Saturday, October 12, 2024



The difference between Kuwait and Iraq is...Saddam Hussein printed so much money that their dollars were super inflated.  They had to add zeros to their currency...Kuwait didn't add any zeros...

If [Iraq is] going to go to that exchange rate of $3.28 they're not going to do it with these inflated dollars. 

 They're first going to delete the zeros, then they'll change the exchange rate. 

 That means your 25,000 dinar is only going to be 25 dinar...

For us Americans when we go to make our exchange we now have a 25 note...times $3.28...Your 25 note is now worth $82...

Is there a possibility they keep the zeros on there Yeah, there's a possibility.  Anything is possible...But...the odds are they're going to remove the zeros.

 The Kuwaiti dinar has always been the same denominations.  Nothing has changed.  When Iraq invaded had  After Iraq was chased out...Kuwait just redenominated their currency.  

They changed the way the bank notes looked is all they changed...They didn't have to change the nominal value of the dollars....

There never was a need to delete the zeros.  Their currency was not inflated like Iraq's was...There was no inflated dollars, there wasn't a revalue, there was just a reinstatement.  

They just had new looking bank notes.  That was it.  When Iraq invaded Kuwait...[Iraq's] currency were lower denominations and their rate was $3.22..

Dinar Revaluation : HIGHLIGHTS AND EXCERPTS OF TNT Conference

European Parliament, Amnesty urge Iraq to reject amendments to Personal Status Law, 12 OCT

 The European Parliament and Acquittal Worldwide approached the Iraqi Parliament to totally and promptly reject proposed changes to the Individual Status Regulation.

European Parliament Legislators in Europe issued a formal statement warning of the potential repercussions of the most recent proposal, which they claim breaches Iraq’s international obligations regarding fundamental women’s rights.

The members praised Iraqi women, including female parliamentarians, NGOs, activists, and members of civil society for speaking out against the proposal and fighting to keep one of the most progressive laws in the region.

They mentioned that women and children who are victims of domestic violence in Iraq are not currently covered by the penal code. If approved, the Personal Status Law would be implemented “more radically” as a result of the proposed amendments.

In accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the European Parliament urged Iraq to implement a national plan to end child marriage, criminalize marital rape, combat domestic violence, and enhance the rights of women and girls in a resolution that was approved on Thursday.

The European Parliament also asked the EU delegation in Iraq to “condition development grants on judicial training related to sexual violence and the establishment of shelters for women” and asked EU member states to support women’s and children’s rights advocates more.

Amnesty International Amnesty International has urged Iraqi lawmakers to reject proposed amendments to the Personal Status Law, citing the organization’s warning that the proposed changes would significantly undermine women’s and girls’ rights by enforcing discrimination and lowering the legal marriage age. The Iraqi parliament is about to vote on these amendments.

“These amendments would abolish the current legal marriage age of 18 for both girls and boys, paving the way for child marriages,” stated Razaw Salihy, an Iraq researcher for Amnesty International. Additionally, they deprive girls and women of inheritance and divorce protections.

Amnesty International also objected to the emphasis placed on these amendments, stating that “urgent legal reforms are needed to protect women and girls in Iraq,” particularly in the areas of domestic violence and so-called “honour” killings. The current Penal Code does not make marital rape a crime, but it does allow “honour” as a reason to kill women and girls and allows husbands to use corporal punishment.

Amnesty International also emphasized that these amendments violate international agreements that Iraq has ratified, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Salihy emphasized that Iraqi institutions are legally and morally obligated to protect women’s and girls’ dignity and safety.

Background: On August 4, 2024, the bill was read aloud for the first time. In 2014 and 2017, similar amendments were proposed, but both failed due to widespread public opposition. Iraq’s parliament attempted a second reading of the draft bill on September 3, 2024, but an opposition boycott campaign successfully broke the quorum.

Women MPs and other opponents expressed concerns that neither a revised draft nor any of their recommendations had been incorporated into the second reading on September 16 despite these efforts. The Iraqi Federal Supreme Court decided on September 17 that the amendments were compatible with Iraq’s constitution.



  Sometime in the 90s China decided they were going to raise the value of their currency by just a little bit.  

The speculation ran wild so the government of China decided to put out a full page ad in their newspaper that made it very clear, no our government is not in the process of adding value to our currency...

3 Days later the Chinese yuan went up in value by a little small increment. 

 Whoa. Why would you deny it?


Spanish Engineering Firm may implement Basra-Shalamcheh Rail, 12 OCT

 The minutes of the technical committee of the Iraqi Railways Company, which was entrusted with negotiating with the Spanish firm Imathia for the building of the Basra-Shalamcheh railway line, have been authorized by the Iraqi Cabinet.

The Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement that “the contract will be finalized, considering the Legal Department’s remarks, and the negotiation period was extended by 60 days.”

Last December, Prime Minister al-Sudani met with a group of Spanish companies, including Consultrans, a part of Imathia located in Madrid that specializes in “engineering, architectural, strategic consultancy and information and technology projects for the transport sector.”



 [via PDK] 

 “Iraq is the third largest Arab Nation with gold holdings”  Iraq’s possession of gold has reached 152 tons. 

 Let’s think about the values of other currencies in the region…like Jordan and Kuwait…Iraq is trouncing most of them in resources, physical gold etc… 

Iraq is making their case to support their higher value. And Iraq is diversifying with non oil revenues to support their currency. 

This is for safety and stability. 

 Dr. Shabibi always said that if Iraq was safe and stable...he would give them a more valuable dinar...

Iraq is one of the most safe and stable countries in the region and they are working hard at it. 

PM Barzani discusses developments in Iraq, the Middle East with US delegation, 12 OCT

  Shafaq News/ On Friday, Masrour Barzani, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, met with a US delegation led by Congressman Seth Moul...