Saturday, May 4, 2024



 “I just received great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. Get ready. A lot of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs.  

My sources, which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. I have absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go. Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week.”

Thurs. 2 May Wolverine

  “I just received great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. 

Get ready. A lot of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs. My sources, which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. 

I have absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go. Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week.”


Mon. 29 April Wolverine: Beginning April 30, 2024

 there will be a Market Reset in all Market sectors, including Forex. Everyone is ready. The Depository Trust Company has sent notice that Corporate notes or bonds, Crypto currencies, Bitcoin, or any asset in the future that is not backed by a commodity has a risk of decline in value (based on real-world assets) when the market resets to a new set of values that begins on Tues. 30 April.

 (The Depository Trust Company, founded in 1973, is a New York corporation that performs the functions of a central securities depository as part of the US National Market System).

Iraqi Dinar | Revaluation News Last 24 Hours | Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchag...

Parliamentary Oil: Political consensus is absent from the Oil and Gas Law, 4 MAY

Parliamentary Oil: Political consensus is absent from the Oil and Gas Law

MP Kazem Al-Touki, who is a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Natural Resources Committee, confirmed that there is no political agreement on the oil and gas law.

“The obstacles that hinder the passage of the law are political and not technical,” Al-Touki stated, “calling for their resolution through Baghdad, Erbil, and the oil-producing governorates to ensure the passage of the law.”

“The law will not see the light of day due to political differences and obstacles that prevent it from being finalized and handed over to the House of Representatives for reading and passing,” he continued.

That’s what he expressed “the remarkable oil issues among Baghdad and Erbil and the requests of the oil-creating governorates are factors that kept the public authority from finishing the draft regulation.”

He emphasized that “political consensus to resolve the law” is required.



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY:  Saleh is on the television right now...saying that the parallel market is almost at the official exchange rate and that is the rate they're seeking.  He calls on a floatation of the dinar saying to us this will get the rate where it needs to be. 

 FRANK:  Oh my goodness it doesn't get any better than that...This is a deeper explanation to you Iraqi citizens on the next steps of the monetary reform the CBI is accomplishing with you.   All of this was the result of the agreement from the CBI meeting at the US Treasury...

FIREFLY: Some guy on television talking about advantages that we as Iraqi citizens are going to have with a fixed exchange rate pegged to a stronger currency.  He says Iraq now has a soft peg and...the float is not necessarily as a fixed rate... 

FRANK:  The monetary reform education is explaining the reason why you don't need a basket...They are also expressing you don't need a float.  That's because your reserves are so powerful...But IMO the float will occur because it needs to reach the real effective exchange rate of your currency on an International level.  

They are also trying to explain to you you do not need to be pegged to any currency, not even the dollar.

 FIREFLYSaleh is saying the start of implementation of the government and banking reforms has started. 

 FRANK: Woohoo! ...The new exchange rate is the pivotal role they are about to give them... 

Iraqi Dinar | Ready For Big Announcement Bigger Announcement Tonight | D...



