about the validity of the currencies and determined his banks was involved in the RV” 

​​Member: Im new- what does RV stand for?

MZ: Re-Valuation 

Member: CMKX news?

MZ: No new CMKX news. They are ready and waiting.

Member: Bond news Mark? I’m hearing it’s good and moving forward fast..

Member: Mark, a bond guy said that they are anticipating all historic bonds to be paid out by end of May or first week of June

Member: How can Iraq pass their budget without a new rate?

MZ: Remember when they designed their budget –they added a clause in there for a value change…for the budget to adjust for a value change. We are hearing they passed a budget but we are waiting for a few details that are missing. Things that are not released yet. This may be an interesting day on that front. 

Member: Was that Sudanis big announcement yesterday. 

MZ: I believe that was Sudanis big announcement that they passed the budget.  They have made a lot of agreements…a lot of movement toward Erbil and the HCL. 

Member: MM put out and article this morning that the COM (Council of ministers) is sending the schedules to the HOR (House of Representatives) tomorrow

Member: Frank26 has a good overview of yesterday’s events. Go give him a listen.

Member: So is the death of Iraian president yet another excuse for delaying the RV? This rollercoaster is exhausting & disheartening

Member: Sure looks suspicious to me …reminds of of when Khadafi in Libya was killed. 

MZ: It could just be an maintenance issue…..But you have to wonder when something like this happens to someone in a that position . Prayers for a smooth transition for the Iranian people. He was a very controversial figure.  

Member: Think about this.... Sometimes people have to be moved out of the way for good things to happen. Iran?

Member: The 1st VP of Iran will be the New President of Iran!! He is a Conservative, so we could see a different Iran!!

Member: My friend in Iran said he did not think there was any foul play, but that he was not a good guy

Member: Maybe white hats are finally doing some clean up?

Member: There are rumors of the federal reserve going away. 

MZ: “GOP Lawmaker introduces a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve” This is a oldie but a goldie. . Rep Thomas Massey a republican out of Kentucky intruded this. Many have jumped in to support the bill.  This was first introduced in 1999 by Ron Paul . This to me is great news that it is gaining momentum .

Member: Saw this about an hour ago: Wyoming Strikes Gold: 2.34 Billion Tons Unearthed, Rattles China

Member: I went to a coin show Saturday and met a woman who wanted to buy silver but wasn't sure what to buy. My hubby and I helped her. Found out she knows about the RV, owns several currencies & agrachecks

Member: This roller coaster sucks

Member: Nothing, nothing, nothing, then suddenly something.

Member: Hearing energy has shifted ….this is huge get excited's switched …3d reality will show face soon ….abundance on ur lives is imminent




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

"Geopolitical Tensions Continue to Shape Global Trade" BY GOLDILOCKS, 20 MAY

 "Geopolitical Tensions Continue to Shape Global Trade"

The BRICS Nations is and will continue to grow. The next economy will be determined by the price of gold, and not, the dollar. Many countries are leaving the dollar and trading in their own local currencies. To join the BRICS Nations, you have to own gold to support your country's currency. And then, you can be trading partners inside the BRICS Nations. 

Saudi Arabia is expected to join this time around. They are expected to join in August of 2024. This shift from the Petro dollar to a Petro Yuan is expected to be a significant shift in monetary flow. It will create a more balanced set of demands on local currencies in a way we have not seen in a long time.

These new demands are forming because of geopolitical tensions, but we would have eventually had to move this direction anyway. A Fiat monetary system just simply is not meant to last forever. We have been in a transitional economy since we moved off of the gold standard in 1973 under President Richard Nixon.

For the last 4 years, new alliances have been formed on the sea and on the land that will determine new trading routes and trading partners. These new bilateral agreements between countries will form new trading relationships and new demands on our local currencies.

This will shift our economies forming new business models that will determine prices on goods and services through supply and demand. Each country will be backed by gold and other commodities to level the playing field and opportunities going forward. 

This is never been a push of the button reset moment. Rather, it has been a gradual evolution into a new way of life determined by an inner desire by each country to experience a level of freedom through conscious choices that bring forth what is best in all of us.

It is a movement of the body, mind, and soul to restore a separation that was never meant to occur. As we return to our natural habitat, our lives will be forever changed by an event that calls on what is highest in us to live in the world as it is. 

The G20 will meet late this year to discuss and work on countries that still need attention in the Global South. The focus of this meeting is to level the playing field in the Emerging Markets. No one is left behind on this global transition. Every effort is being made to include every country in the world on this new digital asset based trading system.


© Goldilocks

IRAQ'S JOIN WTO TO DISCUSS ABOUT THE U.S | iqd | iraqi dinar news today ...

Plasschaert in her recent briefing: Iraq 2024 is developing rapidly, 20 MAY

Plasschaert in her recent briefing: Iraq 2024 is developing rapidly

The head of the United Nations mission in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert, gave her final briefing at the UN Security Council meeting, today, Thursday, via television, before her final departure from Iraq, thus concluding her missions that began in January 2018.

Plasschaert said: “We are witnessing a rising Iraq in the areas of service provision and reconstruction,” adding that “Iraq 2024 is developing rapidly and we hope that more progress will be achieved in the future for all Iraqis.”She touched on the issue of electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives and said, “I can only emphasize, for multiple reasons, the importance of choosing a Speaker of the House of Representatives, and with the upcoming vote of Parliament, which is now expected to take place next Saturday, there is hope that the new Speaker of the House of Representatives will be named soon.” .And about the regional parliament elections

KurdistanShe noted, “There is an urgent need for elections in a region KurdistanIt will be inclusive of all, and it is hoped (or better: expected) that voting will take place with the least possible delay, and in all cases no later than four months from now, and with the quota for minority representation.”It is also decided that the mission “ It will be closed at the request of an Iraqi, with the resident coordinator remaining to work

United nationsThe closure will include the elections, political affairs and human rights departments, although

Jeanine PlasschaertYou will leave


PM invites Indian companies to invest in Iraq, 20 SEPT

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani called on Indian companies to invest in Iraq today, Thursday. The Prime Minister's Media Office s...