Fri. 3 May 2024 Wolverine

  • “The RV actually started around the first of May (that is when the Green Light was given) even though you guys do not hear or see anything. It is a slow process.
  • “We should get notifications for Tier4B anytime now for you, the Internet group, so you can go to the Redemption Centers. That will be any day now.
  • For the bondholders, things are rolling, and I am hoping that actually I will be getting good news as well, for I also have bonds.
  • I spoke to the director of Mauricio’s Foundation and she is very happy. They have given her certain hours actually for her to receive the funds to come through.
  • A huge Whale I know, someone I have a relationship with, says they are expecting to be paid.
  • I received from Asia that we were given a deadline – it will start tonight Fri. 3 May into tomorrow afternoon Sat. 4 May. It will appear in all members’ accounts.
  • I have also received information from other countries that they received the same news. It means they follow Reno time zone. It looks like this is definitely going to happen.
  • Other developments: banking accounts have been opened for sellers and loaded with locked funds.
  • They are testing QFS functionality today and tomorrow Fri. 3 May into Sat. 4 May, and delivering the release by computer, also, assuming there are no problems with the tests.
  • They will send formal emails to specific sellers during this week inviting them to a TTM next week at certain locations. TTMs will be held throughout the next week. Payments will begin once TTM is completed within five banking days.
  • They will all fall together in the pattern of Dominos. They will now receive the emails – I ask you guys to wait – The Sovereign committee team is working sincerely without stopping.  We have had no rest at all. If the QFS works perfectly, the banks will test their adaptation. Everything is underway, prepare for  payment next week.
  • Bob Dunn (I do not know if you know him,) he is very highly respected. He says, “The Green Light has been given, and the funds will be dispersed today or tomorrow Fri. 3 May or Sat. 4 May. 
  • Truth in Transaction in the USA will be settled on Monday 6 May and overseas on Tuesday 7 May.  
  • All platforms started on May 1st. It is slower than anticipated, however, there appears to be a plan.
  • Private banker – 10:30  a.m. only one close contract  – Contracts of 1% to be released tomorrow Sat. 4 May with full liquidity.
  • Someone arrived in Brazil with 50 arrest warrants.
  • We have been told that Brazil has started, from quite a few sources, obviously everything is behind the scenes right now but I am hoping and praying to get 100% confirmation.  
  • I want you to have faith. This has started. This will end up going our way and hopefully we will be free to help humanity. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will have something special for you.  Love you guys, Wolverine


Thurs. 2 May Wolverine

 “I just received great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. 

Get ready. A lot of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs. My sources, which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. 

I have absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go. Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week.”


Mon. 29 April Wolverine: Beginning April 30, 2024

 there will be a Market Reset in all Market sectors, including Forex. Everyone is ready. The Depository Trust Company has sent notice that Corporate notes or bonds, Crypto currencies, Bitcoin, or any asset in the future that is not backed by a commodity has a risk of decline in value (based on real-world assets) when the market resets to a new set of values that begins on Tues. 30 April.

 (The Depository Trust Company, founded in 1973, is a New York corporation that performs the functions of a central securities depository as part of the US National Market System).

Iraqi, US firms sign agreements to develop Bin Omar gas field, 4 MAY

 Iraqi, US firms sign agreements to develop Bin Omar gas field, 4 MAY

Nine agreements were signed by Raban Al-Safina Group of Companies and seven US businesses to develop the Bin Omar gas field in the Basra governorate in the south of Iraq.

According to Asharq Business News, Ahmed Al-Mohsen, Raban Al-Safina’s Business Development Manager for Oil and Energy Projects, said that agreements were signed with KBR, Honeywell, Baker Hughes, Emerson, and General Electric (GE).

The arrangements incorporate high-proficiency energy creation arrangements as well as designing plan, essential hardware readiness, and innovation arrangement for gaseous petrol handling.

In November of last year, the Iraqi cabinet approved a plan to develop the Nahr Bin Omar.

As the Iraqi government is effectively trying to draw in speculations to foster the flammable gas area in the country, it puts petroleum gas among the main concerns of the public authority plan.

One of the strategically important fields in southern Iraq is the Nahr Bin Omar oil and gas field. The venture will deal with in excess of 300 million standard cubic feet of gas every day, assisting with satisfying energy requests and advance natural supportability.

The undertaking will likewise add to diminishing fossil fuel byproducts by in excess of 8 million tons yearly.

The task incorporates the development of working offices to gather and pack the related gas delivered in the Nahr Canister Omar field, focal gas handling offices, associating pipelines, and marine commodity offices to send out oil items to worldwide business sectors.

Iraq Prepares for Possible Israeli Strikes Amid Regional Tensions, 6 OCT

  ERBIL   — The Iraqi federal government has announced new security and military measures in response to the potential threat of Israeli str...